

365天陪你学 英语口语 2024-05-18







Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》


Mom has a hat. Kayla has a hat, too.

Mom has a jacket. Kayla has a jacket, too.

Mom has pants. Kayla has pants, too.

Mom has big boots. Kayla has little boots.

Mom has a dog. Kayla has a dog, too.

Mom has a big hose. Kayla has a little hose.

Mom has a truck. Kayla has a truck, too.

Mom looks like Kayla. Kayla looks like Mom!


Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》

Rabbit was quick.
“You cannot get me!”“你们追不上我!”
Rabbit was on the run.兔子跑了起来。
Hang on!“等一等!"
"I can get you, rabbit.""我能追上你,兔子。”

Rabbit shot off.
“You cannot get me!”“你追不上我!”
Rabbit ran and ran.兔子跑啊跑。
“You cannot get me!”“你追不上我!”
“Yes, I can.”“我能追上你!”
Rabbit had a nap.
Rabbit got up.
“You caanot get me!”“你追不上我!”

Rabbit was in a rush.

I did not get you!“我没有追上你!”


Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在咆哮》

Dinosaur roar, dinosaur squeak,恐龙嗷呜吼,恐龙吱吱叫,
dinosaur fierce, dinosaur meek,恐龙凶巴巴,恐龙软绵绵,
dinosaur fast, dinosaur slow,恐龙跑快快,恐龙慢吞吞,
dinosaur above, and dinosaur below,恐龙上面走,恐龙底下趴,
Dinosaur weak, dinosaur strong,恐龙柔弱弱,恐龙壮实实,
dinosaur short, or very very long.恐龙短短的,恐龙很长很长。
Dinosaur fat, dinosaur tiny,恐龙胖乎乎,恐龙瘦干干,
dinosaur clean, and dinosaur slimy,恐龙干净净,恐龙脏兮兮,
Dinosaur sweet, dinosaur grumpy,恐龙笑眯眯,恐龙气呼呼,
dinosaur spiky, and dinosaur lumpy.恐龙角尖尖,恐龙溜溜圆。
All sorts of dinosaurs eating up their lunch,恐龙千万样,恐龙一起吃午餐,
gobble,gobble,nibble, nibble, munch, munch,scrunch大口吞,小口啃,细细嚼,咔嚓咬


The Crow And The Jug《乌鸦喝水》

A crow, wandering the trees, came upon a big old jug.
She peeped inside and saw there was some water in it, but try as she might she could not get her head down into the jug far enough to reach the water.她看到瓶子里面有水,但是不论她怎么努力将头努力伸到瓶子里面,她还是够不到瓶底的水。
As the crow knew very well that water is scarce, she could not just give up on it, and she hit on a clever plan.她知道这瓶中的水来之不易,不能就这么放弃,所以她想出了一个聪明的解决方法。
Using her beak, she started picking up pebbles from the ground all around and dropping them into the jug.她用她的喙叼起小石子,然后把小石子一粒一粒的放进瓶子里。Each pebble that dropped into the jug made the water rise just a tiny bit, and bye-and-bye, the level rose high enough for her to quench her thirst.每一粒小石子落到瓶底,瓶中的水就会往上升一些,最终乌鸦喝到了瓶子里的水。


Give Thanks For Each Day 《感谢每一天》

Give Thanks For Each Day感谢每一天Give thanks for each day.Give thanks for each night.For colorful flowers, for stars shining bright.感谢每一天。感谢每一个夜晚。感谢鲜艳的花儿,感谢闪闪发光的星星。Give thanks for new crayons.Red, green and blue.感谢彩色蜡笔。
Give thanks for the moments when wishes come true.感谢那些梦想成真的时刻。Give thanks for the train that chungs down the track.感谢沿着轨道前行的火车。
Give thanks for the comfort when mommy comes back.感谢妈妈回来时带来的温暖。Give thanks for a puzzle, a favorite bear.感谢最爱的小熊玩具。
The thrill when you're lifted,Way up in the air.当你被举高时,在空中兴奋极了。A hug! A parade!A bath!A new toy!一个拥抱!一次游乐!一次洗澡!一个新玩具!The things in our world that fills us with joy!我们的世界充满了欢乐!
Give thanks for a walk by a lake in the park.感谢在湖边公园的每次散步。Give thanks for the light in our home after dark.感谢在天黑后家里亮起的灯。
Give thanks for the snowflake that fall from above.感谢从天上落下来的雪花。For duck in a row.Give thanks for great stories which help you to grow.感谢水中排成一排的小鸭子。感谢那些帮助你成长的好故事。Give thanks for the ocean.Give thanks for the sand. 感谢大海,感谢沙子。
The sweet, simple pleasure when we're holding hands.当我们牵手时,感谢那些甜蜜,简单又快乐的时刻。Give thanks for each night. Give thanks for each day.感谢每个夜晚,感谢每一天。


