

全册精讲+ 班班通教学系统 2021-04-30













Lesson 1  I can help you.     

Teaching topic: Let’s talk.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly: 

again   me  bad  English   help  glad  

Me , too.          be good at在……方面做的好           

2)The students can master the pattern: I’m not good at English.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the pattern: I’m not good at English.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words:

again  me  bad English  help be not good at        

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching metheds:(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step1设疑自探 (5 minutes)

1.Write the new words on the blackboard.

again   me   hi  bad  at  English   help  glad, Me , too be good at在……方面做的好           

T:Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

2.Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss:Sorry,we do not know

T:Now ,please talk about the meaning of the text from one to four, OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2解疑合探 (15 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

4.Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out .

S1:Glad to see you again.             S2: Me ,too.

  S1: Hello, Tom ! How are you?     S2:I’m OK.Thank you.And you?

S1: Not bad.           S2: I’m not good at English.

  S1:I can help you.      S2:Thank you.

  S1:That’s OK.

Step 3质疑再探 (10minutes)

 T:Can you tell me something about the text?

  S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“Me too.”?

  S2:What is the meaning of the sentence“Not bad.”?

  S3: What is the difference between“Not bad.”and “I’m fine,too.”?……

Step4 运用拓展 (10minutes)


我(宾格)    再,又   帮助   英语   在……  坏的

again   help  English   bad     me 

Bb writing desgin:(板书设计)

 Lesson 1  I can help you. 

again         me         

bad          English    help 

be not good at在……方面不太好

Me, too. 我也是很高兴。

Not bad. 我也很好。





Lesson 1   I can help you.                     

Teaching topic: Let’s learn ; Let’s chant ;Let’s read.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the new words: again, me, bad,English,help.

2)Mster the new words: maths,Chinese

3)Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……./I can help you.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……. /I can help you.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[k]  [t]  [r]  [p]  [h]  [b]  [g]  [m] [l]  [æ]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一 (3 minutes)

1. 复习导入:

T: Good afternoon,class.          

Ss: Good afternoon,teacher.

T: Hi, How are you?             

Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           

T: Not bad. 

T: Today we go on learning Lesson One.Please turn to Page 3 and let’s learn the part of “Let’s learn”.

2.Write the new words on the blackboard.

English  maths  Chinese

T:Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

Step 3设疑自探二 (5 minutes)

The teacher write these Phonetic Symbols on the Bb:[k] [r] [p] [h] [b] [t] [g] [m] [l] [æ ].

T:Cany you read these Phonetic Symbols?  

Ss:Sorry,we don’t know.

Then the teacher write these words on the Bb. 

cat  rat  cap  hat  bag  bat  map  lamp

T:Can you read these words?            Ss:Sorry,we don’t know.

T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK?


Talk about them in pairs, OK?   Ss: OK.

Step 4解疑合探二(15 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read these Phonetic Symbols,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to try to read these words and explain the meaning of the words.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.After that ask the students to read the me,to make sure all the sudents to read these Phonetic Symbols and these words. 

Step 5质疑再探 (3 minutes)

 T:Can you tell me something about the text?

  S1:Can you tell me the English name of some subjects,such as“体育”“科学”“计算机”and so on?


Step 6 运用拓展 (4 minutes)


1.How do you do?                   谢谢。

2.Glad to see you,again.          我的语文不太好

3.I’m not good at Chinese.         你好。

4.Thank you.                      对不起

5.Sorry.                         再次见到你很高兴

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson I can help you.

       Chinese  English   maths 

 I’m good at Chinese (English / maths ).

I can help you.

[k] [r] [p] [h] [b] [t] [g] [m] [l] [æ ].

cat  rat  cap  hat  bag  bat  map  lamp





Lesson I can help you.

Teaching topic:

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the new words: again,me, bad,English,help.

2)Mster the new words: maths,Chinese

3)Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……./I can help you.

4)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][æ]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……. /I can help you.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][æ]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching metheds:(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一 (3 minutes)

1.复习上节课所学音标: [k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][æ].


