
外交译闻 | 华春莹说的“落得满地玻璃心”,如何翻译好?

译·世界 2021-03-17


Via 外交部网站

Q: On October 17, David Stilwell, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, said in his speech at the Wilson Center that China and the US are in a strategic competition, that the US must change the way it deals with China, and that ideologies do not matter that much now. He also wantonly criticized China's social system. I wonder if you have any comment?


A: I noted the relevant reports. Mr. Stilwell's speech exposed the serious ideological prejudice of some people in the US against China as well as their deep-seated mindset of hegemony and double standards.


In his speech he wantonly criticized China's social system, embittered by our country's pursuit of national rejuvenation. In fact, the Chinese people have the best say in whether our system is good or not. Our practice in the past years has spoken volume. 


We just celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. The international community all spoke highly of the tremendous progress China made in the past seven decades and its important contributions to world peace and development. Altogether  leaders of 178 countries and heads of 36 international and regional organizations sent congratulations through various means. 


History and practice have shown that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a right path consistent with China's national conditions and needs and is hence endorsed and supported by the Chinese people.


Polls by multiple foreign institutions show that China enjoys the highest domestic support rate regarding its social system and development path among all the countries surveyed. 


Since it is a right and successful path, why should we change course? Since it enjoys the people's support, why should we give it up?


Via 外交部网站

China and the US differ from each other in history, culture, social system, development path and national conditions. Neither side could change the other. The US idea of transforming others according to its own wish is wrong, and it will never work. China will not be manipulated. We will steadfastly follow the path and direction we have chosen. 


It is never China's intention to change the US. Likewise, the US should not dream of changing China. It should learn to respect the legitimate right to development of China and other countries with an inclusive and equal attitude


If a country is always fantasizing about altering others, its hopes will surely end up being smashed glasses. Only by learning peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation can all share a galaxy of brilliant stars.


Via 外交部网站

There has indeed been competition and disagreement between China and the US. However, I'd like to stress that we must not let our mind be controlled by prejudice and apprehension, or let our relationship be defined by conflict and confrontation. What we need is to have those differences properly handled through equal-footed consultation, and keep working to expand common ground while setting aside differences. 


We hope the US will discard the obsolete Cold-War mentality, return to reason, view and handle relations with China correctly and work to consolidate rather than undermine mutual trust and cooperation.


来源:外交部网站,转自Global Times公众号



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