
论文周报 | 推荐系统领域最新研究进展

ML_RSer 机器学习与推荐算法 2022-12-14



  • 1. Unlearning Protected User Attributes in Recommendations with Adversarial  Training
  • 2. Deep Meta-learning in Recommendation Systems: A Survey
  • 3. CLIP-Actor: Text-Driven Recommendation and Stylization for Animating  Human Meshes
  • 4. Opening up echo chambers via optimal content recommendation
  • 5. FEL: High Capacity Learning for Recommendation and Ranking via Federated  Ensemble Learning
  • 6. Towards Bridging Algorithm and Theory for Unbiased Recommendation
  • 7. Multi-Behavior Sequential Recommendation with Temporal Graph Transformer
  • 8. Towards Fair Federated Recommendation Learning: Characterizing the  Inter-Dependence of System and Data Heterogeneity
  • 9. A Survey on Modern Recommendation System based on Big Data
  • 10. DCAN: Diversified News Recommendation with Coverage-Attentive Networks
  • 11. Infinite Recommendation Networks: A Data-Centric Approach
  • 12. ResAct: Reinforcing Long-term Engagement in Sequential Recommendation  with Residual Actor
  • 13. Evaluating the Predictive Performance of Positive-Unlabelled  Classifiers: a brief critical review and practical recommendations for  improvement
  • 14. ID-Agnostic User Behavior Pre-training for Sequential Recommendation
  • 15. Augmenting Netflix Search with In-Session Adapted Recommendations
  • 16. Learning Binarized Graph Representations with Multi-faceted Quantization  Reinforcement for Top-K Recommendation
  • 17. Prospective Preference Enhanced Mixed Attentive Model for Session-based  Recommendation
  • 18. Metrics reloaded: Pitfalls and recommendations for image analysis  validation
  • 19. A Survey on the Fairness of Recommender Systems
  • 20. A generative recommender system with GMM prior for cancer drug  generation and sensitivity prediction

1. Unlearning Protected User Attributes in Recommendations with Adversarial  Training

Christian Ganhör, David Penz, Navid Rekabsaz, Oleg Lesota, Markus Schedl


Collaborative filtering algorithms capture underlying consumption patterns, including the ones specific to particular demographics or protected information of users, e.g. gender, race, and location. These encoded biases can influence the decision of a recommendation system (RS) towards further separation of the contents provided to various demographic subgroups, and raise privacy concerns regarding the disclosure of users' protected attributes. In this work, we investigate the possibility and challenges of removing specific protected information of users from the learned interaction representations of a RS algorithm, while maintaining its effectiveness. Specifically, we incorporate adversarial training into the state-of-the-art MultVAE architecture, resulting in a novel model, Adversarial Variational Auto-Encoder with Multinomial Likelihood (Adv-MultVAE), which aims at removing the implicit information of protected attributes while preserving recommendation performance. We conduct experiments on the MovieLens-1M and LFM-2b-DemoBias datasets, and evaluate the effectiveness of the bias mitigation method based on the inability of external attackers in revealing the users' gender information from the model. Comparing with baseline MultVAE, the results show that Adv-MultVAE, with marginal deterioration in performance (w.r.t. NDCG and recall), largely mitigates inherent biases in the model on both datasets.

2. Deep Meta-learning in Recommendation Systems: A Survey

Chunyang Wang, Yanmin Zhu, Haobing Liu, Tianzi Zang, Jiadi Yu, Feilong Tang


Deep neural network based recommendation systems have achieved great success as information filtering techniques in recent years. However, since model training from scratch requires sufficient data, deep learning-based recommendation methods still face the bottlenecks of insufficient data and computational inefficiency. Meta-learning, as an emerging paradigm that learns to improve the learning efficiency and generalization ability of algorithms, has shown its strength in tackling the data sparsity issue. Recently, a growing number of studies on deep meta-learning based recommenddation systems have emerged for improving the performance under recommendation scenarios where available data is limited, e.g. user cold-start and item cold-start. Therefore, this survey provides a timely and comprehensive overview of current deep meta-learning based recommendation methods. Specifically, we propose a taxonomy to discuss existing methods according to recommendation scenarios, meta-learning techniques, and meta-knowledge representations, which could provide the design space for meta-learning based recommendation methods. For each recommendation scenario, we further discuss technical details about how existing methods apply meta-learning to improve the generalization ability of recommendation models. Finally, we also point out several limitations in current research and highlight some promising directions for future research in this area.

