

NCD Design 景观周 2022-09-11

NCD Studio居住景观空间应该是一个让人在精神上获得充实饱满的空间。事物都将冻结,就像一个瞬间永远而短暂的快照。但是我们更熟悉的时间静止,却是感性地期望在某个奇妙或美好的瞬间,将那个时刻的时空美感或内心的满足感定格下来。我们着重考量了人们对地域文化感知和审美精神层面的需求,将场地风貌与现代艺术融入设计之中,用沉静而充满力量的美勾勒生活,营造憧憬。

NCD Studio:Residentiallandscape space should be a space that enriches people’s spiritual life. Thingswill all eventually freeze, just like the snapshot of an eternal and ephemeralmoment. However, time stillness that we are more familiar with is emotionally expectedto freeze-frame the spatial-temporal beauty or the inner gratification of that gloriousor fabulous moment. With our focus on the consideration of people’s perceptionof regional culture and demand on the aesthetic and spiritual level, thefeatures of the site and modern arts are integrated into the design to depictlife and create visions using still and powerful beauty.

▼项目区位 The project location


The inspiration for the design of Egrets Waves stemmed from the scene of white heronssoaring above water waves which amazed the designers when they investigated theland. Inspired by the properties of white herons and water waves, we employed the3-D dimensional method to make an abstract summary of the elements along thenatural water’s edge and adopted the materials such as white stones,light-colored stainless steels, water-wave glasses to express the “pure,perfect and dainty” beauty of the space for it to look fancy and majestic.


As the future main entrance and lobby of returninghome, the front court of the demonstration plot plays a role as the first imageto leave a primary impression, therefore, the design not only needs to reducethe amount of transformation triggered by functional conversion, but also needsto coordinate the relationships among the building, landscape and the externalurban interface. In the end, we decided to leave the large facade to thebuilding, and use arc landscape wall, modeled water landscape, and cascadingwaterfalls to heighten the sense of ritual of returning home, for the landscapeand building to be integrated. As the water landscape is the main landscape ofthe entire space, its size is meticulously deliberated, with the arc and slopedesign to improve the main landscape’s ambience and level of recognition in theentire space, and the dynamic and glistening ripples to further boost thewelcoming atmosphere. To avoid the feeling of oppression caused by a largerheight difference in the front court area, we selected white marble as thematerial for the water landscape to echo with the landscape wall, so that thespace can demonstrate a pure and dainty sense of beauty.

拱门通往二期水岸示范区 The arch leads to the second waterfront demonstration area

▼俯瞰前场 Overlooking the front court


Without a single superfluous color, and through theabstract summary of the elements of the natural water’s edge, the back court ofthe demonstration area presents a visual experience that has the sensesconsistent with the environment. As design is particular about the deliberationon the combination of elements, the combination of succinct and smooth linesadds more light and lightness to the space. The rising of the curved ribbons onthe two sides toward the center guides people’s eyesight and connects to thegyrating wings and eddying water landscape. The looming of the installationunder the corridor far away and the collision between the real and the unrealfurther melt the boundary, presenting a semi-open and semi-closed ambience ofhospitality and a scene with lights and shadows intermingled faintly,Everything is just perfect.

▼设计手稿 Design Manuscript

空间关系 Spatial Relations


The major visual focus of the water yard--thethemed sculpture Gyrating Wings which was exclusively created andcustomized for the project--is located in the center of the water and soaringtoward the sky.

▼雕塑制作过程 Sculpture making process


Inspired by heron feathers, we arranged more than20,000 stainless steel squares which have mirror effect on both sides to createthe installations on the two sides, to build a light immersive floatingexperience space. With the changes of stainless steel from different angles, weachieved a gradually changing effect from dense to sparse. When the light isdirected into the installation, the changes of light at different times can befelt.


With the hackberries, installations, corridors and thesky reflected in the water, and art and life constantly blended, the spiritualcontemplation brought by time and space is experienced.


On the road home, you will see the installation thatis changing between the real and the unreal on one side, and the pure whitewall on the other, and perceive the moment and future while walking through thecorridor with changing lights and shadows.

▼细节设计 Detailed design  


Integrating art with residential space, we start fromculture and nature, and time and space to leave a memory of time, as we adoptwinding and flowing aesthetic perceptions, and warm and tender colors to createan artistic and enlightening perceptual space.

设计公司:NCD Studio Pte Ltd 玖鹿设计
雕塑设计&制作:NCD Studio Pte Ltd 玖鹿设计
项目设计 & 完成年份:2020年 & 2020年
Project name: Egrets Waves,KinCang
Location: Keqiao,ShaoXing, China
Design company: NCD Studio Pte Ltd
Sculpture design&making: NCD Studio Pte Ltd
Design area:3500㎡
Client: KinCang 
Photography:YiFang Photography
Project design & completion year: 2020 & 2020




AHLA 亚洲人居景观奖申报倒计时

