
中英对照 | 中华人民共和国刑法修正案(十一)英文译本正式上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2021-11-09


[CLI Code] CLI.1.349388(EN)  

Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

中华人民共和国主席令Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China (第六十六号)(No. 66) 


The Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, as adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on December 26, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 1, 2021.

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China


December 26, 2020


Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China


(Adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress on December 26, 2020)


Article 17 of the Criminal Law is amended to read: “Where a person who has attained the age of 16 commits a crime, the person shall assume criminal liability.


“Where a person who has attained the age of 14 but under the age of 16 commits a crime of intentional homicide, intentional infliction of bodily harm which has resulted in a serious injury to or death of another person, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, or adding or releasing hazardous substances, the person shall assume criminal liability.


“Where a person who has attained the age of 12 but under the age of 14 commits a crime of intentional homicide or intentional infliction of bodily harm, which has resulted in the death of another person or the serious disability of another person for the serious injury inflicted by especially cruel means, and the circumstances are execrable, the person shall assume criminal liability with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s affirmation of prosecution.


“A person under the age of 18 who is held criminally liable in accordance with the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.


“Where a person is not given a criminal punishment because he or she has not attained the age of 16, his or her parents or any other guardian shall be ordered to discipline him or her; and when necessary, the person shall be subjected to specialized correctional education in accordance with the law.”


2.One article is added after Article 133A of the Criminal Law as Article 133B: “Whoever inflicts violence on the driver of a public vehicle being driven or grabs the operating devices to try to take control of the public vehicle, disrupting the normal driving of the public vehicle and endangering public security, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, limited incarceration, or probation and a fine or be sentenced to a fine only.


“A driver as mentioned in the preceding paragraph who, without permission, leaves his or her post on the public vehicle being driven to fight with or assault another person, endangering public security, shall be punished in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph.


“Whoever commits any conduct set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, which concurrently constitutes any other crime, shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions on a heavier punishment.”


3.Paragraph 2 of Article 134 of the Criminal Law is amended to read: “Whoever forces by an order another person to operate at risk in violation of protocols, or knowing but failing to eliminate the potential risk of a major accident, still organizes operations at risk, causing any major casualty accident or having any other serious consequence, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than five years or limited incarceration; or if the circumstances are especially execrable, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than five years.”


4.One article is added after Article 134 of the Criminal Law as Article 134A: “Whoever falls under any of the following circumstances in violation of the provisions on safety management during production or operations, posing a real danger of causing any major casualty accident or other serious consequence, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, limited incarceration, or probation:


“(1) Shutting down or compromising any monitoring, alarm, protection, or lifesaving equipment or facility directly related to work safety or tampering with, concealing, or destroying the relevant data or information.


“(2) Refusing to execute an order legally made that requires the cessation of production or business, cessation of construction, or cessation of use of the relevant equipment, facility, or place or requires corrective action to be taken immediately to eliminate danger, due to the existence of any potential risk of a major accident.


“(3) Being engaged in highly dangerous productive or operational activities, such as mining, metal smelting, building construction, and production, distribution, and storage of dangerous articles, without approval or licensing in accordance with the law in matters involving work safety.”



46. Paragraph 2 of Article 431 of the Criminal Law is amended to read: “Whoever steals, pries into, buys, or illegally provides any military secret for any overseas institution, organization, or individual shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than five years nor more than ten years; or if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment, or death.”


47. Article 450 of the Criminal Law is amended to read: “This Chapter shall apply to military officers, civilian cadres, and soldiers in active service and cadets with a military status of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, police officers, civilian cadres, and soldiers in active service and cadets with a military status of the Chinese People’s Armed Police as well as civilian staff and reservists and other persons performing military tasks.”


48. This Amendment shall come into force on March 1, 2021.
















本文来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库、北大法宝英本译本库

责任编辑 | 吴珊

审核人员 | 曲鹏翔

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