T:Good afternoon,class.          

Ss:Good afternoon,teacher.

T:Hi,How are you?            

Ss:I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           

T: Not bad. 

T:Today we go on learning Lesson One.Please turn to Page 4 and let’s learn the part of Let’s act..

Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

Step 3设疑自探二 (5 minutes)

1. Group work .Please ask and answer in pairs .

E.g:-- Hello, Li Gang ! Are you good at English?

--Yes, I am .

2. Then say :

……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths.

Step 4解疑合探二(15 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read these sentences ,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to try to read these sentences in pairs .If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.After that ask the students to answer the question:“……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths.

”,to make sure all the sudents can understand it.

4.Listen and number.把所听的材料和图片对应起来并排序。

Step 5质疑再探 (3 minutes)

 Can you tell me something about the text?


Step 6 运用拓展 (4 minutes)


1.How do you do?                    谢谢!

2.I can help you.                   我能帮助你。

3. I’m not good at Chinese.        你好!

4.Thank you.                        对不起。

5.Sorry.                            我不擅长语文。

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

       Lesson I can help you.

……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths.






Lesson 2  It’s too short.

Teaching topic:

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can listen,say, read and write some words correctly. 

dress ,skirt,  like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make ,  


2)The students can master the patterns:It’s a dress. It’s short.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the pattern: It’s a dress. It’s short.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words: dress, skirt, like , vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make ,  


Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching metheds:(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step1设疑自探 (5minutes)

1.Write the new words on the blackboard.

 Dress  skirt,  like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make ,  


T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

2.Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss:Sorry,we do not know.

T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK?


Step 2解疑合探 (15 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the text.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

Then let the Ss read the dialogue,choose a student read the text with me. 

Step 3质疑再探 (10minutes)

 T:Can you tell me something about the text?

  S1:Can you tell me the other names of the clothes,such as“裙子”“连衣裙” and so on?


Step4 运用拓展 (10minutes)


dress      我们(宾格)         then       制作

let        连衣裙             nice       但是

us        喜欢                but        那么

like       让                 make       好的


Bb writing desgin:(板书设计)

Lesson 2: It’s too short.

dress  skirt,  like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make ,  



A: It’s a dress. It’s for you.     B: It’s too short.

A:Then let’s make a skirt.           B:I like it.







Lesson 2 It’s too short.

Teaching topic: Let’s lean; Let’s read.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can master the patterns:It’s a dress. It’s too short.

  Is it short? Yes, it is./No, it’s long.

2)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e].

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the patterns: 

It’s a dress./It’s long

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Review the Phonetic Symbols: [dr] [s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d] [e]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step1设疑自探一(5 minutes)

1.Write the new words on the blackboard.

  skirt, dress, vest, coat, shirt, T-shirt, short ,old,  new.  

Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

1.The teacher write the Phonetic Symbols on the Bb.

[dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e]

T: Can you read them?           Ss:No..

2.Write these words on the blackboard:

skirt, dress, vest, coat, shirt, T-shirt, short ,old,  new.

T: Can you read them?  

Ss: Sorry, we don’t know.

Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four,OK?

Step 4解疑合探二(10 minutes)

Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

Step 5质疑再探 (5 minutes)

T:Can you tell me something about the text?

S1:The difference between coat and shirt.

S2:The difference between dress and skirt.


Step 6 运用拓展 (5 minutes)


(  )1.What’s this?                A.yes

(  )2.Are you Mr Bear?       B.Too short?Let’s make a blouse.

(  )3.Colour it green.             C.OK.

(  )4.My dress is too short.    D.How do you do?

(  )5.How do you do?            E.It’s a bird.

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

  Lesson 2 It’s too short

skirt裙子          coat外套           shirt衬衫

It’s a dress./It’s short.

It’s a dress./It’s too short.

Is it short? Yes, it is./ No, it’s long





Lesson 2 It’s too short.

Teaching topic: Ask and answer; Draw and say ;Look and write ;Listen and number .

Teaching material analysis :(教材分析)

1)Review the words which have learned last class.

