
【D调留学】T20 JD申请要求及录取数据攻略(下)

2016-08-09 ZYF D调魔法学园







6.对于T20之外的目标院校,感兴趣的读者可通过学校官网以及ABA Standard 509 Reports网站(http://www.abarequireddisclosures.org/)自行做进一步检索与了解。

7.本文中出现的缩写LSATLSACCASBinding分别指Law School Admission Test(法学院入学考试);Law School Admission Council(其网站为http://www.lsac.org/);Credential Assembly Service;有约束力的早申请(即选择早申请的学校为唯一一个首选学校)。


9.采取rollingad missions的学校会在截止日期前一边接受申请一边给出offer,也就意味着大家一定要尽早申请!

10.因小编个人时间、能力有限,本文仅仅起到科普作用,申请时请务必在学校官网和LSAC上确认申请流程及时间节点、材料要求,以免和Dream School失之交臂!


十五、University of Texas at Austin, Texas, TX





LSAT: 75th 169; 50th 167; 25th 162

GPA: 75th 3.86; 50th 3.73; 25th 3.48



1.Early Application: 2016111日(Binding  12月前获得录取结果

2.Regular Application: 201731





1.    学士学位:至少获得2.2GPA成绩。

2.    简历:不超过三页打印纸The applicant should include details on any foreign language proficiencies, including the level of ability with regard to speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing.

3.    个人陈述:2页纸,2倍间距,最小11号字体

4.    推荐信:应当通过LSAC提交,应当尽早提交。

5.    LSAT:早申请提交的成绩不得晚于9月、10;常规申请的不得晚于2月份的成绩。




Transfer in: 有超过12个学校的学生成功转入

GPA: 75th 3.6; 50th 3.46; 25th 3.32


十六、Vanderbilt University, South Nashville, TN




LSAT: 75th 168; 50th 166; 25th 161

GPA: 75th 3.83; 50th 3.74; 25th 3.50









1.    LSAT and J.D. CAS必须通过CAS提交LSAT成绩,成绩单副本The CAS report sent to law schools will include photocopies of your transcripts, your LSAT score(s), your LSAT writing sample, a transcript analysis and other information helpful to readers of your application.

2.    推荐信:至少两份,且应当来自于申请者所就读学校的老师,但也可以来自于其他熟悉的人。建议通过CAS提交。

3.    JD Financial Aid Statement.

4.    入学面试:Required of all JD applicants.

5.    个人陈述

6.    性格与健康问题

7.    国际学生:必须提交托福成绩,由ETS直接寄送至LSAC

8.    法律学者奖学金申请(可选择)




Transfer in: 有超过12个学校的学生成功转入

GPA: 75th 3.5; 50th 3.42; 25th 3.33


十七、University of California, Los Angeles, CA







LSAT: 75th 169; 50th 166; 25th 162

GPA: 75th 3.86; 50th 3.74; 25th 3.51




1. Early Application: 20161114

2. Regular Application: 201721





1.    LSAT早申请必须提交9月份以前的LSAT成绩,常规申请不晚于2月份

2.    Completed application

3.    个人陈述:2页纸,双倍间距,不小于12号字体Discuss any matters relevant to your ability to succeed in law school and the practice of law, and anyattributes, experiences, or interests that would enable you to make adistinctive contribution to UCLA Law or the legal profession.

4.    简历

5.    推荐信:两份,通过LSAC提交。至少一份与学术相关,可能的话,最好全部。

6.    LSAC递交官方成绩单。




Transfer in: 有超过12个学校的学生成功转入

GPA: 75th 3.7; 50th 3.58; 25th 3.46


十八、Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri




WUSTL要求申请者有学士学位,有LSAT成绩。采取rolling basis的录取方式,因此尽可能需要早申请。



LSAT: 75th 168; 50th 167; 25th 161

GPA: 75th 3.80; 50th 3.67; 25th 3.18





1. Early ApplicationBinding: 121  2周收到结果

2. Regular Application: 81

All matriculating students must provide an official, final transcriptincludes degree earned and date of awardto the law school by August 1 preceding the start of classes.




