
正式公告 | 东阳市总体城市设计整合提升及中心城区详细城市设计国际征集公开招标项目(资格预审)

一和研发 ABBS 2023-03-16

Project overview

东阳市总体城市设计整合提升及中心城区详细城市设计国际征集公开招标项目(资格预审)的潜在资格预审申请人应在浙江政府采购网网址(http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/)、东阳市公共资源交易网网址(http://www.dongyang.gov.cn/ggzyjy/index.html)、东阳市人民政府门户网站(http://www.dongyang.gov.cn)、中国招标投标公共服务网(http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/)上下载电子版资格预审文件,并于2023年  3 月 6  日 14点30分(北京时间)前提交申请文件。
The potential pre-qualification applicants for the Open Bidding Project (Pre-Qualification) of International Solicitation of Overall Urban Design Integration and Enhancement and Downtown Area Detailed Urban Design of Dongyang City should download the electronic pre-qualification documents on Zhejiang Government Procurement Net (http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/), Dongyang Public Resources Trading Net (http://www.dongyang.gov.cn/ggzyjy/index.html),Portal website of Dongyang Municipal People's Government (http://www.dongyang.gov.cn) and China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/), and submit the application documents before 14:30 on March 6, 2023 (Beijing time).



Basic information of the Project

1.1 项目编号:DYCG2023-C006-预
1.1 Project No.: DYCG2023-C006-预
1.2 项目名称:东阳市总体城市设计整合提升及中心城区详细城市设计国际征集公开招标项目(资格预审)
1.2 Project name: Open Bidding Project (Pre-Qualification) of International Solicitation of Overall Urban Design Integration and Enhancement and Downtown Area Detailed Urban Design of Dongyang City
1.3 采购方式:公开招标
1.3 Procurement method: open bidding
1.4 资金来源:政府投资
1.4 Source of funds: government investment
1.5 采购需求
1.5 Procurement demands
1.5.1 项目背景
Project background
十八大提出“美丽中国”执政理念,形成了“生态文明、 经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设”的“五位一体” 格局,将“望得见山、看得见水、忆得了乡愁”作为美丽发展标准。为推进美丽中国建设,浙江省委、省政府于2014年作出了《关于建设美丽浙江创造美好生活的决定》、《浙江省人民政府办公厅关于加快推进现代化美丽县城建设的意见》,明确“以人为本、四化同步、优化布局、生态文明、文化传承”的新型城市化道路,提出建设美丽中国建设先行区、江南水乡典范、体现“诗画江南” 魅力等目标,打造具有江南特色、浙江特征的现代美丽县城,实现绿色生态环境美、规划设计形态美、设施完善功能美、宜居宜业生活美、社会安定和谐美。
With the governance concept of "Beautiful China Initiative" proposed during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "five-sphere" pattern of "ecological civilization, economic development, political development, cultural development and social development" has been formed, setting "nostalgic mountains and waters in sight" as the standard of beautiful development. In order to further build a beautiful China, the CPC Zhejiang Committee and Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the Decision on Building a Beautiful Zhejiang to Create a Better Life and Opinions of the General Office of the People's Government of Zhejiang Province on Accelerating the Building of Modern and Beautiful Counties in 2014, defining a new urbanization path of "people first, synergistic development of four modernizations, optimized layout, ecological civilization, and cultural heritage," and proposing goals such as building a pilot area of the beautiful China initiative and a role model of Jiangnan water towns, and reflecting the charm of "poetic and picturesque Jiangnan," etc. In doing so, we aim at building modern and beautiful counties with Jiangnan features and Zhejiang characteristics, and realize the beauty of green ecological environment, planning and design morphology, complete facilities and functions, suitability for living and working, and social stability and harmony.