2)The students can master the patterns:

It’s a …

What  color is your dress?                

It’s red.

Is it short?                            

Yes, it is.

3)Review the Phonetic Symbols: [dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the patterns: 

1)It’s a dress./It’s too short.

2)Is it short?Yes,it is./No,it’s long


Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Review the Phonetic Symbols:[dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d] [e].

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step1设疑自探一(5 minutes)

1. Revise the words in last lesson.

2. 设疑自探:Look at “Ask and answer”. Can you ask and answer in pairs? Please practice together.(利用所穿衣服)

Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. if all the Ss do not know how to practice, the teacher should tell them.

2.Play a game : Which is the winner?

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

1. Draw and say .画一画自己的衣服,并介绍一下。

如:This is my dress. It’s red. It’s new. I like it.

2.Look and write. 看一看,填一填  。

Step 4解疑合探二(10 minutes)

1. 小组内交流汇报学习成果。

2. 全班交流汇报。(各小组派代表汇报并评出优胜者。)

3. Listen to the tape and number .(完成听录音排序)

Step 5质疑再探 (5 minutes)

 Do you have any questions?

Step 6 运用拓展 (5 minutes)


egg_______   vest________    bed________  desk_________

背心________  外套_________母鸡_________ 钢笔________


A.small        B.long       C.new       D. not

1.old________ 2.yes_________ 3.big_________ 4.no_________ 

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 2 It’s too short

skirt裙子          coat外套           shirt衬衫

It’s a dress./It’s short.

A:What colour is your dress?           B: It’s red.

A:Is it short?                        B: Yes, it is.





    Lesson 3 Is that a pig ?                

Teaching topic: Let’s talk.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)To study the new words: on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so ,

2)The students can master the pattern: 

Is that a big pig?  No, it isn’t a pig .It’s an elephant.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the patterns: The students can master the pattern: 

Is that a big pig?  No, it isn’t a pig .It’s an elephant.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words: on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so.

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching metheds:(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探(10 minutes)


2.设疑:Write the new words on the blackboard:

on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so 

T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss:Sorry,we do not know

T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK?


Step 2解疑合探(12 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

4.Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out .

T:Please look at the pictures and ask a student to answer my questions.

T:(An elephant)Is it an elephant?           S1:Yes, it is.

T:(A deer)Is that an elephant?            S2:No, it isn’t.

Step 3 质疑再探(10 minutes)

T:Can you tell me something about the text?

 S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“How nice on a ship!”?

 S2:What is the meaning of the sentence“So many animals.”?

 S3:Why do we use “an” before “elephant”,but use “a” before “pig”?……

Step 4运用拓展 (8 minutes)


on___________ so__________ many__________ there________




———Mname is Pete.

A.you    B.your    C.my

2.——_______ it a pig?———No,it isn’t.

  A.Is    B.Does     C.Can

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 3 So many animals

on ship so many animal no elephant there

Is that a big pig?  

No, it isn’t a pig.

It’s an elephant.





           Lesson 3   Is that a pig ?              

Teaching topic: Let’s learn; Let’s sing; Let’s read

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Go over the words that we study last time.

2)Learn some new names about animals: tiger, rabbit, deer, bear.

3)Sing the “Old  MacDonald  has a farm” song.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

1)Know some words about animals .

2)Make the sentences using the patterns:

Is this/that a bear?    Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

The students can master the patterns:

Is this/that it a bear?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一(8 minutes)

1. 谈话导入:

T: Good afternoon everyone.    

Ss: Good afternoon ,teacher.

T:How are you?              Ss:Not bad.

T: Now class begins. Today we go on learning Lesson 3.Think about some names of the animals with English.

2、The students say some names of the animals with English the teracher write them on the blackboard.Then the teacher write the names of the animals which the teacher don’t know.

tiger  rabbit  deer  bear

T: Please look at the blackboard.How to pronounce the world

correctly? Talk about them.

Step 2 解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of then song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

T: Please look at the pictures and ask a student to answer my questions.

T:(a bear) Is this a pig?        

