




自 2015 年以来,教博会已成功举办五届,成为服务国家战略,推进教育创新改革的教育盛会。

本届教博会以“汇聚·共享·创新 教育高质量发展”为主题,采取会展与会议相结合的形式,聚焦教育优质均衡教育治理现代化新课程改革教师队伍建设、 教育数字化教育质量评价等六大领域。会场面积超过3万平方米,共有上千家教育单位、社会组织、企业、公益机构和媒体单位参展参会,其间将开展100余场品牌活动、主题论坛和专题活动,开设1100余场创新成果互动工作坊,并集中展示2200余项国内外优秀教育创新成果。

11月17日,中国日报推出了专版英文报道The power of China’s educational innovation is clear to see,详细介绍了教博会的发展历程,本届教博会的主题宗旨、特色亮点以及代表性奖项SERVE奖等,并着重介绍了主办方北京师范大学在服务乡村振兴和教育强国建设方面做出的重要贡献。

The power of China's educational innovation is clear to see


Beijing Normal University on mission to raise national standards


Higher learning institution has history of pioneering moves


Timeline of the China Education Innovation Expo


The power of 

China's educational innovation

 is clear to see



The sixth China Education Innovation Expo is set to be held in Zhuhai city in Guangdong province.

The sixth China Education Innovation Expo, sponsored by Beijing Normal University, will be held from Nov 18 to 21 at the Zhuhai International Convention and Exhibition Center in Zhuhai city, Guangdong province.

The event strives to share innovative achievements, thoughts and practices in basic education and teacher education, promote the spirit of educators and boost China's high-quality education development in the new era.

Themed "Together, Sharing, Innovation — High-quality Development of Education", this year's expo focuses on six major areas: balanced and high-quality education, new curriculum reform, teacher team construction, digital education, quality evaluation of education and modernization of education governance.

Covering an area of about 30,000 square meters, the expo will set up 1,100 workshops, hold more than 100 brand activities, themed forums and special events, and showcase about 2,200 outstanding domestic and international innovation achievements across five exhibition halls.

Special themed exhibitions will highlight science education, family education, project-based learning, future design, future media and digital literacy. The expo will also host its first batch of sub-brand forums including the China school principal forum, the project-based learning forum toward core literacy, the BNU science education conference, the forum on collaborative education among home, school and society, the forum on high-quality innovative development of basic education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the forum on evaluation reform and high-quality development in basic education.

At the same time, it will pay attention to the innovative application of artificial intelligence and big data, invite leading educational information technology companies to participate, set up AR/VR and educational informatization special exhibition areas and hold high-level forums on the digital transformation of education.

As a leader in Chinese teacher education, BNU has adhered to the principle of building and sharing educational innovation achievements, gathering Chinese educational innovation wisdom, serving Chinese educational innovation practice, voicing Chinese educational innovation, providing Chinese educational innovation solutions and influencing global educational innovation trends in the process of organizing the expo.

Cheng Jianping, Party Secretary of BNU, said that the expo is a support to enhance the most advanced educational innovations at home and abroad, expand China's open cooperation with countries around the world and to respond to the nation's innovation-driven development strategy, laying a foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

He said BNU is willing to work with sister universities and all sectors of society to create an open, synergistic and interconnected educational innovation platform, accelerate the modernization of education and fulfill its responsibilities in building a strong country of education.

The expo has been held for five sessions since 2015, showcasing the national experiences of educational innovation and development. It has exhibited more than 4,000 innovation achievements, organized more than 1,700 activities and attracted more than 300,000 participants.

Currently it is the education event hosted by universities in China, which aims at the development of educational connotation, provides comprehensive services for national strategies and promotes education innovation and reform.

In 2019, the expo was featured on the official website of UNESCO, becoming an international example for bolstering educational innovation and curriculum and learning for a new era.

Mmantsetsa Marope, then director of the International Bureau of Education at UNESCO, said at the closing ceremony of the fifth expo in 2019 that the event integrates cultural heritage with educational innovation, brings together the best educational innovation practices from many places and provides an excellent platform for communication among different countries.

She believes that innovation is at the core of the education system and educational innovation involves all aspects.

"We must integrate resources from all parties and put them into an ecosystem, so that people from all walks of life can become educational innovators," she added.

The expo is a gathering place and incubator for educational innovation achievements and the most distinctive part is the SERVE Award selection. Insiders said the initials of the five core elements are: solution, example, rule, value and education.

The SERVE model was proposed in 2015 and has become an important criterion for selecting exhibition achievements. It awards outstanding educational innovation achievements that boast the correct values, systematic solutions, successful examples, clear rules and reality-oriented education.