3. CLIP-Actor: Text-Driven Recommendation and Stylization for Animating  Human Meshes

Kim Youwang, Kim Ji-Yeon, Tae-Hyun Oh


We propose CLIP-Actor, a text-driven motion recommendation and neural mesh stylization system for human mesh animation. CLIP-Actor animates a 3D human mesh to conform to a text prompt by recommending a motion sequence and learning mesh style attributes. Prior work fails to generate plausible results when the artist-designed mesh content does not conform to the text from the beginning. Instead, we build a text-driven human motion recommendation system by leveraging a large-scale human motion dataset with language labels. Given a natural language prompt, CLIP-Actor first suggests a human motion that conforms to the prompt in a coarse-to-fine manner. Then, we propose a synthesize-through-optimization method that detailizes and texturizes a recommended mesh sequence in a disentangled way from the pose of each frame. It allows the style attribute to conform to the prompt in a temporally-consistent and pose-agnostic manner. The decoupled neural optimization also enables spatio-temporal view augmentation from multi-frame human motion. We further propose the mask-weighted embedding attention, which stabilizes the optimization process by rejecting distracting renders containing scarce foreground pixels. We demonstrate that CLIP-Actor produces plausible and human-recognizable style 3D human mesh in motion with detailed geometry and texture from a natural language prompt.

4. Opening up echo chambers via optimal content recommendation

Antoine Vendeville, Anastasios Giovanidis, Effrosyni Papanastasiou, Benjamin Guedj


Online social platforms have become central in the political debate. In this context, the existence of echo chambers is a problem of primary relevance. These clusters of like-minded individuals tend to reinforce prior beliefs, elicit animosity towards others and aggravate the spread of misinformation. We study this phenomenon on a Twitter dataset related to the 2017 French presidential elections and propose a method to tackle it with content recommendations. We use a quadratic program to find optimal recommendations that maximise the diversity of content users are exposed to, while still accounting for their preferences. Our method relies on a theoretical model that can sufficiently describe how content flows through the platform. We show that the model provides good approximations of empirical measures and demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimisation algorithm at mitigating the echo chamber effect on this dataset, even with limited budget for recommendations.

5. FEL: High Capacity Learning for Recommendation and Ranking via Federated  Ensemble Learning

Meisam Hejazinia, Dzmitry Huba, Ilias Leontiadis, Kiwan Maeng, Mani Malek, Luca Melis, Ilya Mironov, Milad Nasr, Kaikai Wang, Carole-Jean Wu


Federated learning (FL) has emerged as an effective approach to address consumer privacy needs. FL has been successfully applied to certain machine learning tasks, such as training smart keyboard models and keyword spotting. Despite FL's initial success, many important deep learning use cases, such as ranking and recommendation tasks, have been limited from on-device learning. One of the key challenges faced by practical FL adoption for DL-based ranking and recommendation is the prohibitive resource requirements that cannot be satisfied by modern mobile systems. We propose Federated Ensemble Learning (FEL) as a solution to tackle the large memory requirement of deep learning ranking and recommendation tasks. FEL enables large-scale ranking and recommendation model training on-device by simultaneously training multiple model versions on disjoint clusters of client devices. FEL integrates the trained sub-models via an over-arch layer into an ensemble model that is hosted on the server. Our experiments demonstrate that FEL leads to 0.43-2.31% model quality improvement over traditional on-device federated learning - a significant improvement for ranking and recommendation system use cases.