The Doorbell Rang《门铃响了》

The Doorbell Rang门铃响了

"I've made some cookies for tea," said Ma.妈妈说:“我做了一些饼干当茶点”。"Good,"said Victoria and Sam."We're starving."“太好了,”Victoria和Sam说:“我们要饿死了。”"Share them between yourselves," said Ma.“你们两个要分享哟!”"I made plenty."“我做了好多”。

"That's six each," said Sam and Victoria.“每人六块”,Sam和Victoria说。"They look as good as Grandma's," said Victoria.“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”Victoria说。"They smell as good as Grandma's,"said Sam.“它们闻起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”,Sam说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

It was Tom and Hannah from next door.是隔壁的Tom和Hannah。"Come in,"said Ma.“请进,”妈妈说。"You can share the cookies."“你们一起吃饼干吧。”

"That's three each," said Sam and Victoria.“那每人能分到3块”,Sam和Victoria说。"They samell as good as your Grandma's," said Tom.“它们闻起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃,”Tom说。"And look as good,"said Hannah."“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”,Hannah说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”said Ma as the doorbell rang.妈妈正说着,门铃响起来了。

It was Peter and his little brother.这次是Peter和他弟弟。“Come in,” said Ma.“请进,”妈妈说。"You can share the cookies."“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。

"That's two each,"said Victoria and Sam.“现在每人只能分两块了” Victoria和Sam说。"They look as good as your Grandma's," said Peter."And smell as good."“它们看起来跟你奶奶做的一样好吃”Peter说“闻起来也一样棒。”"Nobody makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

It was Joy and Simon with their four cousins.这次是Joy和Simon跟他四个兄弟姐妹。"Come in,"said Ma."You can share the cookies."“请进”,妈妈说。“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。

"That's one each,"said Sam and Victoria.“还好, 每人还能分到一块”, Sam和Victoria说。"They smell as good as your Grandma's,"said Joy.“它们闻起来跟你奶奶做的一样好吃”,Joy说。"And look as good,"said Simon.“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样棒”,Simon说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang .“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

and rang.门铃响起了

"Oh dear,"said Ma as the children stared at the cookies on their plates.“天呐,”妈妈说,孩子们呆呆的望着盘子里的饼干。"Perhaps you'd better eat them before we open the door."“你们要不要在我开门之前先把饼干吃掉”。"We'll wait," said Sam.“还是等一下吧”,Sam说。

It was Grandma with an enormous tray of cookies.这次是奶奶,还拿了超大一盘饼干。"How nice to have so many friends to share them with,"said Grandma.“这么多朋友来一起分享真是太好了,”奶奶说。"It's a good thing I made a lot!"“幸亏我做了很多!”

"And no one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶”妈妈说的同时铃声又响起了。


Biscuit Visits the Big City 《小饼干去大城市》

Here we are, Biscuit.
Woof, woof !We’re in the big city.我们到了,小饼干。汪!汪!我们现在在大城市。
We are going to visit our friend Jack. 
Woof, woof! Coo, coo!汪汪!咕咕!Stay with me, Biscuit. It's very busy in the big city! 跟紧我,小饼干。大城市里非常拥挤!
Woof,woof!汪汪!There are lots of tall buildings in the big city, Biscuit. 
Woof,woof!汪汪!There are lots of people, too. Woof,woof!
Funny puppy! You wants to say hello to everyone. 有趣的小狗!你想跟每个人问好。Stay with me, Biscuit. It's very busy here! Woof,woof!
Beep! Beep! Woof, woof! 嘀嘀!汪汪!
It's only a big bus, Biscuit. 那只是一辆大公交车,小饼干。Woof,woof!You found the fountain, Biscuit. 
There's so much to see in the big city, isn't there, Biscuit? 大城市里能看到许多东西,是不是,小饼干?Woof!Coo, coo!
Woof, woof! Coo, coo! 汪汪!咕咕!Woof, woof! Woof, woof! 
Oh no, Biscuit! Come back! 
Biscuit, where are you going? 小饼干,你要去哪儿?Woof, woof!
Silly puppy! Here you are.傻乎乎的小狗!你在这儿呢。This is a big, busy city, Biscuit. 
But you found our friend Jack, and some new friends, too.但是你找到了我们的朋友杰克,也找到了一些新朋友。 Woof! 


