
生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2023-03-22



1. 汪洋与朱冬青等生命权、健康权、身体权纠纷再审案

Wang Yang v. Zhu Dongqing, et al (retrial case regarding dispute over the rights to life, health, and bodily integrity)


Zhang Qingshan, Guo Chunxiang v. Hunan Zhongnan Logistics Co., Ltd (case regarding dispute over rights to life, health, and bodily integrity)

3. 王建诉宿迁楚翔金马车业有限公司因在购车过程中遭受损害索赔纠纷案

Wang Jian v. Suqian Chuxiang Jinma Vehicles Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over a claim for damage incurred during vehicle purchase)


Wang Yang v. Zhu Dongqing, et al (retrial case regarding dispute over rights to life, health, and bodily integrity)



[Judgment Abstract]

As public transportation equipment, elevators should be always kept in their normal operation to ensure the personal and property safety of users. Where an elevator is put into use prior to the completion of commissioning test, causing damage to others therefore, the obligor at fault should be liable for compensation. Specifically, its manufacturer or seller should be obliged to deliver it after completing the commissioning test and acceptance check. If its manufacturer or seller delivers it without completing the commissioning test, he or she should bear the corresponding compensation liability. Meanwhile, the buyer or keeper of the elevator is obliged to put the elevator into use after the commissioning test is completed. If its buyer or keeper puts the elevator into use in advance, he or she should bear the corresponding compensation liability. In addition, if other elevator users, like housing owners, knowingly insist on using the elevator before the commissioning test is completed, they should also bear the corresponding compensation liability as they are at fault themselves.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 15672559(EN)


Zhang Qingshan, Guo Chunxiang v. Hunan Zhongnan Logistics Co., Ltd (case regarding dispute over right to life, health, and bodily integrity)



[Judgment Abstract]

Where a house lessee dies or gets injured due to his failure to install and use electrical appliances in accordance with housing safety regulations, the lessee, as a person with full capacity for civil conduct, should be liable for his negligence and assume the principal liability for the casualties. The lessor, as he or she should perform his or her duty of oversight and warning of the safety hazards of the house but fails to do so, should bear the secondary liability therefor.

【法宝引证码】CLI.C. 9493996

[CLI Code] CLI.C. 9493996 (EN)


Wang Jian v. Suqian Chuxiang Jinma Vehicles Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over a claim for damage incurred during vehicle purchase)



[Judgment Abstract]

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, “Business operators shall guarantee that the commodities or services provided by them meet the requirements for personal and property safety. For commodities and services liable to endanger personal or property safety, business operators shall give consumers truthful explanations and clear warnings, and shall explain or indicate the correct methods of using the commodities or receiving services, as well as the methods of preventing damage.” Accordingly, business operators should undertake the obligation of safety protection. Where a business operator fails to provide consumers with explanations and indications about the correct methods of using commodities and the methods for preventing damage, such act is in violation of the obligation of safety protection, to the extent that the business operator should assume compensation liabilities for any personal injury incurred as a result.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 4057313(EN)















责任编辑 | 王楠姝稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)审核人员 | 伍小凤 张文硕往期精彩回顾服务合同纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例股权转让纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例
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