
外交译闻 | 华春莹说的“从不穷兵黩武,从不唯我独尊”,你会翻译吗?

译·世界 2021-03-17


Via 外交部发言人办公室

Q: There are reports that US Secretary of State Pompeo said at the Heritage Foundation Annual President's Club Meeting on October 22 that "China is a strategic competitor at best that uses coercion and corruption as its tools of statecraft". Would you like to respond to that?


A: In inter-person relations, habitual liars who badmouth others are often despised and shunned as unworthy companions. But in international relations, when facing malicious slandering, we must clarify facts and state our position.


First, as a responsible major country, China stands upright with honor. We never strong-arm others, never seek supremacy, never withdraw from commitments, never bully others, and never complain. The word "coercion" has nothing to do with China. Rather, it is such a fitting description of the US that it needs no modesty on this point.


Via 外交部网站

Second, in recent years, the CPC has enacted strict Party discipline and achieved positive results through deepened anti-corruption drive. It has not only been endorsed by the Chinese people, but also gained the respect and acclaim from the international community.


In contrast, according to reports by European and US media such as NBC and the Guardian, the US public generally believes there is a great deal of "money for votes" in US elections. Congress seats fall prey to enterprises, rich people and special interest groups. The average cost for winning a Senate seat, based on the reports, stands at 19.4 million USD while that for a House seat is about 1.5 million USD. For us in China, that is utterly beyond imagination.


Via 外交部网站

A lie, even if repeated a thousand times, will not become the truth. The US should focus on self-improvement to address its domestic problems instead of shifting the blame onto others. Attempting to frame others with empty rhetoric will only undercut one's own credibility and end up being a laughing stock.


来源:外交部网站,转自Global Times




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