

iyuba 爱语吧英语

LAUSANNE -- The International Olympic Committee announced on Monday the seven candidates running for the presidency, with Sebastian Coe and Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr. among those on the list.
洛桑——国际奥委会于周一宣布了七位角逐主席一职的候选人, 包括塞巴斯蒂安·科 和胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇二世。

Other candidates vying for the position of the 10th IOC president to succeed the current chief, Thomas Bach, include HRH Prince Feisal al Hussein, Kirsty Coventry, Johan Eliasch, David Lappartient and Morinari Watanabe.
其他候选人还包括为接替现任主席托马斯·巴赫而竞选第十届国际奥委会主席的费萨尔·侯赛因亲王殿下、 基尔斯蒂·科文垂、约翰·埃利亚施、大卫·拉潘蒂安和渡边末治。

67-year-old Coe is a British sports administrator and former middle-distance runner, renowned for winning two Olympic gold medals in the 1,500 meters at the 1980 and 1984 Games. Coe has served as president of World Athletics since 2015.
现年67岁的科是英国体育管理官员和前中长跑运动员, 曾经在1980年和1984年奥运会上赢得1500米两枚金牌。自2015年起,科一直担任世界田径协会主席。

Samaranch Jr. currently serves as a vice president of the IOC. Following in the footsteps of his father, Juan Antonio Samaranch, who was IOC president from 1980 to 2001, the 64-year-old Spaniard has contributed significantly to various Olympic initiatives and committees.
萨马兰奇二世 目前担任国际奥委会副主席。他追随父亲胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇的脚步,后者自1980年至2001年担任国际奥委会主席。这位64岁的西班牙人为各种奥林匹克计划和委员会做出了重大贡献。

Prince Feisal al Hussein is member of the Jordanian royal family and an advocate for sports development in the Arab world. He has served as the president of the Jordan Olympic Committee and has held various positions within the IOC.

Coventry is a Zimbabwean swimmer and Olympic gold medalist, having competed in five Olympic Games and earned a total of seven medals, making her one of Africa's most decorated Olympians. Beyond her athletic success, the 41-year-old serves as Zimbabwe's Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts, and Recreation and an IOC member.
科文垂是津巴布韦游泳运动员和奥运会金牌得主,曾参加过五届奥运会并共获得七枚奖牌, 是非洲获得奖牌最多的奥运选手之一。除了运动成就外,这位41岁的女性还担任津巴布韦青年、体育、艺术和娱乐部长,同时也是国际奥委会成员。

Eliasch is a Swedish businessman and sports executive, currently serving as the president of the International Ski Federation (FIS). The 62-year-old was elected as an IOC member in 2024.

Lappartient is a French sports administrator who has been serving as the president of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the governing body for world cycling, since 2017. An IOC member, Lapartient also chairs the IOC's Esport Commission, overseeing the organization of the Esports Olympic Games in Saudi Arabia in 2025.
拉潘蒂安是法国体育管理官员,自2017年起担任国际自行车联盟(UCI)主席, 该联盟是世界自行车运动的管理机构。作为国际奥委会成员,拉潘蒂安还担任国际奥委会电子竞技委员会主席,负责监督2025年沙特阿拉伯电子竞技奥运会的组织工作。

Morinari Watanabe of Japan is the current president of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). The 65-year-old became the ninth FIG president and the first non-European to hold the post in 2017. Watanabe, a former gymnast and coach, has been an IOC member since 2018.

According to the IOC, the candidates will present their programs in camera to the full IOC membership on the occasion of a meeting to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland in January 2025.
据国际奥委会称, 候选人将于2025年1月在瑞士洛桑举行的会议上, 向国际奥委会全体成员介绍他们的计划。

Bach announced during the final week of the Paris Olympics that he would not pursue a third term, adhering to the IOC charter's maximum 12-year presidency limit, which concludes in 2025.
巴赫在巴黎奥运会最后一周宣布,他不会竞选第三个任期, 遵守国际奥委会章程规定的最长12年任期限制,该任期将于2025年结束。







