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2018-04-27 从学英语 BBC英语听力

BBC news with Elly Macue.

Elly Macue为您播报BBC新闻。

Fears of a trade war between China and the United States have led to sharp falls in Asian stock exchanges. The concerns were sparked off by a series of tit-for-tat measures: Beijing threatening tariffs of more than a hundred American products hours after President Trump announced plans of levying high taxes on Chinese imports. Beijing said the US moves weren't in the interest of either country.


In the latest shakeup of his White House team, President Trump has replaced his national security advisor. General H.R. McMaster lost his post to John Bolton, former diplomat known for its hawkish views.

最近,特朗普总统对其白宫团队做了洗牌,替换了前国家安全顾问,即麦克马斯特,任命约翰 博尔顿(John Bolton)为新一任顾问。后者此前是一名政客,以强硬派观点著称。

The United States has averted another government shutdown after Congress approved a new spending bill. It will fund the federal government until September. The correspondents say the large spending increases go against the administration's hopes to scale back the government.


The European Union has reacted strongly to the attempted assassination of a former Russia spy in Britain. It said it agreed with London that it was highly likely that Russia had carried out the attack, and in a rare move recalled its ambassador from Moscow.


Opposition parties in South Africa is demanding the cancelation of a deal that makes government pay the legal fees of Jacob Zuma who was last month ousted as president over corruption allegations. Mr. Zuma has spent more than a million dollars on lawyers even though the case hasn't come to court yet.

南非反对派要求取消一项要求由南非政府支付雅各布 祖玛(Jacob Zuma)诉讼费的协议。上个月,祖玛已因腐败案受到驱逐而被迫下台。祖玛已为雇佣律师花了100多万美元,虽然案子还未正式审理。

Demonstrations are planned in Poland today against government plans to further tighten the abortion laws which are already among the strictest in Europe. The right-wing administration’s plans have the support of the powerful Catholic Church.


And in Italy, the new parliament is holding its inaugural session after last month's elections. No party has an overall majority and both the coalition of right-wing parties and the populous Five Star Movement say they should form the new government.


BBC news.


