
基于图的推荐系统进展总结, 共包含11篇文献


1. 用于社交推荐的动态和静态表示的图神经网络

Title: Graph Neural Networks with Dynamic and Static Representations for Social  Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-31

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10751v2

Authors: Junfa Lin,Siyuan Chen,Jiahai Wang


Recommender systems based on graph neural networks receive increasing research interest due to their excellent ability to learn a variety of side information including social networks. However, previous works usually focus on modeling users, not much attention is paid to items. Moreover, the possible changes in the attraction of items over time, which is like the dynamic interest of users are rarely considered, and neither do the correlations among items. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes graph neural networkswith dynamic and static representations for social recommendation (GNN-DSR), which considers both dynamic and static representations of users and items and incorporates their relational influence. GNN-DSR models the short-term dynamic and long-term static interactional representations of the user's interest andthe item's attraction, respectively. Furthermore, the attention mechanism isused to aggregate the social influence of users on the target user and thecorrelative items' influence on a given item. The final latent factors of user and item are combined to make a prediction. Experiments on three real-worldrecommender system datasets validate the effectiveness of GNN-DSR.

2. FairMod:通过图修改的公平链接预测和推荐

Title: FairMod: Fair Link Prediction and Recommendation via Graph Modification

Published: 2022-01-27

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11596v1

Authors: Sean Current,Yuntian He,Saket Gurukar,Srinivasan Parthasarathy


As machine learning becomes more widely adopted across domains, it iscritical that researchers and ML engineers think about the inherent biases inthe data that may be perpetuated by the model. Recently, many studies haveshown that such biases are also imbibed in Graph Neural Network (GNN) models ifthe input graph is biased. In this work, we aim to mitigate the bias learned byGNNs through modifying the input graph. To that end, we propose FairMod, a FairGraph Modification methodology with three formulations: the Global FairnessOptimization (GFO), Community Fairness Optimization (CFO), and Fair EdgeWeighting (FEW) models. Our proposed models perform either microscopic ormacroscopic edits to the input graph while training GNNs and learn nodeembeddings that are both accurate and fair under the context of linkrecommendations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on four realworld datasets and show that we can improve the recommendation fairness byseveral factors at negligible cost to link prediction accuracy.

3. 基于会话的有效可解释推荐的因果关系和相关图建模

Title: Causality and Correlation Graph Modeling for Effective and Explainable  Session-based Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-27

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10782v2

Authors: Cong Geng,Huizi Wu,Hui Fang


Session-based recommendation which has been witnessed a booming interestrecently, focuses on predicting a user's next interested item(s) based on ananonymous session. Most existing studies adopt complex deep learning techniques(e.g., graph neural networks) for effective session-based recommendation.However, they merely address co-occurrence between items, but fail to welldistinguish causality and correlation relationship. Considering the variedinterpretations and characteristics of causality and correlation relationshipbetween items, in this study, we propose a novel method denoted as CGSR byjointly modeling causality and correlation relationship between items. Inparticular, we construct cause, effect and correlation graphs from sessions bysimultaneously considering the false causality problem. We further design agraph neural network-based method for session-based recommendation. Extensiveexperiments on three datasets show that our model outperforms otherstate-of-the-art methods in terms of recommendation accuracy. Moreover, wefurther propose an explainable framework on CGSR, and demonstrate theexplainability of our model via case studies on Amazon dataset.

4. 基于知识图的波形推荐:一种新的通信波形设计范式

Title: Knowledge Graph Based Waveform Recommendation: A New Communication  Waveform Design Paradigm

Published: 2022-01-24

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01926v1

Authors: Wei Huang,Tianfu Qi,Yundi Guan,Qihang Peng,Jun Wang


Traditionally, a communication waveform is designed by experts based oncommunication theory and their experiences on a case-by-case basis, which isusually laborious and time-consuming. In this paper, we investigate thewaveform design from a novel perspective and propose a new waveform designparadigm with the knowledge graph (KG)-based intelligent recommendation system.The proposed paradigm aims to improve the design efficiency by structuralcharacterization and representations of existing waveforms and intelligentlyutilizing the knowledge learned from them. To achieve this goal, we first builda communication waveform knowledge graph (CWKG) with a first-order neighbornode, for which both structured semantic knowledge and numerical parameters ofa waveform are integrated by representation learning. Based on the developedCWKG, we further propose an intelligent communication waveform recommendationsystem (CWRS) to generate waveform candidates. In the CWRS, an improvedinvolution1D operator, which is channel-agnostic and space-specific, isintroduced according to the characteristics of KG-based waveform representationfor feature extraction, and the multi-head self-attention is adopted to weighthe influence of various components for feature fusion. Meanwhile, multilayerperceptron-based collaborative filtering is used to evaluate the matchingdegree between the requirement and the waveform candidate. Simulation resultsshow that the proposed CWKG-based CWRS can automatically recommend waveformcandidates with high reliability.