6. Towards Bridging Algorithm and Theory for Unbiased Recommendation

Teng Xiao, Zhengyu Chen, Suhang Wang


This work studies the problem of learning unbiased algorithms from biased feedback for recommender systems. We address this problem from both theoretical and algorithmic perspectives. Recent works in unbiased learning have advanced the state-of-the-art with various techniques such as meta-learning, knowledge distillation, and information bottleneck. Despite their empirical successes, most of them lack theoretical guarantee, forming non-negligible gaps between the theories and recent algorithms. To this end, we first view the unbiased recommendation problem from a distribution shift perspective. We theoretically analyze the generalization bounds of unbiased learning and suggest their close relations with recent unbiased learning objectives. Based on the theoretical analysis, we further propose a principled framework, Adversarial Self-Training (AST), for unbiased recommendation. Empirical evaluation on real-world and semi-synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed AST.

7. Multi-Behavior Sequential Recommendation with Temporal Graph Transformer

Lianghao Xia, Chao Huang, Yong Xu, Jian Pei


Modeling time-evolving preferences of users with their sequential item interactions, has attracted increasing attention in many online applications. Hence, sequential recommender systems have been developed to learn the dynamic user interests from the historical interactions for suggesting items. However, the interaction pattern encoding functions in most existing sequential recommender systems have focused on single type of user-item interactions. In many real-life online platforms, user-item interactive behaviors are often multi-typed (e.g., click, add-to-favorite, purchase) with complex cross-type behavior inter-dependencies. Learning from informative representations of users and items based on their multi-typed interaction data, is of great importance to accurately characterize the time-evolving user preference. In this work, we tackle the dynamic user-item relation learning with the awareness of multi-behavior interactive patterns. Towards this end, we propose a new Temporal Graph Transformer (TGT) recommendation framework to jointly capture dynamic short-term and long-range user-item interactive patterns, by exploring the evolving correlations across different types of behaviors. The new TGT method endows the sequential recommendation architecture to distill dedicated knowledge for type-specific behavior relational context and the implicit behavior dependencies. Experiments on the real-world datasets indicate that our method TGT consistently outperforms various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. Our model implementation codes are available at

8. Towards Fair Federated Recommendation Learning: Characterizing the  Inter-Dependence of System and Data Heterogeneity

Kiwan Maeng, Haiyu Lu, Luca Melis, John Nguyen, Mike Rabbat, Carole-Jean Wu


Federated learning (FL) is an effective mechanism for data privacy in recommender systems by running machine learning model training on-device. While prior FL optimizations tackled the data and system heterogeneity challenges faced by FL, they assume the two are independent of each other. This fundamental assumption is not reflective of real-world, large-scale recommender systems -- data and system heterogeneity are tightly intertwined. This paper takes a data-driven approach to show the inter-dependence of data and system heterogeneity in real-world data and quantifies its impact on the overall model quality and fairness. We design a framework, RF^2, to model the inter-dependence and evaluate its impact on state-of-the-art model optimization techniques for federated recommendation tasks. We demonstrate that the impact on fairness can be severe under realistic heterogeneity scenarios, by up to 15.8--41x compared to a simple setup assumed in most (if not all) prior work. It means when realistic system-induced data heterogeneity is not properly modeled, the fairness impact of an optimization can be downplayed by up to 41x. The result shows that modeling realistic system-induced data heterogeneity is essential to achieving fair federated recommendation learning. We plan to open-source RF^2 to enable future design and evaluation of FL innovations.

9. A Survey on Modern Recommendation System based on Big Data

Yuanzhe Peng


Recommendation systems have become very popular in recent years and are used in various web applications. Modern recommendation systems aim at providing users with personalized recommendations of online products or services. Various recommendation techniques, such as content-based, collaborative filtering-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid-based recommendation systems, have been developed to fulfill the needs in different scenarios. This paper presents a comprehensive review of historical and recent state-of-the-art recommendation approaches, followed by an in-depth analysis of groundbreaking advances in modern recommendation systems based on big data. Furthermore, this paper reviews the issues faced in modern recommendation systems such as sparsity, scalability, and diversity and illustrates how these challenges can be transformed into prolific future research avenues.

