
四六级听力每周一练(一) | 经济类短新闻听力策略及免费模拟训练

外研社 外研社高等英语资讯 2022-04-24













经济类短新闻:Global Economics


News item 1

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

1. A) Toys and television programs.

    B) A wide selection of commodities.

    C) Products of the American company Amazon.

    D) Products priced directly by factories.


2. A) Nearly 12 percent.

    B) Nearly 70 percent.

    C) Nearly 17 percent.

    D) Nearly 7 percent.


Keys 1. B 2. C

News item 2

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

1. A) A global economic crisis.

    B) Extreme cold weather.

    C) A nationwide strike.

    D) A terrible plague.

2. A) In Paris and Marseille.

    B) In Pisa and Marseille.

    C) In Paris and Lyon.

    D) In Paris and Pisa.


Keys 1. C 2. A

News item 3

Listen to the news report and choose the best answer to each question you hear.

1. A) By the year 2030.

    B) By the year 2060.

    C) By the year 2050.

    D) By the year 2025.

2. A) Clean drinking water, food and shelter.

    B) Purified drinking water, food and shelter.

    C) Purified drinking water, food and an education.

    D) Clean drinking water, food and an education.


Keys 1. A 2. D



News item 1


The world's largest online retail company, Amazon, has launched its first shopping website in India. The company hopes to make use of India's economic growth to expand its online business.

The Amazon website in India offers seven million books and 12,000 movies and television programs. It plans to add more products in the coming weeks. The American company will not sell its own products in India as Indian laws bar companies that carry goods from more than one manufacturer from selling directly to people on the Internet. Instead the Amazon website serves as a marketplace for local businesses. Shabori Das is with the market research company Euromonitor. She predicts that online shopping in India will experience a yearly growth of nearly 17 percent in the next five years.



1. What does the Amazon website in India offer?

2. What is the estimated annual growth rate of online shopping in India in the next five years?

News item 2


The French are calling the day "Black Thursday" as a massive strike has partially shuttered the country. French workers are venting their concern about the global economic crisis that has taken its toll here, with the country teetering on the edge of recession. They are also expressing their anger at education and other reforms proposed by the center-right government of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

For those commuters who went to work, getting around on public transportation has posed a major challenge. Only a fraction of the metros in Paris and France's second largest city, Marseille, were running. Some French hitchhiked, biked, walked or rollerbladed to work. Others took their chances with the metro. At the Val de Fontenay metro station outside Paris, loudspeakers blared announcing the next train — due to arrive in 20 minutes.



1. What has severely disrupted transportation services across France?

2. Where were only a fraction of the metros running?

News item 3


Slowing economic growth around the world is endangering the World Bank's goal of ending extreme poverty by the year 2030. That is what World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said recently. Mr. Kim said the goal remains within reach. But he thinks extreme poverty will disappear only if world leaders and financial and development agencies do their part.

What exactly is extreme poverty? The United Nations says extreme poverty is a condition in which basic human needs are not being satisfied or met. These needs include having clean drinking water, food and an education.

Jim Yong Kim said there is good news. He said the world had made some progress toward reaching the goal.

"Over 25 years, we've gone from nearly two billion people living in extreme poverty to fewer than one billion."



1. When does the World Bank plan to remove extreme poverty?

2. What do basic human needs contain?



1. 经济新闻一般遵循约定、直接套用术语和专有名词。

  • 经济术语:federal budget(联邦预算)、economic depression(经济萧条)、debt ceiling(债务限额)、debt leverage(债务杠杆)、deficit(赤字)、credit squeeze(信贷紧缩)、crowdfunding(众筹);

  • 专有名词BRICS(金砖国家)、ASEAN(东盟)、Trans-Pacific Partnership(跨太平洋伙伴关系协定)、Asian Development Bank(亚洲开发银行)、Wall Street(华尔街)等;

  • 经济新闻的套话、行话: appreciation(升值)、depreciation(贬值)、 future(期货)、hit(达到)、bubble economy(经济泡沫)、bail-out(救市)等。

2.  频繁使用修辞手法。


  • 如a healthy/ weak economy 喻指经济运行正常或经济疲软;

  • 又如The economic crisis is claiming another victim: world trade,行文简单却形象生动。

3. 语言表达方式灵活多样。


  • 描述经济增长趋势时,除了使用increase外,还经常使用动词(词组)rise, go up, jump, peak, climb, soar, leap, recover, surge等以及它们相应的名词(词组);

  • 描写经济下降趋势时,除经常使用decrease外,还常用动词(词组)fall, drop down, reach a low point, decline, collapse, cut, reduce, plummet, slow, slow down, slump等以及相应的名词(词组)或形容词。







1. 教材遵循教学规律,体现改革趋势。

2. 语言真实地道,话题与时俱进。

3. 开拓国际视野,助力思维提升。