5. 基于邻近图的强化路由算法

Title: Reinforcement Routing on Proximity Graph for Efficient Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-23

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09290v1

Authors: Chao Feng,Defu Lian,Xiting Wang,Zheng liu,Xing Xie,Enhong Chen


We focus on Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS), which is an essentialproblem in many machine learning communities. Given a query, MIPS finds themost similar items with the maximum inner products. Methods for NearestNeighbor Search (NNS) which is usually defined on metric space don't exhibitthe satisfactory performance for MIPS problem since inner product is anon-metric function. However, inner products exhibit many good propertiescompared with metric functions, such as avoiding vanishing and explodinggradients. As a result, inner product is widely used in many recommendationsystems, which makes efficient Maximum Inner Product Search a key for speedingup many recommendation systems. Graph based methods for NNS problem show the superiorities compared withother class methods. Each data point of the database is mapped to a node of theproximity graph. Nearest neighbor search in the database can be converted toroute on the proximity graph to find the nearest neighbor for the query. Thistechnique can be used to solve MIPS problem. Instead of searching the nearestneighbor for the query, we search the item with maximum inner product withquery on the proximity graph. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement modelto train an agent to search on the proximity graph automatically for MIPSproblem if we lack the ground truths of training queries. If we know the groundtruths of some training queries, our model can also utilize these ground truthsby imitation learning to improve the agent's search ability. By experiments, wecan see that our proposed mode which combines reinforcement learning withimitation learning shows the superiorities over the state-of-the-art methods

6. 为第三方图书馆提供升级计划:使用迁移图的推荐系统

Title: Providing Upgrade Plans for Third-party Libraries: A Recommender System  using Migration Graphs

Published: 2022-01-20

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08201v1

Authors: Riccardo Rubei,Davide Di Ruscio,Claudio Di Sipio,Juri Di Rocco,Phuong T. Nguyen


During the development of a software project, developers often need toupgrade third-party libraries (TPLs), aiming to keep their code up-to-date withthe newest functionalities offered by the used libraries. In most cases,upgrading used TPLs is a complex and error-prone activity that must becarefully carried out to limit the ripple effects on the software project thatdepends on the libraries being upgraded. In this paper, we propose EvoPlan as anovel approach to the recommendation of different upgrade plans given a pair oflibrary-version as input. In particular, among the different paths that can bepossibly followed to upgrade the current library version to the desired updatedone, EvoPlan is able to suggest the plan that can potentially minimize theefforts being needed to migrate the code of the clients from the library'scurrent release to the target one. The approach has been evaluated on a curateddataset using conventional metrics used in Information Retrieval, i.e.,precision, recall, and F-measure. The experimental results show that EvoPlanobtains an encouraging prediction performance considering two differentcriteria in the plan specification, i.e., the popularity of migration paths andthe number of open and closed issues in GitHub for those projects that havealready followed the recommended migration paths.

7. 用于序列推荐的位置增强和时间感知图卷积网络

Title: Position-enhanced and Time-aware Graph Convolutional Network for  Sequential Recommendations

Published: 2022-01-14

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2107.05235v2

Authors: Liwei Huang,Yutao Ma,Yanbo Liu,Bohong,Du,Shuliang Wang,Deyi Li


Most of the existing deep learning-based sequential recommendation approachesutilize the recurrent neural network architecture or self-attention to modelthe sequential patterns and temporal influence among a user's historicalbehavior and learn the user's preference at a specific time. However, thesemethods have two main drawbacks. First, they focus on modeling users' dynamicstates from a user-centric perspective and always neglect the dynamics of itemsover time. Second, most of them deal with only the first-order user-iteminteractions and do not consider the high-order connectivity between users anditems, which has recently been proved helpful for the sequentialrecommendation. To address the above problems, in this article, we attempt tomodel user-item interactions by a bipartite graph structure and propose a newrecommendation approach based on a Position-enhanced and Time-aware GraphConvolutional Network (PTGCN) for the sequential recommendation. PTGCN modelsthe sequential patterns and temporal dynamics between user-item interactions bydefining a position-enhanced and time-aware graph convolution operation andlearning the dynamic representations of users and items simultaneously on thebipartite graph with a self-attention aggregator. Also, it realizes thehigh-order connectivity between users and items by stacking multi-layer graphconvolutions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of PTGCN, we carried out acomprehensive evaluation of PTGCN on three real-world datasets of differentsizes compared with a few competitive baselines. Experimental results indicatethat PTGCN outperforms several state-of-the-art models in terms of twocommonly-used evaluation metrics for ranking.