△ 浙中城市群区位示意图
Location map of city clusters in central Zhejiang

As the CPC Zhejiang Committee and Zhejiang Provincial Government define a new urbanization path of "people first, synergistic development of four modernizations, optimized layout, ecological civilization, and cultural heritage," the urban system planning of Zhejiang Province positions city clusters in central Zhejiang as a new fulcrum for the integration of central Zhejiang. Under the context of regional coordinated development, Dongyang should rely on its transportation road network that matures gradually, actively integrate into the regional economic network dominated by Jinyi Metropolitan Area, build a new fulcrum for the integrated development of the metropolitan area, share same-city development with Yiwu, complement each other's advantages, and work together to build an economic belt in the metropolitan area, so as to build Dongyang into a modernized city with complete functions and comprehensive development, a provincial-level renowned historical and cultural city, an advanced manufacturing base in central Zhejiang and an ecological and livable land, a pilot site for transformation of cultural advantages, a demonstration area for reform and opening up coordination, and a template place for high-quality transformation and development.
In order to enhance the scientific and reasonable territorial space planning of Dongyang City, effectively guide the urban development of Dongyang City, lead the future urban construction, and realize the preparation requirements of "operable, experiential and supervised urban design," the CPC Dongyang Municipal Committee and Dongyang government put forward the overall regional planning of overall urban design. In combination with the demarcation results of three districts and three lines issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the six streets in the downtown area are determined as the planning range, and the scheme solicitation event of Overall Urban Design Integration and Enhancement and Downtown Areas Detailed Urban Design of Dongyang City is specifically held.
1.5.2 项目区位
Project location
东阳市地处浙江省中部,是省级历史文化名城、全国县域经济百强县市、国家卫生城市和国家园林城市。“三山夹两盆,两盆涵两江”是东阳市域地貌的最真实写照。作为千年古邑,东阳迄今已有1800 年历史,素有“婺之望县”、“歌山画水”之美称,历史文化底蕴丰富,“教育之乡、建筑之乡和工艺美术之乡”等三乡文化及影视文化盛名在外。中心城区的生态环境良好,山、江、溪、田、城各要素相互辉映,勾勒出东阳最美的人居环境。
Located in the middle of Zhejiang Province, Dongyang City is a provincial-level famous historical and cultural city, one of the national Top 100 countywide economy cities, a national health city and a national garden city. "Three mountains embrace two basins, and two basins encompass two rivers" is the truest portrayal of Dongyang City's landform. As a thousand-year-old town with a history of 1,800 years so far, known as "a prosperous county of Wu" and "a county with picturesque mountains and waters," Dongyang boasts enriched historical and cultural heritage and is renowned as "the key magnet of education, architecture and arts and crafts," as well as reputed for its film & television culture. The ecological environment of the downtown is sound, with the elements of mountain, river, stream, farmland and city reinforcing each other, depicting the most beautiful living environment of Dongyang.

△ 东阳市局部鸟瞰图
A local bird's-eye view of Dongyang City

1.5.3 征集范围(具体详见设计任务书)
Solicitation scope (see Design Brief for details) 
(1) Conceptual overall urban design scope: Including holistic area of the downtown area (including the master plan scope of eastern expansion of the economic development zone, the master plan scope of the High-Speed Railway New Town and Chengdong Street), with an area of about 177 square kilometers.

△ 总体城市设计范围
Overall urban design scope

Downtown area detailed urban design scope
① Detailed urban design scope in the solicitation stage, in accordance with the key areas scope of the downtown area (no more than 12 square kilometers in total) defined by the design units in Stage II of the design solicitation, is determined by the expert group and the Host in a comprehensive manner, with a total area of about 12-15 square kilometers.
② In the solicitation, the design development scope of the selected unit is from the junction between Dongyang and Yiwu to Zhanqian Road of Jinhua-Ningbo Railway, from Nanshan Mountain to Beishan Mountain (including Shanglu Block and Civic Center Block), with an area of about 84 square kilometers.

