

问津学术 2021-09-16





学院科研力量雄厚,科研成果显著。近年来,我院教师获批国家社科基金2项,省部级项目24项(其中教育部人文社科规划基金项目6 项),省部级以上科研成果奖 3项,近5年来在CSSCI期刊上发表文章50多篇,在北大核心期刊上发表论文100多篇,出版专著30多部,出版教材10多部。政治学一级学科被湖北省学位办授予为湖北省重点(培育)学科。我院于2008年成功地举办中国政治学会年会暨中国政治学与中国政治发展30年学术研讨会。通过多年的努力,社会工作专业已获批国家专业硕士点建设。





The Introduction to the School of Economics and Politics

Hubei University of Arts and Science was established in 2009, the School of Economics and Politics origin from Xiangyang normal training college(which was composed by the department of Marxism-Leninism, the department of History and the department Politics) and Xiangfan college (which was composed by the Department of Management and the Department of Politics and Law). Now, the school host around 1200 full-time undergraduates, and for the undergraduate courses, there are three branches of the discipline in which it has International Economy and Trade, Law, Social Work, Ideological .

The school is structured by professional and high-quality teachers, it has50 full-time academic staff (including 40 teachers). In addition,2 of them are professors and 9 of them are associate professor which accounting for 35.5% of the total. Moreover, it has 2 teaching celebrities; 11 teachers with doctoral degree; 10 of them are the master supervisor; 4 of them are nominated by Hubei province“1,000 Talents Plan”. We hired the researcher Yang Haijiao who is the member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences as the “Chutian Scholar” specially-appointed professor, we invited Xu Yong(the Dean of China Rural Research Institute, Central China Normal University) as “Longzhong Scholar” specially-appointed professor, the Professor of Deng Dacai (Executive Dean of China Rural Research Institute, Central China Normal University) as “Rainbow Scholar”.

Our school has a strong scientific research strength and significant research results. In recent years, teachers in our school have been approved by 3 National Social Science Funds of China, 24 provincial and ministerial level projects (including 6 Fund Projects of Humanities and Social Sciences Planning of Ministry of Education), and 3 provincial and ministerial level scientific research achievement awards. Over the past 5 years, they have published more than 50 articles in the CSSCI journals, more than 100 articles in the core journals of Peking University, more than 30 monographs and more than 10 teaching materials. The first-level discipline of Political Science has been awarded by the Degree Office of Hubei Province as the key (cultivating) discipline of Hubei Province. In 2008, our school successfully held the annual meeting of the Chinese Association of Political Science and the 30-year symposium on Chinese political science and China's political development.

Focusing on the application ability and the cultivation of the practical and innovative ability of students, giving full play to the characteristics and advantages of the discipline, and through the refinement of professional core competencies and the deepening of collaboration between school and enterprise and between school and the local, our school has established the regional economic and social development needs as the starting point, highlighting the local school running characteristics and cooperating with the school and enterprise for the cooperation of science and education as the implementation path, thus has preliminarily formed the talent cultivation characteristics of the “industry-oriented versatile talents” in international trade, “accommodation of double certificates” in social work, “outstanding legal talents in the grassroots” in law and so on. In recent years, the employment rate of students majoring in international trade, law and social work reaches 90% or more, and the passing rate of the judicial examination of students majoring in law reaches 44%. At present, the social work professional laboratory has been built up and put into use, and the moot court has also become a special laboratory for the students majoring in law to use professional knowledge and train professional skills.

The school encourages social work service. In the past three years, the school has launched some training programs, which has reached more than 5000 students, such as training program for village officials in Xiangyang City, training program for local tax cadres, training program for urban management cadres in Xiangyang City, training program for social workers in Xiangyang City, and training program on administrative enforcement of intellectual property rights. Those programs obtain great social efficiency and widespread reputation.

As important carriers for campus culture, student associations and social practice bases play vital role in the school. With “on-campus mentor and off-campus mentor” providing guarantee for the student associations and social practice bases, which arrange abundant academic competitions and combine theoretical teaching with practical teaching, classroom teaching with extracurricular activities, imparting knowledge with fostering ability quality. There are one school-level demonstration practice teaching base, one school-level key cultivated practice teaching base, and nearly 30 school-enterprise cooperation practice teaching base. Student associations include Marxism-Leninism Study Club, Law Society, Economic Society, Association of Social Workers, and Association of Further Study, etc. Club prints, which written and directed by students, include "Jing Xiang Students" and "Learning and Discussion" have been published.

In the school-running practice of many years, the school, following the objective laws of personnel training, attaches great importance to the improvement of education and teaching quality, which guarantee the adaptability of social demand for talents. The goal of the school is to cultivate high-level specialized personnel with innovative spirit and practical ability, to create rigorous academic environment, and to implement of quality education. For now, the school have achieved obvious teaching effect and higher social reputation.






















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