
PHOTOS: Transport Truck Left Hanging Over Cliff in Guangdong

2016-09-11 ThatsShanghai

By Matthew Bossons

There is no doubt driving in China can be a wee-bit outrageous: questionable lane changes, regularly distracted drivers and stop lights that are more of a suggestion than a rule. This is the reality of China’s roadways and, occasionally, it results in a life-threatening (or ending) accident.

One such gut-wrenching accident occurred on September 5 on a highway in northern Guangdong’s Qingyuan region. The incident happened around 4pm, according to Tencent News, when a large transport truck crashed over the high-speed barrier – leaving the cab of the truck and the driver suspended over the edge of a 150-meter vertical drop.

The transport truck, which was carrying more than a dozen cars, took a serious beating in the crash, with the front axle and tires dangling precariously in the images below.

Luckily, no one was killed in this accident (which can only be described as an extremely close call), although traffic was adversely effected, according to reports.

Enjoy (or don’t) this chilling photo recap:

More than a dozen cars were being transported on the truck, it’s unclear if any were damaged.

The textbook definition of a wrong turn…

A cab with a view...

Not your everyday on the job for this crane operator.

An honorable Guangdong police officer keeping a lookout for more rogue trucks.

One day the driver will probably joke about this, it will be a real 'cliff hanger.'

[Images via Tencent News]

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