△ 中心城区详细城市设计范围
Detailed urban design scope of downtown area

1.5.4 征集目标
Solicitation objectives
Nowadays, due to industrialization-driven urbanization and rapid economic growth, bottlenecks and problems of urban development have gradually emerged with the rapid expansion of construction framework of Dongyang downtown area, such as vague spatial mode of landscape city and gradual inundation of urban culture; urban functional plates are loose and not compact enough; urban image and style are inferior and lack of iconic urban business cards; the construction of urban industrial platform is poor with implicit space of three industries; the areas along the Dongyang River only focus on the construction of the landscape belt but lack an overall landscape coordination of the two banks of one river, and the vitality needs to be improved, etc. All these problems are constraining the further upgrade of the overall quality of Dongyang City.
The solicitation should be based on the three districts and three lines initially demarcated in the City's current land spatial planning scheme, and focus on solving, but not limited to, the aforementioned problems. Through problem sort-out, target positioning, strategy formulation, action plan, project library and economic estimation, it will provide the orientation for Dongyang's future urban development and guidelines for statutory plan revision, urban renewal and near-term development and construction. Objectives in the three following aspects are to be realized specifically.
(1) Conduct overall planning and unified coordination with relevant plans in Dongyang City. Based on the history and city-wide construction of Dongyang and combined with new regional development situation and local actual demands, form a more consensual urban development prospect and overall spatial framework of orderly and flexible development with international vision and forward-looking thinking. Focus on the control of environmental pattern and spatial system, with attention paid to undertaking the relevant mature plot planning at the same time and integration and interpretation carried out from the perspective of urban design.
(2) Combined with the city image shaping action and space optimization design like acupuncture, delve into natural ecological features and historical and cultural characteristics of Dongyang City. Deeply study the design standards of functional business formats, public space, public facilities, space morphology, transportation organization and other aspects that are compatible with the needs of urban development, improve urban cultural vitality and ecological livability advantages, attract innovative talent and gather innovative vitality. Pay attention to technological innovations in green ecology, smart city and other fields, with refined space design and prominent features of various scenes, so as to demonstrate future urban space quality and work and life style of Dongyang, and showcase the style of urban age.
(3) Advocate operable, experiential and implementable deliverables, customize practical and viable management and operation paths in line with the administrative system framework, and provide effective and unequivocal content guidance and control indicators for the work of "holistic, all elements, and all coverage" of national land space planning. Provide the decision-making mechanism, action plan and construction temporal sequence guidance that can instruct the update and subsequent implementation, form the action plan and implementation project library to facilitate the Project siting and department allocation for organization and implementation.
1.5.5 设计内容
Design contents
As the regional development environment evolves quickly in the new era, Dongyang is faced by increasingly urgent need of city quality upgrade. In recent years, Dongyang has done massive planning work on urban transformation and development and blueprint conception. At the same time, a large number of corresponding special research work is also being carried out in an orderly manner, including the layout planning of various cultural, educational, sports and health facilities based on urban construction, the green space system planning based on the construction of public open space system, the road network special planning that outlines the future traffic network at the macro level, and the action planning of renowned historical and cultural city targeting the old town of Wuning, etc. At the more micro level of plot development and construction, combined with the needs of market-oriented operation and government operation management, a large amount of detailed design and research work of small and micro plots has been carried out, fully reflecting the enthusiasm and foresight of government administration departments.
In the face of multiple planning intelligence deliverables, the solicitation event cores upon comprehensively coordinating with relevant plannings of Dongyang City, draws effective and feasible parts based on systematic sort-out, generalization and summarization. In combination with the new regional development situation and the actual local demands, a more consensual overall urban design development orientation, target strategy, layout structure and spatial morphology will be formed. To be implemented and operated via the operational capacity of the administration authorities, the solicitation will effectively lead the coordinated advancement of future urban development and construction of Dongyang downtown area and various management work.
Integration and enhancement of overall urban design
Adhering to the people-centered design concept, tracing back the path of Dongyang's ancient city operation, with natural ecology as the basis, "Sanxiang" culture as the soul, characteristic industries as the source, and citizens' experience as the orientation, clarify the image positioning of the development of Dongyang's downtown area, formulate the overall urban design space framework, overall landscape framework, morphology pattern, public space system and style positioning and other overall urban design strategies, in a bid to create a livable space that shows distinctive features, inherits the old while accepting the new and is oriented toward people for Dongyang in the future.
Downtown area key areas detailed urban design
With organic integration inside and outside the areas, complementary functions and coordinated integration of spatial outlook as the core goal, formulate the principles and key points of the spatial order, scale and environment of Dongyang's downtown area key; build the planning structure, functional arrangement, transportation organization, open space, underground space, building height control and other overall space systems of the Downtown area key, including the design guidelines for spatial organization, environmental landscape, architectural style and municipal facilities of key plots. Arrange plot division and development control indicators of each plot, and carry out refined design for the open space and public nodes, architectural morphology and landscape of key areas.