S1:No,it’s a bear.

T:(a elephant)Is that a elephant?   

S2:Yes, it is.

T:(a monkey) Is that a dog?    

S3:No, it isn’t. It is a monkey.

T: Very good, sit down, please.

3. Next work in pairs to practice these after that I’ll choose some students to act them.

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

The teacher write the Phonetic Symbols on the Bb.

[f]   [∫]   [t∫]   [ks]   [i]

T:Can you read them?           Ss:No..

Write these words on the blackboard

pig  sit  fish  chips  ship  chick  hill  six

T:Can you read them?  

Ss:Sorry,we don’t know.

T:Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four,OK?


Step 4解疑合探二(6 minutes)

Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

Step 5质疑再探 (5 minutes)

T:Can you tell me something about the text?

 S1:Can you tall me the different names about the animals,such as:cow horse and so on?

 S2:The difference between it is and it’s.


Step 5 运用拓展 (6 minutes)


pig__________     hill__________

轮船________     坐_________

6________        薯条________

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 3 So many animals

rabbit    bear   deer  tiger

        Is this/that a pig? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

[f]   [∫]   [t∫]   [ks]   [i]

pig  sit  fish  chips  ship  chick  hill  six





           Lesson 3  Is that a pig ?

Teaching topic: A game ;Let’s make and act; Listen and choose.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Go over the words that we study last time.

2)Learn some new names about animals:tiger,rabbit,deer,lion.

3)Sing the “Old Mac Donald has a farm” song.

4)Make the sentences using the patterns:Is this/that a pig? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

5)Master the Phonetic Symbols:[f][∫] [t∫] [ks][i]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

1)Know some words about animals .

2)Make the sentences using the patterns:

Is it a pig?  Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[f] [∫]  [t∫] [ks][i]..

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一(8 minutes)

1. 复习导入:Is this /that a bear? Yes ,it is ./No ,it isn’t

2. 设疑:Can you make a bear/panda/ rabbit?

     Let’s Ss learn to make together.

Step 2 解疑合探一(10 minutes)



3.两人一组分别充当bear/panda/ rabbit进行操练:I’m a bear. Are you a panda ? No, I’m a rabbit.


Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

1、A game .拿出事先准备好的学过的动物图片。师先出示一张图片,学生A看完图片后,有自己的动作表演出来,让学生B猜是什么单词,利用本课的重点句型Is that…提问来进行猜测。


Step 4解疑合探二(6 minutes)

1、 Choose someone to act them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

2、 Listen and choose

Step 5质疑再探 (5 minutes)

Do you have any questions?

Step 6 运用拓展 (6 minutes)

一. Link.

1. What’s this?               A. 给你一件红裙子。

2. A red dress for you.       B.让我们把这个苹果涂成红色。

3. Can you see a tiger?         C. 你能看见一只老虎么?

4. Let’s color the apple red.     D.这是什么?

5. How nice on a ship!         E. 在船上真好啊!


pig__________     hill__________

轮船________     坐_________

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 3  So many animals

I’m a bear .

Are you a panda ?

No ,I’m a rabbit .





Lesson 4 Where is my doll?           

Teaching topic: Let’s talk 

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can listen,say,read and write the new words correctly: bed ,see, she , with, doll.

2)The students can master the forms:Where is ……? 

Is it on your bed?

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the patterns: The students can master the forms: Where is ……? 

Is it on your bed?

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words: bed ,see, she , with, doll: where , my, doll, bed, box, with.

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1:设疑自探 (5 minutes)


T: Good afternoon.        

Ss: Good afternoon.

T: Glad to see you.        

Ss: Not bad.

T: Now class begins .Now let’s learn Lesson Four.

2.Write the new words on the blackboard.

bed ,see, she , with, doll 

T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss:Sorry,we do not know

T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK?


Step 2 解疑合探 (15 minutes)

1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

4.The boys play Tom, the girls play Eve,I play Lulu.

Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out .

5.Ask and answer:

T: Please look at me and ask a student to answer my questions. Where is my pen?                     