10. DCAN: Diversified News Recommendation with Coverage-Attentive Networks

Hao Shi, Zi-Jiao Wang, Lan-Ru Zhai


Self-attention based models are widely used in news recommendation tasks. However, previous Attention architecture does not constrain repeated information in the user's historical behavior, which limits the power of hidden representation and leads to some problems such as information redundancy and filter bubbles. To solve this problem, we propose a personalized news recommendation model called

11. Infinite Recommendation Networks: A Data-Centric Approach

Noveen Sachdeva, Mehak Preet Dhaliwal, Carole-Jean Wu, Julian McAuley


We leverage the Neural Tangent Kernel and its equivalence to training infinitely-wide neural networks to devise -AE: an autoencoder with infinitely-wide bottleneck layers. The outcome is a highly expressive yet simplistic recommendation model with a single hyper-parameter and a closed-form solution. Leveraging -AE's simplicity, we also develop Distill-CF for synthesizing tiny, high-fidelity data summaries which distill the most important knowledge from the extremely large and sparse user-item interaction matrix for efficient and accurate subsequent data-usage like model training, inference, architecture search, etc. This takes a data-centric approach to recommendation, where we aim to improve the quality of logged user-feedback data for subsequent modeling, independent of the learning algorithm. We particularly utilize the concept of differentiable Gumbel-sampling to handle the inherent data heterogeneity, sparsity, and semi-structuredness, while being scalable to datasets with hundreds of millions of user-item interactions. Both of our proposed approaches significantly outperform their respective state-of-the-art and when used together, we observe 96-105% of -AE's performance on the full dataset with as little as 0.1% of the original dataset size, leading us to explore the counter-intuitive question: Is more data what you need for better recommendation?

12. ResAct: Reinforcing Long-term Engagement in Sequential Recommendation  with Residual Actor

Wanqi Xue, Qingpeng Cai, Ruohan Zhan, Dong Zheng, Peng Jiang, Bo An


Long-term engagement is preferred over immediate engagement in sequential recommendation as it directly affects product operational metrics such as daily active users (DAUs) and dwell time. Meanwhile, reinforcement learning (RL) is widely regarded as a promising framework for optimizing long-term engagement in sequential recommendation. However, due to expensive online interactions, it is very difficult for RL algorithms to perform state-action value estimation, exploration and feature extraction when optimizing long-term engagement. In this paper, we propose ResAct which seeks a policy that is close to, but better than, the online-serving policy. In this way, we can collect sufficient data near the learned policy so that state-action values can be properly estimated, and there is no need to perform online exploration. Directly optimizing this policy is difficult due to the huge policy space. ResAct instead solves it by first reconstructing the online behaviors and then improving it. Our main contributions are fourfold. First, we design a generative model which reconstructs behaviors of the online-serving policy by sampling multiple action estimators. Second, we design an effective learning paradigm to train the residual actor which can output the residual for action improvement. Third, we facilitate the extraction of features with two information theoretical regularizers to confirm the expressiveness and conciseness of features. Fourth, we conduct extensive experiments on a real world dataset consisting of millions of sessions, and our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in various of long term engagement optimization tasks.

13. Evaluating the Predictive Performance of Positive-Unlabelled  Classifiers: a brief critical review and practical recommendations for  improvement

Jack D. Saunders, Alex, A. Freitas


Positive-Unlabelled (PU) learning is a growing area of machine learning that aims to learn classifiers from data consisting of labelled positive and unlabelled instances. Whilst much work has been done proposing methods for PU learning, little has been written on the subject of evaluating these methods. Many popular standard classification metrics cannot be precisely calculated due to the absence of fully labelled data, so alternative approaches must be taken. This short commentary paper critically reviews the main PU learning evaluation approaches and the choice of predictive accuracy measures in 51 articles proposing PU classifiers and provides practical recommendations for improvements in this area.