Applicant's qualification requirements

2.1  申请人须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构,国内单位须提供有效的营业执照(复印件并加盖公章),境外单位须提供有效的商业登记证明(复印件并加盖公章)。法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子司及其控股公司,不得同时报名参赛。
2.1 The applicant must be an independent legal person enterprise or institution legally registered at home and abroad. The domestic unit must provide a valid business license (a photocopy affixed with official seal), and the overseas unit must provide a valid business registration certificate (a photocopy affixed with official seal). The parent company, wholly owned subsidiary and its holding company of the legal person whose two and more legal representatives are the same person must not apply at the same time.
2.2 资质要求:申请人必须具有城乡规划编制甲级资质证书(复印件并加盖公章);如申请人(包含境内外)不具备甲级资质证书,则必须与至少1家具备城乡规划编制甲级资质证书的国内单位组成联合体申请。
2.2 Qualification requirements: applicants must have a Grade A qualification certificate for urban and rural planning (a photocopy affixed with official seal); applicants (at home and abroad) without Grade A qualification certificates must form a consortium with at least one domestic unit having Grade A qualification certificates for urban and rural planning to apply.
2.3 本项目允许联合体申请,联合体成员不得超过3家,联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的单位组成联合体参加本次征集活动。以联合体方式应征的机构应签署联合体协议。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
2.3 The Project allows consortia to apply. Consortium members must not exceed three. All consortium parties must not participate in the solicitation event in their own names separately or form a consortium with other units. The institutions applying as a consortium should sign the consortium agreement. The application of individuals and individual groups is not accepted.
2.4 申请人具有1个及以上总体城市设计及详细城市设计项目业绩,应提供中标通知书及合同(合同至少应包括首页、签字页及项目概况等关键描述页,复印件并加盖公章)。
2.4 The applicant should have one or more overall urban design and detailed urban design project achievements, and should provide the bid-winning notice and contract (the contract should at least include the first page, signature page, project overview and other key description pages, photocopies affixed with official seals).
2.5 国内申请人未被列入失信被执行人名单、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单,并提供信用中国(www.creditchina.gov.cn)、中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.gov.cn)网站查询结果截图并加盖公章。
2.5 The domestic applicants should not be included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties involved in major tax violations, and the list of serious violation records of law and dishonesty in government procurement, provide screenshots of the inquiry results on the websites of Credit China (www.creditchina.gov.cn) and China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp. gov.cn) and affix them with official seals.
2.6 参加本项目的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师必须真正负责本次项目,参与本次国际征集活动全过程,包括现场踏勘、成果汇报、评审答疑等。为了保证项目规划设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目规划设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。
2.6 The design personnel participating in the Project should be the personnel on the payroll of the design institution. The chief designer must be the actually responsible person of the Project, and join the whole process of this international solicitation, including on-site visit, deliverables report, and review Q&A, etc. In order to ensure an accurate understanding of the background of Chinese region and relevant requirements, the Project planning and design personnel should include at least one member proficient in Chinese.



Acquisition of pre-qualification documents

3.1 凡有意参加申请者,请于 2023  年 2  月 20  日起,在以下网址下载电子版资格预审文件。
3.1 For applicants intending to apply, please download the electronic pre-qualification documents on the following websites since February20,2023.
Zhejiang Government Procurement Net (http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/)
Dongyang Public Resources Trading Net (http://www.dongyang.gov.cn/ggzyjy/index.html)
Portal website of Dongyang Municipal People's Government (http://www.dongyang.gov.cn)
China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/)
3.2 采购人不再向申请人提供纸质资格预审文件,请申请人自行按本公告发布的媒介的网址下载电子版的资格预审文件,资格预审文件免费。
3.2 The Host will no longer provide the hard copy pre-qualification documents to the applicant. The applicant is requested to download the electronic pre-qualification documents from the media website announced in this announcement. The pre-qualification documents are free of charge.
3.3 设计任务书及相关资料索取
3.3 Acquisition of Design Brief and relevant materials
Interested applicants should send the pre-qualification application form (see Chapter V for the format) to the contact email: competition@eden-ad.com. The planning service agency will reply and send the Design Brief and related planning and design materials within one working day after receiving and reviewing the application form.Meanwhile, relevant documents will be copied to Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center, email: 1046387519@qq.com.



Composition and format of pre-qualification application documents

See Chapter II of the pre-qualification document for details.



Pre-qualification review criteria and methods

This pre-qualification combines the comprehensive scoring method, and finally selects top 10 applicants as shortlisted application units. See Chapter III of the pre-qualification documents for review criteria and methods.