8. 基于会话推荐的非纠缠图神经网络

Title: Disentangled Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-11

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03482v2

Authors: Ansong Li,Zhiyong Cheng,Fan Liu,Zan Gao,Weili Guan,Yuxin Peng

基于会话的推荐(Session-based Recommension,SBR)由于仅利用当前会话中有限的用户行为历史而具有巨大的实用价值,近年来受到了越来越多的研究关注。现有的方法通常是在项目层面上学习会话嵌入,即在有或没有为项目分配注意权重的情况下,聚合项目的嵌入。然而,他们忽略了一个事实,即用户采用某个项目的意图是由该项目的某些因素驱动的(例如,一部电影的主要演员)。换句话说,他们没有在因子级别探索用户更细粒度的兴趣,以生成会话嵌入,从而导致次优性能。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的方法,称为解纠缠图神经网络(Disen-GNN),在考虑每个项目的因素水平注意的情况下,捕获会话目的。具体来说,我们首先使用非纠缠学习技术将项嵌入转换为多个因子的嵌入,然后使用门控图形神经网络(GGNN)根据为每个因子计算的项邻接相似矩阵明智地学习嵌入因子。此外,采用距离相关性来增强每对因素之间的独立性。在用独立的因素表示每个项目后,设计了一个注意机制,以了解用户对会话中每个项目的不同因素的意图。会话嵌入是通过将项目嵌入与每个项目因素的注意权重聚合而生成的。为此,我们的模型在因素层面上考虑用户意图,以推断会话中的用户目的。在三个基准数据集上的大量实验表明,我们的方法优于现有方法。

Session-based recommendation (SBR) has drawn increasingly research attentionin recent years, due to its great practical value by only exploiting thelimited user behavior history in the current session. Existing methodstypically learn the session embedding at the item level, namely, aggregatingthe embeddings of items with or without the attention weights assigned toitems. However, they ignore the fact that a user's intent on adopting an itemis driven by certain factors of the item (e.g., the leading actors of anmovie). In other words, they have not explored finer-granularity interests ofusers at the factor level to generate the session embedding, leading tosub-optimal performance. To address the problem, we propose a novel methodcalled Disentangled Graph Neural Network (Disen-GNN) to capture the sessionpurpose with the consideration of factor-level attention on each item.Specifically, we first employ the disentangled learning technique to cast itemembeddings into the embedding of multiple factors, and then use the gated graphneural network (GGNN) to learn the embedding factor-wisely based on the itemadjacent similarity matrix computed for each factor. Moreover, the distancecorrelation is adopted to enhance the independence between each pair offactors. After representing each item with independent factors, an attentionmechanism is designed to learn user intent to different factors of each item inthe session. The session embedding is then generated by aggregating the itemembeddings with attention weights of each item's factors. To this end, ourmodel takes user intents at the factor level into account to infer the userpurpose in a session. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasetsdemonstrate the superiority of our method over existing methods.

9. 基于图的注意推荐

Title: Attention-Based Recommendation On Graphs

Published: 2022-01-04

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05499v1

Authors: Taher Hekmatfar,Saman Haratizadeh,Parsa Razban,Sama Goliaei


Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have shown remarkable performance in differenttasks. However, there are a few studies about GNN on recommender systems. GCNas a type of GNNs can extract high-quality embeddings for different entities ina graph. In a collaborative filtering task, the core problem is to find out howinformative an entity would be for predicting the future behavior of a targetuser. Using an attention mechanism, we can enable GCNs to do such an analysiswhen the underlying data is modeled as a graph. In this study, we proposedGARec as a model-based recommender system that applies an attention mechanismalong with a spatial GCN on a recommender graph to extract embeddings for usersand items. The attention mechanism tells GCN how much a related user or itemshould affect the final representation of the target entity. We compared theperformance of GARec against some baseline algorithms in terms of RMSE. Thepresented method outperforms existing model-based, non-graph neural networksand graph neural networks in different MovieLens datasets.