14. ID-Agnostic User Behavior Pre-training for Sequential Recommendation

Shanlei Mu, Yupeng Hou, Wayne Xin Zhao, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding


Recently, sequential recommendation has emerged as a widely studied topic. Existing researches mainly design effective neural architectures to model user behavior sequences based on item IDs. However, this kind of approach highly relies on user-item interaction data and neglects the attribute- or characteristic-level correlations among similar items preferred by a user. In light of these issues, we propose IDA-SR, which stands for ID-Agnostic User Behavior Pre-training approach for Sequential Recommendation. Instead of explicitly learning representations for item IDs, IDA-SR directly learns item representations from rich text information. To bridge the gap between text semantics and sequential user behaviors, we utilize the pre-trained language model as text encoder, and conduct a pre-training architecture on the sequential user behaviors. In this way, item text can be directly utilized for sequential recommendation without relying on item IDs. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach can achieve comparable results when only using ID-agnostic item representations, and performs better than baselines by a large margin when fine-tuned with ID information.

15. Augmenting Netflix Search with In-Session Adapted Recommendations

Moumita Bhattacharya, Sudarshan Lamkhede


We motivate the need for recommendation systems that can cater to the members in-the-moment intent by leveraging their interactions from the current session. We provide an overview of an end-to-end in-session adaptive recommendations system in the context of Netflix Search. We discuss the challenges and potential solutions when developing such a system at production scale.

16. Learning Binarized Graph Representations with Multi-faceted Quantization  Reinforcement for Top-K Recommendation

Yankai Chen, Huifeng Guo, Yingxue Zhang, Chen Ma, Ruiming Tang, Jingjie Li, Irwin King


Learning vectorized embeddings is at the core of various recommender systems for user-item matching. To perform efficient online inference, representation quantization, aiming to embed the latent features by a compact sequence of discrete numbers, recently shows the promising potentiality in optimizing both memory and computation overheads. However, existing work merely focuses on numerical quantization whilst ignoring the concomitant information loss issue, which, consequently, leads to conspicuous performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a novel quantization framework to learn Binarized Graph Representations for Top-K Recommendation (BiGeaR). BiGeaR introduces multi-faceted quantization reinforcement at the pre-, mid-, and post-stage of binarized representation learning, which substantially retains the representation informativeness against embedding binarization. In addition to saving the memory footprint, BiGeaR further develops solid online inference acceleration with bitwise operations, providing alternative flexibility for the realistic deployment. The empirical results over five large real-world benchmarks show that BiGeaR achieves about 22%~40% performance improvement over the state-of-the-art quantization-based recommender system, and recovers about 95%~102% of the performance capability of the best full-precision counterpart with over 8x time and space reduction.

17. Prospective Preference Enhanced Mixed Attentive Model for Session-based  Recommendation

Bo Peng, Chang-Yu Tai, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Xia Ning


Session-based recommendation aims to generate recommendations for the next item of users' interest based on a given session. In this manuscript, we develop prospective preference enhanced mixed attentive model (P2MAM) to generate session-based recommendations using two important factors: temporal patterns and estimates of users' prospective preferences. Unlike existing methods, P2MAM models the temporal patterns using a light-weight while effective position-sensitive attention mechanism. In P2MAM, we also leverage the estimate of users' prospective preferences to signify important items, and generate better recommendations. Our experimental results demonstrate that P2MAM models significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods in six benchmark datasets, with an improvement as much as 19.2%. In addition, our run-time performance comparison demonstrates that during testing, P2MAM models are much more efficient than the best baseline method, with a significant average speedup of 47.7 folds.

18. Metrics reloaded: Pitfalls and recommendations for image analysis  validation

Lena Maier-Hein, Annika Reinke, Evangelia Christodoulou, Ben Glocker, Patrick Godau, Fabian Isensee, Jens Kleesiek, Michal Kozubek, Mauricio Reyes, Michael A. Riegler, Manuel Wiesenfarth, Michael Baumgartner, Matthias Eisenmann, Doreen Heckmann-Nötzel, A. Emre Kavur, Tim Rädsch, Minu D. Tizabi, Laura Acion, Michela Antonelli, Tal Arbel, Spyridon Bakas, Peter Bankhead, Arriel Benis, M. Jorge Cardoso, Veronika Cheplygina, Beth Cimini, Gary S. Collins, Keyvan Farahani, Bram van Ginneken, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Michael M. Hoffman, Merel Huisman, Pierre Jannin, Charles E. Kahn, Alexandros Karargyris, Alan Karthikesalingam, Hannes Kenngott, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Anna Kreshuk, Tahsin Kurc, Bennett A. Landman, Geert Litjens, Amin Madani, Klaus Maier-Hein, Anne L. Martel, Peter Mattson,  et al. (21 additional authors not shown)