They hope to form common standards and criteria and improve the quality in the process of discovering, cultivating and selecting educational innovation achievements.

They expect that the innovative achievements can be duplicated and promoted, better serving education, every school, teacher and student.

They said that China has a total of more than 18.8 million teachers, which not only support the world's largest education system, but form the core for innovative development of the education cause.

The expo allows teachers to share stories, exchange experiences and generate a resonance of innovative practices.

The event is hoped to be built into a harbor for teachers' professional growth, a home for teachers' co-construction and sharing and a highland to stimulate teachers' innovation vitality.

Ma Jun, president of BNU, said that the university is constructing an integrated educational framework with the Beijing Campus and Zhuhai Campus as its two wings.

It is committed to developing its Zhuhai Campus into a highland for cultivating outstanding teachers and top-notch innovative talents, which will serve the national strategic needs and contribute to scientific research and innovation in the Bay Area.

He said the expo should establish its roots in the Bay Area, radiate throughout China and face the world, and support the construction of an innovative base that integrates government, industry, academia, research and application.

In recent years, BNU and Zhuhai have established normalized cooperation in the fields of basic education, teacher education, family education and science education, working together to create an educational innovation ecosystem.

Li Chong, deputy mayor of Zhuhai, said: "We are committed to incubating the expo as a vital calling card for Zhuhai in the world. We hope to make full use of Zhuhai's innovation resources, favorable policies and solid educational foundation to build Zhuhai into an important source of educational innovation."

Timeline of the China Education Innovation Expo



The first China Education Innovation Expo: 

Beijing, December 2015

Theme — "Jointly Building and Sharing Educational Innovation Achievements"

The "SERVE Model for Excellent Educational Innovation Achievements" is initially proposed.

The second China Education Innovation Expo: Beijing, September 2016

Theme — "Facilitating the Mobility of Educational Innovation Achievements"

The SERVE award is established for the first time.

The third China Education Innovation Expo: Beijing, August 2017

Theme — "Focusing on Core Competences and Promoting Structural Reform in Educational Supply Side"

The expo has the effect of "summarizing China's educational innovation experience and expressing Chinese voices".

The fourth China Education Innovation Expo: Zhuhai, November 2018

Theme — "Implementing Moral Education and Talent Cultivation, Emphasizing Core Competences, Strengthening Internet Plus, and Deepening Structural Reform in the Education Sector Supply Side"

Settling in Zhuhai officially, it for the first time collects educational innovation achievements from national higher normal universities and education departments across the country.

The fifth China Education Innovation Expo: Zhuhai, November 2019

Theme — "Aggregation, Impact, Innovation — Empower China with Educational Innovation "With five exhibition halls and 79 exhibition areas, it showcases 1,788 domestic and international educational innovation achievements. It also hosts 106 forums and 712 workshops, expanding in scale and influence.

The sixth China Education Innovation Expo: Zhuhai, November 2023

Theme — "Together, Sharing, Innovating — High-quality Development of Education"

Beijing Normal University 

on mission to 

raise national standards


The upcoming sixth China Education Innovation Expo in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, will set up a separate exhibition area for Beijing Normal University, which includes a themed exhibition area for BNU's project to strengthen teaching force.

At the same time, a forum centering on the project to strengthen teaching force is to kick off during the expo, highlighting the creation of teachers in underdeveloped areas, promoting the spirit of educators and cultivating "Teachers with Four Virtues" that meet the expectations of the Party and the people.

To serve national strategies such as building a strong education nation and rural vitalization, BNU, an important base for cultivating high-quality and innovative talents, has launched a series of key projects to improve the quality of teacher education and training in China and enhance the high-quality development of the country's education.

The project to strengthen teaching force is one of BNU's vital initiatives. It is a comprehensive, closed-loop and systematic reform covering the entire process from the recruitment and education of teacher candidates to post-support for teachers and educational monitoring and diagnosis.

"Teacher education is the distinguishing advantage and foundation of BNU. We aim to build a high-quality, professional and innovative teacher team that meets the expectations of the Party and the people, nurture more outstanding teachers and contribute to the accelerated construction of an education powerhouse," said Cheng Jianping, Party secretary of BNU.

BNU included the project in its 14th Five-Year Plan and established a leadership group consisting of the university's Party secretary, president and heads of 15 core departments.

Over the past few years, BNU has promoted the high-quality development of basic education in underdeveloped areas in central and western China, making its own contribution to the construction of a strong education nation with Chinese characteristics.