 S1:It’s on the pencil-box.

T: Where is my pencil-box?          

S2:It’s in the bag.

T: Look at the picture and answer my question.Where is Luly?

S3:She is with Kate.

Then let the Ss make a dialogue in three. Then choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out.

Step 3 质疑再探 (10 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

 S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“I can’t find it.”?

 S2:What is the difference between“in” and “on”?


Step 4  运用拓展(10 minutes)


where  doll    bed    box       with 

和    床    哪里   玩具娃娃   盒子


  1)Miss Fox is ________Mr Frog.

A. in    B. on   C. with

  2)The apple s are ________the box.

     A.no   B. in    C. at

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 4 Where is my doll?

bed ,see, she , with, doll 

Where is my doll?

Is it on your bed?

No, it isn’t.





            Lesson 4 Where is my doll?            

Teaching topic: Let’s learn, Let’s chant; Let’s read

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1) Review the new words: bed, see, she , with, doll.

2)Make the sentences using the forms:

Where is ……?It’s on/in…….

Is it in/on the box?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Make the sentences using the forms:

Where is ……?It’s on/in…….

Is it in/on the box? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

The students can master the patterns:Is it a pig?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1 设疑自探一(8 minutes)


T: Good afternoon,class.          Ss:Good afternoon,teacher.

T:How are you?                Ss:I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           T:Not bad.Now class begins.We go on learning Lesson 4.

2、设疑:First ,look at me then ask a student to make a dialogue with me.

T: I can’t find my book.Where is my book ?

S1: It’s on the desk.            

T: I can’t find my pen.Where is my pen?

S2: It’s on the book.            T:Oh,it’s on the book.

Step 2 解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1、Let’s learn. Then encourage the students to tell me the key of the answer.if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.


2、Let’s chant .The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the chant .If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3、The teacher choose a student to try to read the chant. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.If the students can’t read it the teacher should tell them.

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

Let’s read.

Write these words on the blackboard

dog  frog  fox  ox  doll  clock  box  sock 

T: Can you read them?  

Ss:Sorry,we don’t know.

T:Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four,OK?


Step 4解疑合探二(6 minutes)

Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

Step 4 质疑再探(3 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

 S1:How to use “with” in English?

 S2:The difference between it is and it’s.


Step 5 运用拓展(8 minutes)




  2.is,in,it,the box(?)


  3.is,the, on,bed, ruler,it(?)


Bb writing design:(板书设计)

           Lesson 4 Where is my doll?

Where is ……?It’s on/in…….

Is it on the bed?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

      in  在物体的里面用in

on  在物体的上面用on

[d]  [g]  [f]  [l]  [f]  [r]  [k]  [ ]

dog  frog  fox  ox  doll  clock  box  sock 





           Lesson 4 Where is my doll? 

Teaching topic: A game ;Read and write; Listen and choose.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1) Review the new words: bed, see, she , with, doll.

2)Make the sentences using the forms:Where is ……?It’s on/in…….

Is it in/on the box?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

3)Sing the “Where is the doll?”song.

4)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[d][g][f][l][f][r][k][ ]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Make the sentences using the forms:Where is ……?It’s on/in…….

Is it in/on the box?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[d][g][f][l][f][r][k][ ]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1 设疑自探一(8 minutes)


2、A  game。

Please make the dialogue with your partners like me just now.After that I’ll ask some students to act it.

T:Do you know the difference betwween in and on?

Ss: No.

T: Now please talk about the meaning of them in four,OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2 解疑合探一(10 minutes)

1.Then encourage the students to tell me the key of the answer.if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.


2. Ask some Ss to make the dialogues.

S1:Where is my pen?          S2:Is it in the bag?

S3: Yes. / No.         

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

1、Read and write.

Can you read and them?

Please talk about them in four .

Step 4解疑合探二(6 minutes)



3、Please write them in the exercise book.

Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

Step 4 质疑再探(3 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

 S1:How to use “with” in English?

 S2:The difference between it is and it’s.


Step 5 运用拓展(8 minutes)




  2.is,in,it,the box(?)