1.    CAS报告:通过 LSAC

2.    个人陈述:2-3

3.    简历

4.    推荐信:2

5.    性格与健康问题

6.    You may submit additional information which may aid the Admissions Committee




Transfer in: 有超过5个少于12个学校的学生成功转入,因此仅取平均值

GPA: 50th 3.4


十九、University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA







LSAT: 75th 167; 50th 166; 25th 161

GPA: 75th 3.86; 50th 3.76; 25th 3.49





Applications that are completed by February 1 receive priority review both for admission and scholarships. However, we will accept applications through April 1, 2016. This means that applicants who have not taken the LSAT until the February 2016 administration ARE eligible to apply.




1.    个人陈述:We are particularly interested in your motivation for studying law, your academic background, and qualities you possess that may enhance the diversity of our student body. 要求2-4页,2倍间距,至少12号字体。必须提交电子版本,不接受二次修改版本提交

2.    推荐信:最好着眼于学术方面,至多3份推荐信。

3.    CAS Evaluations:不强制,可选择。CAS Evaluations may not be substituted for any of the two required letters of recommendation.

4.    成绩单:This transcript must be sent directly from your undergraduate institution to USC Gould School of Law.

5.    性格与健康问题

6.    简历




Transfer in: 有超过12个学校的学生成功转入

GPA: 75th 3.64; 50th 3.55; 25th 3.47


二十、Boston University, Boston, MA







LSAT: 75th 168; 50th 167; 25th 161

GPA: 75th 3.80; 50th 3.67; 25th 3.18





1. “BU-Bound” Binding Decision ProgramBinding):必须提交201612月前的LSAT成绩

Application Complete: 2017110
Notification By: 2017131

2. Distinguished Scholar Binding Early Decision Program (Binding)Applicants who are granted admission to the Distinguished Scholar Program will be granted a three-year, full tuition scholarship. (必须提交1210号前的LSAT成绩

Application Complete: 20161114
Notification By: 20161221





1.    LSAT20172月的LSAT是最后的能被接受的成绩。不接受20127月以前的成绩。若多次提交LSAT成绩,取最高值。

2.    推荐信:必须通过LSAC提交两份推荐信。

3.    个人陈述:大约两页纸,双倍间距。

4.    Optional Essay双倍间距。

5.    简历:Please do not include high school activities or awards in your résumé. There is no required length for the résumé.

6.    TOEFL:不低于100分,四项均不低于25分。




Transfer in: 有超过12个学校的学生成功转入

GPA: 75th 3.52; 50th 3.45; 25th 3.38


二十、The University of Iowa, Iowa, IA





LSAT: 75th 162; 50th 161; 25th 156

GPA: 75th 3.79; 50th 3.61; 25th 3.44









1.    LSAT:递交的成绩不晚于2月份

2.    推荐信:至少两份,建议通过LSAC提交。

3.    成绩单

4.    个人陈述:The personal statementlimited to two to three pagesshould address the following topics: (1) Why do you wish to study law? (2) Why do you want to study at the University of Iowa? (3) What has been your most significant accomplishment? (4) How would you contribute to our law school community and the legal profession? (5) Describe any life experiences that would indicate your drive, determination, motivation, and/or leadership characteristics.

5.    英语要求:Internet-based test (iBT): 80 with no subscore lower than 17; an IELTS total score of 6.5, with no subscore lower than 6.0

6.    性格与健康问题




Transfer out: 3




好啦!T20的介绍到此为止,其中有没有你的女神院校呢?大部分学校的申请在9月份就要开始了,大家要特别留意那些rolling admissions的院校,尽快准备、尽快申请啦!小编在这里祝大家好运。再次重申,本文仅供参考,实际申请事宜以学校官网和LSAC的信息为准!大家不要图省事,一定要仔细仔细再仔细!