The field of automatic biomedical image analysis crucially depends on robust and meaningful performance metrics for algorithm validation. Current metric usage, however, is often ill-informed and does not reflect the underlying domain interest. Here, we present a comprehensive framework that guides researchers towards choosing performance metrics in a problem-aware manner. Specifically, we focus on biomedical image analysis problems that can be interpreted as a classification task at image, object or pixel level. The framework first compiles domain interest-, target structure-, data set- and algorithm output-related properties of a given problem into a problem fingerprint, while also mapping it to the appropriate problem category, namely image-level classification, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, or object detection. It then guides users through the process of selecting and applying a set of appropriate validation metrics while making them aware of potential pitfalls related to individual choices. In this paper, we describe the current status of the Metrics Reloaded recommendation framework, with the goal of obtaining constructive feedback from the image analysis community. The current version has been developed within an international consortium of more than 60 image analysis experts and will be made openly available as a user-friendly toolkit after community-driven optimization.

19. A Survey on the Fairness of Recommender Systems

Yifan Wang, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang, Yiqun Liu, Shaoping Ma


Recommender systems are an essential tool to relieve the information overload challenge and play an important role in people's daily lives. Since recommendations involve allocations of social resources (e.g., job recommendation), an important issue is whether recommendations are fair. Unfair recommendations are not only unethical but also harm the long-term interests of the recommender system itself. As a result, fairness issues in recommender systems have recently attracted increasing attention. However, due to multiple complex resource allocation processes and various fairness definitions, the research on fairness in recommendation is scattered. To fill this gap, we review over 60 papers published in top conferences/journals, including TOIS, SIGIR, and WWW. First, we summarize fairness definitions in the recommendation and provide several views to classify fairness issues. Then, we review recommendation datasets and measurements in fairness studies and provide an elaborate taxonomy of fairness methods in the recommendation. Finally, we conclude this survey by outlining some promising future directions.

20. A generative recommender system with GMM prior for cancer drug  generation and sensitivity prediction

Krzysztof Koras, Marcin Możejko, Paulina Szymczak, Eike Staub, Ewa Szczurek


Recent emergence of high-throughput drug screening assays sparkled an intensive development of machine learning methods, including models for prediction of sensitivity of cancer cell lines to anti-cancer drugs, as well as methods for generation of potential drug candidates. However, a concept of generation of compounds with specific properties and simultaneous modeling of their efficacy against cancer cell lines has not been comprehensively explored. To address this need, we present VADEERS, a Variational Autoencoder-based Drug Efficacy Estimation Recommender System. The generation of compounds is performed by a novel variational autoencoder with a semi-supervised Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) prior. The prior defines a clustering in the latent space, where the clusters are associated with specific drug properties. In addition, VADEERS is equipped with a cell line autoencoder and a sensitivity prediction network. The model combines data for SMILES string representations of anti-cancer drugs, their inhibition profiles against a panel of protein kinases, cell lines biological features and measurements of the sensitivity of the cell lines to the drugs. The evaluated variants of VADEERS achieve a high r=0.87 Pearson correlation between true and predicted drug sensitivity estimates. We train the GMM prior in such a way that the clusters in the latent space correspond to a pre-computed clustering of the drugs by their inhibitory profiles. We show that the learned latent representations and new generated data points accurately reflect the given clustering. In summary, VADEERS offers a comprehensive model of drugs and cell lines properties and relationships between them, as well as a guided generation of novel compounds.

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