In 2020, BNU launched the zhiyuan project and recruited undergraduate students from the last 52 poverty-stricken counties in the regions to become teachers in those areas. The first batch of 155 students was enrolled.

In 2021, the Ministry of Education and nine other ministries jointly issued the Excellent Teachers Targeted Training Program for Underdeveloped Areas in Central and Western China, namely "targeted teacher training plan".

In the targeted teacher training plan, normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education and local-level normal colleges adopt targeted measures to train approximately 10,000 teacher candidates each year for 832 counties that were lifted from poverty and primary and secondary schools in central and western inland border areas.

It aims to improve the quality of the teacher workforce in underdeveloped areas in central and western China at the source and cultivate a large number of outstanding teachers.

Building on the successful experience of the zhiyuan project, BNU has enhanced the "targeted teacher training plan "to supplement the teacher resources in county-level areas. Over the past four years, BNU has enrolled 1,966 teacher candidates under its zhiyuan project and "targeted teacher training plan", covering 20 provinces.

"The targeted teacher training plan addresses key issues such as the training, retention and development of outstanding teachers in underdeveloped areas in central and western China, and it has optimized the government-funded training system for teacher candidates in China," said Cheng Jianping.

BNU is exploring an innovative education model that combines general education, subject-specific education and teacher professional education.

The university aims to cultivate outstanding teachers for long-term development.

For example, there are four compulsory general education courses on teacher professional competence, including education, educational psychology, modern education technology and reform and development of Chinese education.

For teachers, knowledge alone is not enough; an excellent classroom teaching ability also needs to be developed through practical training.

BNU provides students with opportunities for education internships and practical experiences from freshman to senior year, allowing them to gradually understand the teaching profession, familiarize themselves with various basic education teaching environments and develop professional skills.

The university leverages the innovation and experimentation of teacher education in its Zhuhai campus, establishing a synergistic mechanism between faculties and academies.

It implements a "double mentor" system and established working studios with renowned primary and secondary school principals, exploring new models of "internet plus education".

BNU is also exploring a dual practice model in urban and rural areas, conducting educational observation and research in high-quality urban schools and social practices and investigating 832 counties that were lifted from poverty to enhance educational teaching abilities to gain a deeper understanding of rural education.

In 2020, BNU began the qihang project, awarding incentives to graduates who choose to teach in grassroots-level positions and establishing mentor groups to provide post-employment training to these graduates.

As of now, a total of 1,302 graduates have been selected for the qihang project. Among them, 347 graduates have signed contracts to teach in counties or lower-level areas and 152 graduates have signed contracts to teach in underdeveloped areas in central and western China, becoming a new force to accelerate local education vitalization.

As shown in the central graphics, except the "targeted teacher training plan" and the qihang project, BNU's "project to strengthen teaching force" comprises the "teacher capacity improvement plan", the "plan for monitoring and diagnosing basic education quality", the "plan for rewarding 'Teachers with Four Virtues'" and the "normal education coordination and quality improvement plan of the Education Ministry".

The six plans together support the "project to strengthen teaching force".

Higher learning institution 

has history of pioneering moves



In the historic Beijing Normal University, teachers and students learn to instruct others and act to serve as an example to all.

That's the motto of the university, also known as BNU.It is a comprehensive and research-intensive university with programs in teacher education, educational science and the basic subject of arts and sciences.

BNU has been selected to build a world-class university and develop 12 disciplines into world-class ones.

BNU is the successor of the Faculty of Education of Imperial University of Peking, established in 1902, which was China's earliest modern teaching education institution of higher learning.

Noted teachers and scholars publicized culture and encouraged education there, represented by Li Dazhao, a co-founder of the Communist Party of China, writer Lu Xun and reformer Liang Qichao.

Over the past 120 years, the university adhered to the fine tradition, "patriotism and progress, honesty and plainness, seeking truth and innovating, being a model for others" and the motto — "Learn, so as to instruct others. Act, to serve as an example to all." It has formed the education concept "To cultivate oneself through academic pursuit and to make the world better as well."

BNU has achieved many firsts in the history of modern education in China. From being the first to send students overseas 100 years ago; the first to establish an education research institute; the first to establish a school for the common people; proposing the establishment of Teachers' Day of New China in the 1980s; to launching the China Education Innovation Expo and implementing the "project to strengthen teaching force" in the new era, educational innovation is deeply embedded in the DNA of this normal university, which is more than 120 years old.

Today, BNU is advancing toward its goal of building a comprehensive and research-oriented world-class university with Chinese characteristics and leading teacher education.









