


华社服基金会CNSST Foundation(简称:华社服,前华人社区服务中心),成立于1998年9月。华社服坚持非政治,非宗教及非牟利的“三非”原则,是具备新西兰政府多部门审批资质的专业社会服务及教育机构。华社服提供包括社会服务,教育及社会房屋等各类社区服务和文化教育课程。每年我们为奥克兰及新西兰其他地区的一万5千多亚裔新移民及少数民族社区提供服务。






Media Release

CNSST Foundation, formerly known as Chinese New Settlers Services Trust, has been registered as a charitable trust in New Zealand since 1998. The trust provides culturally and linguistically appropriate social services, education and social housing to over 15,000 Asian and ethnic persons in Auckland and further afield in New Zealand every year.

Since March 2023, we have been doing voluntary work in support of 155 workers, who are victims of migrant exploitation, and responding to their needs.

We hereby confirm that CNSST Foundation team are committed to supporting these persons in their difficulties in full compliance with New Zealand law and legislations and with justice and transparency. CNSST Foundation has established policies and procedures to systematically ensure the accessibility and quality of our support services. To meet the requirements of public accountability, CNSST Foundation have adopted the international finance auditing standard and utilise independent auditors to annually audit our accounts.  The final reports are made available to public scrutiny via our own website and that of the Charities Commission.

The services that we have provided to these exploited migrant workers are with their full consent, and in response to their need and crisis situation including individualised crisis support, educational workshops on government policies and the New Zealand social system, communication with Immigration New Zealand for investigation of their cases, and communication with local employers to explore work opportunities for them.

CNSST Foundation is united in its sincere appreciation of the recognition, support and trust of our network and those migrant workers whom we have been empowering.

CNSST Foundation