10. 具有协作指导的注意力知识感知图卷积网络个性化推荐

Title: Attentive Knowledge-aware Graph Convolutional Networks with  Collaborative Guidance for Personalized Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-02

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02046v2

Authors: Yankai Chen,Yaming Yang,Yujing Wang,Jing Bai,Xiangchen Song,Irwin King

为了缓解传统推荐系统(RSs)的数据稀疏性和冷启动问题,结合知识图(KG)补充辅助信息近年来引起了广泛关注。然而,在当前基于KG的RS模型中简单地集成KG并不一定能保证提高推荐性能,甚至可能削弱整体模型的能力。这是因为这些KG的构建独立于历史用户项交互的收集;因此,KGs中的信息可能并不总是有助于向所有用户推荐。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于专注知识的图卷积网络(CG-KGR),该网络具有个性化推荐的协作指导功能。CG-KGR是一种新的知识感知推荐模型,通过我们提出的协作指导机制,可以充分、连贯地学习KG和用户项目交互。具体来说,CG-KGR首先将历史交互封装为交互式信息摘要。然后CG KG将其作为指导,从KG中提取信息,最终提供更精确的个性化推荐。我们在两个推荐任务(即Top-K推荐和点击率(CTR)预测)上对四个真实数据集进行了扩展实验。实验结果表明,CG-KGR模型在顶级推荐的召回指标方面显著优于最新的模型1.4-27.0%。

To alleviate data sparsity and cold-start problems of traditional recommendersystems (RSs), incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs) to supplement auxiliaryinformation has attracted considerable attention recently. However, simplyintegrating KGs in current KG-based RS models is not necessarily a guarantee toimprove the recommendation performance, which may even weaken the holisticmodel capability. This is because the construction of these KGs is independentof the collection of historical user-item interactions; hence, information inthese KGs may not always be helpful for recommendation to all users. In this paper, we propose attentive Knowledge-aware Graph convolutionalnetworks with Collaborative Guidance for personalized Recommendation (CG-KGR).CG-KGR is a novel knowledge-aware recommendation model that enables ample andcoherent learning of KGs and user-item interactions, via our proposedCollaborative Guidance Mechanism. Specifically, CG-KGR first encapsulateshistorical interactions to interactive information summarization. Then CG-KGRutilizes it as guidance to extract information out of KGs, which eventuallyprovides more precise personalized recommendation. We conduct extensiveexperiments on four real-world datasets over two recommendation tasks, i.e.,Top-K recommendation and Click-Through rate (CTR) prediction. The experimentalresults show that the CG-KGR model significantly outperforms recentstate-of-the-art models by 1.4-27.0% in terms of Recall metric on Top-Krecommendation.

11. 基于双曲线几何的无标度图知识感知推荐模型

Title: Modeling Scale-free Graphs with Hyperbolic Geometry for Knowledge-aware  Recommendation

Published: 2022-01-02

Url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06468v3

Authors: Yankai Chen,Menglin Yang,Yingxue Zhang,Mengchen Zhao,Ziqiao Meng,Jianye Hao,Irwin King


Aiming to alleviate data sparsity and cold-start problems of traditionalrecommender systems, incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs) to supplementauxiliary information has recently gained considerable attention. Via unifyingthe KG with user-item interactions into a tripartite graph, recent worksexplore the graph topologies to learn the low-dimensional representations ofusers and items with rich semantics. However, these real-world tripartitegraphs are usually scale-free, the intrinsic hierarchical graph structures ofwhich are underemphasized in existing works, consequently, leading tosuboptimal recommendation performance. To address this issue and provide more accurate recommendation, we propose aknowledge-aware recommendation method with the hyperbolic geometry, namelyLorentzian Knowledge-enhanced Graph convolutional networks for Recommendation(LKGR). LKGR facilitates better modeling of scale-free tripartite graphs afterthe data unification. Specifically, we employ different information propagationstrategies in the hyperbolic space to explicitly encode heterogeneousinformation from historical interactions and KGs. Our proposed knowledge-awareattention mechanism enables the model to automatically measure the informationcontribution, producing the coherent information aggregation in the hyperbolicspace. Extensive experiments on three real-world benchmarks demonstrate thatLKGR outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 3.6-15.3% of Recall@20 on Top-Krecommendation.

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