
Llinks Express | Llinks Lawyer Invited to Speak on BRICs Seminar

2018-03-09 通力律师

On 7 March 2018, Llinks partner Ms. Yuhua Yang, as a panelist representing practicing Chinese lawyers invited by The Law Society of England and Wales, attended the seminar in London themed as A tonne of BRICs – opportunities and challenges of doing legal business. Since Jim O’Neil, then Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, coined the term BRIC in 2001, Brazil, Russia, India and China, the four largest emerging markets have been playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. Russia and India are strategically important countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative”. Though Brazil is currently emerging from a macroeconomic and political crisis, it remains as one of the most important destinations for Chinese investment and trade partners in Latin America. Respectable panelists from the BRIC countries shared their practical experiences, offered insightful thoughts and ideas in respect of governing law options, notable legislative and judicial developments in respective jurisdictions, then opportunities and challenges faced by BRICs and English professionals from both transactional and dispute resolution perspectives.

✎ 往期分享

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