Submission of application documents

6.1资格预审申请文件递交截止时间:2023年 3 月 6  日14时30分。
6.1 Submission deadline for pre-qualification application documents: 14:30, March 6, 2023.
6.2 申请人应采用现场递交或快递的方式,将资格预审申请文件(严格遵循资格预审文件 第二章申请人须知 4.资格预审申请文件的递交要求)递交给金华市公共资源交易中心东阳分中心。快递使用邮政快递(EMS)或顺丰快递,不接受其他快递。快递送达或现场递交截止时间2023年 3  月 6 日14时30分,以送达金华市公共资源交易中心十四楼东阳分中心时间为准(非工作日不接收,请确保交易中心工作人员在以上截止时间前收到资格预审文件),逾期视为申请人放弃资格预审申请。
6.2 The pre-qualification application documents (strictly following the requirements in Article 4 Submission of pre-qualification documents of Pre-Qualification Documents Chapter II Instructions for the Applicant) should be submitted to the Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center by in-person delivery or courier delivery. The courier delivery must use EMS or SF Express, and other courier companies are not acceptable. The deadline for courier delivery or in-person delivery is 14:30, March 6, 2023, which is subject to the time of delivery to Dongyang Branch on the 14th floor of Jinhua City Public Resources Trading Center (it will not be accepted on non-working days, please ensure that the staff of the Trading Center receives the pre-qualification documents before the above deadline). If it is overdue, it is deemed that the applicant has quitted the pre-qualification application.
收件人:何先生   电话:0579-86691729
Recipient: Mr. He Tel: 0579-86691729
收件单位: 金华市公共资源交易中心东阳分中心
Recipient: Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center
Address: Business Hall, 14th Floor, West Zone, Building B, 388 Yihai North Road, Dongyang City
6.3 现场递交或快递的内容如下:
6.3 The contents submitted by courier or in-person are as follows:
(1) Applicants which adopt in-person delivery must hold the pre-qualification application letter (one copy, each unit of the consortium must affix its official seal or sign), the Identification of Legal Representative, the Power of Attorney and ID card photocopies of legal representative (one copy, each unit of the consortium must affix its official seal or sign) and submit them with well-sealed pre-qualification documents to the staff of Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center.
(2) Applicants which adopt courier delivery must put the pre-qualification application letter (one copy, each unit of the consortium must affix its official seal or sign), the Identification of Legal Representative, the Power of Attorney and ID card photocopies of legal representative (one copy, each unit of the consortium must affix its official seal or sign) and well-sealed pre-qualification documents together in the courier package. The courier delivery must use EMS or SF Express, and other courier companies are not acceptable.
6.4 现场递交和快递的外包装应写明申请人名称,并注明:“东阳市总体城市设计整合提升及中心城区详细城市设计国际征集公开招标项目(资格预审)”资格预审申请文件,外包装无盖章要求。
6.4 The name of the applicant should be indicated on the outer package submitted in-person and delivered by courier, and the Pre-qualification application documents of “Open Bidding Project (Pre-Qualification) of International Solicitation of Overall Urban Design Integration and Enhancement and Downtown Area Detailed Urban Design of Dongyang City” should be marked as well. No stamping is required on the outer package.

Date of bid opening meeting and pre-qualification

The date of bid opening meeting and pre-qualification is 8:30 on March 10, 2023. See Chapter II of the pre-qualification document for details.



Period of announcement

Five working days from the date of this announcement.



Other supplementary matters

If the applicant deems that the pre-qualification documents have impaired its rights and interests, it may, within seven working days from the receipt date of the pre-qualification documents (if the pre-qualification documents are received after the pre-qualification application deadline, the pre-qualification application deadline should prevail) or the expiration of the pre-qualification announcement period, raise questions to the Host and the procurement agency in writing. Where the applicant is unsatisfied with the response of the Host or the procurement agency or the Host or the procurement agency fails to give a response within the specified time, it may complain to the government procurement supervision and administration department at the same level within fifteen working days after the expiration of the response period.



Contact information

If you have any questions regarding this pre-qualification, please contact us as follows:
Host: Dongyang Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
Address: No. 308, Yihai North Road, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province
Contact person: Ms. Huang
联系电话/Tel:0579 86655213
Name of procurement agency: Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center
Address: 14th Floor, West Zone, Building B, Headquarters Center, No. 338, Yihai North Road, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province (Dongyang Branch of Jinhua Public Resources Trading Center)
Contact person: Mr. He
Tel& Fax:0579-86691729
Contact person: Ms. Xu
Planning service agencies: Shenzhen Eden Advisory Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Hebi Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Contact person: Ms. Tian
Administrative supervision and complaint acceptance department of government procurement: Dongyang Finance Bureau Procurement Office
Address: 8, Renmin North Road, Dongyang City






中建西南院:诚聘建筑师、实习生厚石招聘:主创设计师、建筑设计师、助理设计师NAN建筑招聘: 建筑师、媒体运营、实习生
基准方中有岗位:建筑师 Perkins&Will有岗位:中高级室内设计师CROX阔合有岗位:建筑师、室内设计师