  3.is,the, on,bed, ruler,it(?)


Bb writing design:(板书设计)

           Lesson 4 Where is my doll?

 -Where is my book?

 -Is it in the bag?






         Lesson 5 Let’s run a race         

Teaching topic: Let’s talk.

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can listen,say, read and write some words correctly. 

day  sun  fun    run  two

play  game  

Play a game.做游戏

run a race 赛跑  

Come on.加油。

2) The students can master the pattern: 

What a fine day? Let’s run a race.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the pattern: Let’s run a race.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words:

day sun fun    run  two

play  game  Play a game.做游戏

run a race 赛跑   Come on.加油。

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step1设疑自探 (5 minutes)


T: Good morning.        Ss:Good morning.

T:Glad to see you.        Ss:Glad to see you,too.

T:Now class begins.Now let’s learn Lesson Five.

2、Write the new words on the blackboard.

day sun fun    run  two

play  game  Play a game.做游戏

run a race 赛跑   Come on.加油。

T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss:Sorry,we do not know

T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK?


Step 2  解疑合探(25 minutes)

1、Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2、The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3、The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

4、The teacher speak English,the students guess the meaning.

T: Let’s play games.            Ss:让我们做游戏吧。

T: Let’s run a race.             Ss:让我们赛跑吧。

T: Let’s line up.                Ss:让我们站好队。

Step3  质疑再探(5 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

E.g:S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“What a fine day!”?

 S2:Can you tell us lots of words about actions?


Step 4 运用拓展(5 minutes)


   1.It’s fun________ in the sun.

A. run   B. running  C. to run

   2.The box________in the bag.

A. is    B. are  C. am

3.Can you ________a baby duck?

A. look  B. see  C. looking

   4.I can’t find _______

     A.I cat  B.my cat  C.he dog

5.Look!The duck is ________ her mum,Mr Duck.

  A.with  B.and  C.in

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

Lesson 5 Let’s run a race

day sun fun    run  two

play  game  Play a game.做游戏

run a race 赛跑   Come on.加油。





              Lesson 5 Let’s run a race 

Teaching topic: Let’s learn, Let’s sing; Let’s read

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the words: Play a game.做游戏.    Run a race.赛跑.   Line up.站好队.

2)Make the sentences using the form: Let’s …….

3) Sing “The duck can run” song.

4) Master the Phonetic Symbols:[b][s][g][n][d][k][m] [r][h][t][^]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Make the sentences using the form:Let’s …….

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[b][s][g][n][d][k][m] [r][h][t][^]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一(8 minutes)


T: Good afternoon,class.  

Ss: Good afternoon ,teacher.

T: Hi, Zhang Lei! How are you?   

Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           

T: Not bad. Very good. Now class begins, today we go on learning Lesson Five. Write the new words on the blackboard.

       walk   jump  swim

T: Please look at the blackboard.Can you read these words?


Step 2 解疑合探一(12 minutes)

1、Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2、The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of then song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.

3、Listen to tape and sing the song. 

Then the teacher choose a student to try to sing the song. If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it.If the students can’t sing it the teacher should tell them.

Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

1、The teacher write the Phonetic Symbols on the Bb.

[b]  [s]   [d]  [k]  [m]  [r]  [h]  [t]  [∧]

T: Can you read them?           Ss:No..

2、Write these words on the blackboard:

bus  sun  up  run  duck  hut  mum  bun 

T:Can you read them?  

Ss:Sorry,we don’t know.

T:Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four,OK?


Step 4质疑再探 (5 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

  S1: The difference between jump and hop.  

S2:The difference between skip and hop.

Step 5运用拓展 (5 minutes)


1.run________   2.walk_________   3.跑_______    

4.跳,跳跃________     5..游泳___________


1.f_n__ _____    2.f_n_ _______      3.th__ ________

4.s_n ________   5.g_m_ ________  6.r_c__ ________

Bb writing design:(板书设计) 

        Lesson 5 Let’s run a race

    Play games.做游戏. jump  ,walk  , swim .