It's Okay to Be Different 《不一样没关系》

It’s okay to be missing a tooth (or two or three)掉一颗牙,没关系(掉两颗,或者三颗,也没关系)It’s okay to need some help需要一些帮助,没关系
It’s okay to have a different nose拥有一个与众不同的鼻子,没关系
It’s okay to be a different color拥有不同的肤色,没关系
It’s okay to have no hair没有头发,没关系
It’s okay to have BIG ears拥有一对大耳朵,没关系
It’s okay to have wheels坐轮椅,没关系
It’s okay to be Small Medium Large Extra Large身材是矮小、中等、庞大还是超大,都没关系
It’s okay to wear glasses戴眼镜,没关系

It’s okay to talk about your feelings把你的感觉说出来,没关系
It’s okay to eat macaroni and cheese in the bathtub在浴缸里吃奶酪通心粉,没关系
It’s okay to say NO to bad things对不好的事情说不,没关系

It’s okay to come from a different place来自不同的地方,没关系
It’s okay to be embarrassed
It’s okay to come in last得最后一名,没关系
It’s okay to dance by yourself自己一个人跳舞,没关系
It’s okay to have a pet worm养一只虫子当宠物,没关系
It’s okay to be proud of yourself为自己感到骄傲,没关系
It’s okay to have different MomsIt’s okay to have different Dads有与众不同的爸爸妈妈,没关系
It’s okay to be adopted 自己是被领养的,没关系
It’s okay to have an invisible friend有一个隐形的朋友,没关系
It’s okay to do something nice for someone为别人做一些好事,没关系
It’s okay to lose your mittens把手套丢了,没关系
It’s okay to get mad感到生气,没关系
It’s okay to do something nice for yourself做点让自己高兴的事情,没关系
It’s okay to help a squirrel collect nuts帮一只小松鼠收集坚果,没关系
It’s okay to have different kinds of friends拥有不同类型的朋友,没关系
It’s okay to make a wish 在心中许个愿,没关系
It’s Okay to be different.
You are Special and Important just because of being who you are.你是独特的、重要的,因为你是你。


Ten Black Dots《十个小黑点》

What can you do with ten black dots?你可以用10个小黑点来做什么呢?One dot can make a sun一个黑圆点日出时可以做成太阳,
or a moon when day is done.日落时可以做成月亮。Two dots can make the eyes of a fox2个黑圆点可以做成狐狸的眼睛,
or the eyes of keys that open locks.或者一双钥匙的眼。Three dots can make a snowman s face3个黑圆点可以做成雪人的脸,
or beads for stringing on a lace.或者绳子上的念珠。Four dots can make seeds from which flowers grow4个圆点可以做成花儿的种子,
or the knobs on a radio.或者收音机上的旋钮。Five dots can make buttons on a coat5个圆点可以做成外套的纽扣
or the portholes of a boat.或者做轮船的舷窗。Six dots can make marbles that you hold-6个圆点可以做成你手上的石头,
half are new,the rest are old.一半是新的,一半是旧的。Seven dots can make the spots on a snake7个圆点可以做成蛇身上的斑点,
or stones turned up by a garden rake.或者被花园里的靶子耙起来的石头。Eight dots can make the wheels of a train8个圆点可以做成火车的轮子,
carrying freight through sun and rain.和货物一起穿过阳光和雨水。
Nine dots can make toy soldiers standing in rank9个圆点可以做成排列整齐的玩具士兵
or the pennies in your piggy bank.或者当做你的小猪存钱罐里的硬币。
Ten dots can make balloons stuck in a tree-10个圆点可以做成被缠在树中的气球。
shake the branch and set them free.摇一摇树,他们就自由了。Count them.数数它们。
Are there really ten?真的是十个吗?
Now we can begin again,现在我们又可以开始了,
counting dots from one to ten.从一到十数这些黑点。


I Love School 《我爱学校》

School looks like fun.学校看起来很有趣。
This must be the way inside.这是进入学校的必经之路。
What a big place!一个好大的地方啊!
Where is everyone?人们都去哪里了?
Now I'm totally lost.现在我完全迷路了。
Ahhh!What is that?啊!那是什么?
I have to get out of here!我必须从这里出去!
This place is scary.这个地方好吓人。
I feel all alone here.我感觉这里好孤单。
Wait! That's silly!等等!那是愚蠢的!
School is not scary.学校不吓人。
School is fun!学校是有趣的!
I can meet some new friends.我可以遇见一些新朋友。
Can I hear the story, too?我也可以听故事吗?
School is so much fun.学校是非常有趣的。
I am making lots of new friends.我交到了许多新朋友。
The teacher is nice, too!老师也很好!
I think I'll come back tomorrow.我想,我明天还会来这的。


01:Sam sheep can't sleep 绵羊山姆睡不着02:Maisy's Christmas Eve《小鼠波波的平安夜》03:Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!《生日快乐,丹尼和恐龙》04:The Little Egg《小鸡蛋》05:Little Big《小大人》06:Bob's Secret Hideaway《鲍勃的秘密藏身之处》07:A Jumper for James《詹姆斯的套头毛衣》08:The Hat《帽子》09:New Blue Shoes《蓝色新鞋子》10:Changing Colours《会变色的兔子》

11:Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽出没的地方》

12:My No, No, No Day! 《什么都不要的一天》

13:Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 《杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔》

14:Elephant's Ears《大象的耳朵》

15:The Mermaid and the Octopus《美人鱼和章鱼》

16:The Very Busy Hen《忙碌的母鸡》

17:Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》

18:I Love You《我爱你》

19:Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》

20:Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》







编辑 | Yoyo







