

iyuba 爱语吧英语

The 2024 China Film Week commenced in Yangon, Myanmar on Friday, with more than 100 representatives from Myanmar's film, literature, education and media sectors as well as overseas Chinese communities attending the event.

“2024·中国影像周”于周五在缅甸仰光开幕,来自缅甸电影界、文学界、 教育界、媒体界以及华侨华人社团的100多名代表参加了此次活动。

Zheng Zhihong, minister counselor of the Chinese embassy in Myanmar, said at the event that holding the China Film Week in Myanmar is an important initiative to implement the Global Civilization Initiative and promote people-to-people exchanges between China and Myanmar.

中国驻缅甸使馆公参郑志宏 在活动中表示,在缅甸举办中国影像周是落实全球文明倡议、促进中缅人文交流的重要举措。

In recent years, China's film and television industry has flourished, and exchanges between China and Myanmar in this field have become closer. China is willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Myanmar in relevant fields, he said.


U Zeyar, deputy director general of the media development department under Myanmar's Ministry of Information, said cultural exchanges between Myanmar and China have a long history, and that Myanmar audiences are enthusiastic about the China Film Week, which contributes to deepening the "Paukphaw" (fraternal) friendship between the two countries.

缅甸信息部媒体发展局副局长貌貌翁 表示,缅中文化交流历史悠久,缅甸观众对中国影像周充满热情,这有助于加深两国之间的“兄弟情谊”。

The five-day 2024 China Film Week is hosted by the Chinese embassy in Myanmar and co-organized by the China Cultural Center in Yangon. The event will screen Chinese films including "The Wandering Earth," "The Wandering Earth II," "Chang'an," "Song of the Phoenix,"and "Paths of the Soul."


Japan and China announced Friday that they have reached a deal resolving their disputes over the discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean and Beijing's subsequent ban on Japanese seafood.


Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the two sides have reached "a certain level of mutual understanding" that China will start working toward easing the import ban and will join the expanded monitoring of wastewater discharges from Fukushima Daiichi under the framework of the United Nations' atomic agency.


On Aug. 24, 2023 Japan began discharging treated radioactive wastewater from the plant, which suffered a nuclear meltdown in 2011. In response, China blocked imports of Japanese seafood, saying the release would endanger the fishing industry and coastal communities in eastern China. The ban has hit Japanese seafood exporters to China.


"Naturally, our understanding is that China will steadily resume the imports of Japanese marine products" that meet Chinese standards in the same way as other products from other countries, Kishida said.

“当然,我们的理解是,中国将稳步恢复进口符合中国标准的日本海产品”, 岸田说,就像进口其他国家的其他产品一样。

Japanese officials described the deal as a breakthrough, but there was no immediate word on when a next monitoring visit will take place or the ban would be lifted.

日本官员称该协议是一项突破, 但目前还没有消息表明何时进行下一次监测访问或何时解除禁令。

Kishida stressed that the safety of the Japanese water discharges has been proven and that it will continue to demand China's immediate lifting of the ban.


"How to properly handle the nuclear-contaminated water of Fukushima is both a political issue and scientific issue," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a daily briefing on Friday.

“如何妥善处理福岛核废水既是政治问题,也是科学问题,” 中国外交部发言人毛宁周五在每日例行发布会上表示。

"The bilateral consensus of China and Japan lays a foundation for the international community to handle the nuclear-contaminated water scientifically, effectively and safely, and is an initial joint achievement of the international community, especially the stakeholder countries," Mao said.

毛宁说:“中日双边共识为国际社会科学、有效、安全地处理核废水奠定了基础, 是国际社会特别是利益相关国家共同取得的初步成果。”

Japan hopes the latest development with China will prompt Hong Kong, Macau and Russia to lift their bans too.


Hong Kong's government said it would seek more information from Japan together with mainland Chinese authorities and assess whether the city could ease its restrictions targeting Japanese products based on scientific evidence. Hong Kong, a major market for Japanese fishery exports, has banned the import of aquatic products from 10 Japanese prefectures since Aug. 24, 2023.


Japan says the discharge has met international safety standards and is being monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency, adding that all past water monitoring data has been publicly available. Japan has criticized China over its seafood ban as unscientific and demanded an immediate end to the measure.

日本表示,排放符合国际安全标准,并正在接受国际原子能机构的监测, 并补充说,过去所有的水监测数据都已公开。日本批评中国的海鲜禁令不科学,并要求立即终止该措施。

Just before the announcement, Kishida held telephone talks with IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi and confirmed a plan to expand the current multinational monitoring system to accommodate Chinese scientists in joining its monitoring and sampling of the treated water before and after release within the IAEA framework.


Grossi told Kishida that the ongoing discharge has met safety standards set by the IAEA and ensured his agency's continuing cooperation with the Japanese government in achieving the additional monitoring at an early date, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said.


Fukushima's cooling system was damaged during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, triggering meltdowns in its three reactors and large amounts of radioactive water to accumulate. Its operator, Tokyo Electric Power Holdings Co., has been trying to decommission the plant.


Japan's government and TEPCO say the discharge of the water stored in hundreds of tanks is necessary for safety reasons and to make space for other operations.