Run a race.赛跑.

- What a fine day?

- Let’s run a race.

- Let’s play a game.

- OK.






         Lesson 5 Let’s run a race                

Teaching topic: Listen and do; Talk and tick; Listen and number.  

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the words: Play a game.做游戏.    Run a race.赛跑.   Line up.站好队.

2)Make the sentences using the form: Let’s …….

3)Learn the new words: walk, jump , run, swim. stand up ,sit down, ruler.

4)Sing“The duck can run”song.

5)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[b][s][g][n][d][k][m][r][h][t][^].

Goal request:(教学目的) 

1)Make the sentences using the form: Let’s …….

2) Learn the new words: walk, jump, run, swim, stand up ,sit down, ruler.

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

Master the Phonetic Symbols:[b][s][g][n][d][k][m] [r][h][t][^].

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探一(8 minutes)


T: Good afternoon, class.          

Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.

T: Hi, Zhang Lei! How are you?   

Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           

T: Not bad. Very good . Now class begins, today we go on learning Lesson Five. Write the new words on the blackboard:

       walk, jump , run, swim. stand up ,sit down, ruler.

T: Please look at the blackboard. Can you read these words?

Ss: No.

T: Now please talk about them the in four, OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2 解疑合探一(12 minutes)

1、Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words, if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2、Talk and tick.师利用简笔画让学生说英文单词。然后在两人一组根据此部分图片和表格讨论书本、连衣裙和尺子到底应该放在什么地方?


Step 3设疑自探二(5 minutes)

Look at the pictures in “Listen and number”, W hat’s the meaning of them? Please talk about in Four.

Step 4解疑合探二(6 minutes)

1、Choose someone to say about them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

2、Listen to the tape and number it .

Step 5质疑再探 (5 minutes)

Can you tell me something about the text?

Step 6运用拓展 (5 minutes)


1. A. dog     B. pig     C. rabbit     D. my

2. A. pen     B. pencil   C. ruler      D. elephant

3. A. blue    B. green    C. orange    D. pear

4. A. walk    B. play     C. run       D. game

Bb writing design:(板书设计) 

Lesson 5 Let’s run a race

Walk, run ,jump, swim, stand up ,sit down ,ruler.





               Lesson 6 Revision                

Teaching topic: Read and act 

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly. 

hungry little  open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

2)The students can retell the story about this text.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can write the new words : hungry ,little,  open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

Key difficulty:(重点难点) 

The students can retell the story about this text.

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探 (5 minutes) 


T: Good morning.        Ss: Good morning.

T: Glad to see you.        Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Now class begins. Now let’s learn Lesson Six.

2、Write the new words on the blackboard:

Hungry,little,open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

3、Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T: Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss: Sorry, we do not know

T: Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four, OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2:解疑合探(15 minutes)

1、Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words, if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them.

2、The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.

3、The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher.

4、 The teacher acts the duck, the students act the fox.

5、Act: Boys act the fox, girls act the duck.

Step 3 质疑再探  (15 minutes)

1.Can you tell me something about the text?

  S1:What is the meaning of the “Who is it?”?

  S2:What is the meaning of the “We can’t let him in”?

The teacher choose some students stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.

2.The teacher read the text. Then let students read after the teacher

3.After that I’ll choose some students to act it.

Step 4 运用拓展(3 minutes)


1.That’s__________ orange coat.    A. a   B. an  C./

2. -How _______ are you?-I’m two.  A. old  B./  C. new

3. A red dress ______you!     A. of   B. to  C. for

4.Don’t read ______the sun.  A. in B. on  C. at

5.I’m ______my good friend, Tina. A. with B. and C. in

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

 Lesson 6: Review

hungry ,little ,open, door, who,

          grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.





Lesson 6 Revision             

Teaching topic: Say and recite

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the new words: 

hungry little  open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

2)Retell the story about this text.

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Review the new words: hungry ,little, open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

Key difficulty:(重点难点) 

Master the new words: hungry  little  wait  we  him  

who  hut  grandma

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods : (教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探(5 minutes)


 ……Today we go on learning Lesson Six. 

2、Please look at say and recite.

   T: Can you read them?  What’s the meaning of them?

Ss: Sorry, we don’t know.

T: Now please talk about them in four, OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes)

1、 Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently.

2、Choose someone to translate it .

3、Practice in pairs.

4、Say and recite.

Step 3 质疑再探(15 minutes)

About this lesson, what else do you want to ask?

Step 4运用拓展(5 minutes)


1.饥饿的      A. hungry   B. hut      C. happy

2.小的        A. hut      B. hungry   C. happy

3.开,打开    A. little    B. door  C. open

4.我们        A. us    B. we  C. he

5.他(宾格)    A. he    B. him  C. she 


Bb writing design:(板书设计) 

           Lesson 6 Revision

I’m not good at English.

I can help you.

Where is my dress?

Is this my dress ?

It’s too short .






               Lesson 6 Revision 

Teaching topic: Revision Exercise

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1)Review the new words: hungry little  open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

2)Retell the story about this text.

3)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[f][t][l][g][s][w][m][h][k]

[p][n][d][æ][e][∧][ ]

Goal request:(教学目的) 

Review the new words: hungry little open, door, who, grandma, wait, we ,him ,hut.

Key difficulty:(重点难点) 

Master the Phonetic Symbols: [f][t][l][g][s][w][m] [h][k][p][n] [d][æ]                                    [e][∧][ ]

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1设疑自探(5 minutes)


T: Good afternoon, class.          Ss: Good afternoon, teacher.

T: How are you?        Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you?           T: Not bad. Very good. Today we go on learning Lesson Six. 

2、The teacher write the Phonetic Symbols on the Bb.

[f]  [t]  [l]  [g]  [s]  [w]  [m]  [h]  

[k]  [p]  [n]  [d]  [æ]  [e]  [∧]  [ ]

T: Can you read them?           Ss: No..

Write these words on the blackboard

fat  hand  leg  ten  swim  gift  hot  mop  cup  nut

T: Can you read them?  

Ss: Sorry, we don’t know.

T: Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four, OK?

Ss: OK

Step 2 解疑合探(15 minutes)

1、Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently. 

2、Please finish the exercise from 30 to 31.



Step 3 质疑再探(15 minutes)

1、About this lesson, Do you have any question ? 

T: About this lesson, what else do you want to ask?

S: What’s the meaning of “Please wait ”?

The teacher choose some students stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.

2、The teacher read the text. Then let students read after the teacher

3、After that ,  I‘ll  choose some students to act it.

Step 4运用拓展(5 minutes)


1.fat¬¬¬______  2.fat______   3.leg______  4.swim______      5.hot______          6.cup______  

7.hand______      8.ten______         9.gift______  

Bb writing design:(板书设计) 

           Lesson 6 Revision

[f][t][l][g][s][w][m][h][k][p][n][d][æ][e][∧][ ]

fat leg  swim  hot  cup  

hand ten  milk  mom  nut







              Lesson 7 Can you make cakes?                 

Teaching topic: Let’s talk

Teaching material analysis:(教材分析)

1) The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly: 

table some cake  have  noodle           

2) The students can master the pattern: 

What’s on the table? Can you make cakes?

Goal request:(教学目的) 

The students can master the pattern: 

What’s on the table? Can you make cakes?

Key difficulty:(重点难点)

How to read and write the words: table some cake have   noodle    

Teaching times:(教学时间)1

Teaching methods :(教学方法)three doubts three searches

Teaching aid study:(教学工具)cards, tape

Teaching process:(教学过程)

Step 1 设疑自探 (5 minutes)

1、Warmer(2 minutes)

T: Good afternoon.        Ss: Good afternoon.

T: Glad to see you.        Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Now class begins .Now let’s learn Lesson Seven.

2、Write the new words on the blackboard.

Table some cake  have  noodle 

T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly.

Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question.

T: Can you tell me the meaning of the text?

Ss: Sorry, we do not know.

T: Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four, OK?

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