

2016-09-20 中国国际女性影展 芳映室





















Antonia's Line


Marleen Gorris

The Netherlands │ 1995 │ 102 min. │Feature Film

荷兰 │ 1995 │ 102分钟 │剧情片

Dutch with Chinese and English subtitles

荷兰语发音 中英文字幕


Antonia is an elderly woman who wakes up one morning and realizes that this is the last day of her life. She begins to tell her story in flashback, beginning with her arrival home to the family farm after World War II with her daughter, Danielle. For the next fifty years, a variety of colorful characters come and go on the farm. Danielle becomes a painter, and decides she wants a child but no husband, so Antonia arranges the proper donation. Danielle gives birth to Therese, who later has her own child, Sarah, also without virtue of a husband. Antonia and her descendants come to symbolize the freedom of independent females, with little need for men in their lives. 



李霄峰 Xiaofeng Li

China │ 2014 │ 98 min. │ Feature Film

中国 │ 2014 │ 98分钟 │剧情片

Chinese with English subtitles

汉语发音 英文字幕




The film takes the audiences back to the 90s and to a rural city, Baocheng in China. Wang Xiaobing is a middle school “good student” who lives in two extremes, the most complicated and the simplest. A broken pair of parents makes her learn the hypocrisy of the adult world. Literature helps her reside in her inner world, where honesty and loyalty to what one believes is the only living code. Li Xiaolu, a transfer student fortifies Xiaobing’s inner castle when she enters her life wearing a confidence that her peers do not have. Xiaobing admires Xiaolu’s strong sense of justice which does not agree with cultural norms and school rules. However, their distinct experiences separate the two best friends gradually.

Years past, the two worlds coexist and both are fragmented: neither of the two has force to terminate the other until Xiaobing makes a decision to make only one world survive.


Sex Appeal

王维明 Wei-Ming Wang 

Taiwan/China Mainland │ 2014 │ 110 min. │ Feature Film

台湾 / 中国大陆 │ 2014 │ 110分钟 │ 剧情片

French with Chinese and English subtitles

汉语发音 中英文字幕


在學校,她遇見在台東長大的木宏, 木宏天生的自由與單純,萌發了白白與他之間青春愛情的躁動。同時間,學校音樂學院的李教授,在遇到學生白白之後,卻喚起他對青春嚮往的慾念。受到欲望和占有欲的控制,李教授利用职务之便和年龄上的优势,将白白诱惑进了一段背德的师生恋情之中。恋情曝光后,社会、网络舆论如同排山倒海般席卷而来,涉世未深的白白该怎样负担这沉重的一切?


23years old Pai arrives in a small town of Taiwan to pursue her dream of becoming a musician. For the first time in her life she is free from the fetters of her mother. There, she meets Muhung, a student who’s in love with her but doesn’t know how to tell. City girls are so complicated!

But soon Mr. Lee, her fascinating professor, abuses her and forces her into a pervert relationship. When their affair is made public, the entire university turns against her: the seductive mistress. While doctors diagnose her Stockholm syndrome and a recent trauma, a teacher and a lawyer decide to investigate.


The Fortress of Sleeping Butterflies

阿尔戈曼塔斯•佩帕 Algimantas Puipa

Lithuania │ 2012 │ 120 min. │ Feature Film

立陶宛 │2012 │ 120分钟 │ 剧情片

Lithuanian with Chinese and English subtitles

立陶宛语发音 中英文字幕


Monika is a forty-year-old married woman suffering from loneliness, dealing with an unfaithful husband and infertility. Her life is in disarray. When Monika gets involved in a car accident caused by a prostitute's suicide, her life changes completely and creates a brand-new beginning for herself.




XiaoKe Liu

China │ 2015 │ 94 min. │ Feature Film

中国 │ 2015 │ 94 分钟 │ 剧情片

Chinese with Chinese and English subtitles

汉语发音 中英文字幕


A baby girl was abandoned at the gate of welfare center in western rural areas of China in 1975. Xin Ye adopted her,and named her Xingyu Ye. Unfortunately Xin Ye got cancer and died after several years. One the deathbed, Xin Ye entrusted her sister-Lan Ye with this little girl.In fact, the relation between Xin Ye and Lan Ye had been broken up because of rumors and misunderstandings. Yuxing had always been neglected and excluded by her aunt in this new home. Shortly before the National College Entrance Examination, Chun Wang, Yuxing's new classmate fell in love with Yuxing, so she was caught in rumors as her foster mother Xin Ye experienced. Lan Ye forced Yuxing to drop out of school in her dudgeon. Chun Wang applied university for Yuxing, however, Yuxing's letter of university admission was hidden by Lan Ye. Yuxing pushed Lan Ye down in their arguments. Lan Ye was injured and was sent to hospital.Lan Ye urgently needed to have blood transfusion because of excessive loss of blood. But none of her children had the blood type the same with her except Yuxing. According to the doctor's identification results of blood, Lan Ye and Yuxing were mother and daughter. When Yuxing knew about this, she ran away from home. Her leaving made all of the family members fall into unprecedented regret. After several years Yuxing became a well-known writer, she wrote all her firsthand experiences in her book.This is an excellent sincere work by which Xiaoke Liu hopes to console those whose heart has been broken in the way of growth and those who can not forget spiritual harm.


Passionate Politics: The Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch

塔米·戈尔德 Tami Gold

United States │ 2011 │ 58 min. │ Documentary

美国│ 2011 │ 58分钟│ 纪录片

English with Chinese subtitles

英语发音 中文字幕


Passionate Politics: The Life and Work of Charlotte Bunch brings Charlotte’s story to life, from idealistic young civil rights organizer, to lesbian feminist activist to internationally recognized leader. Charlotte’s story is told by women from Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean who have worked with her to put women’s rights on the global human rights agenda. Interwoven throughout the film are excerpts from Charlotte’s personal letters that illuminate her determination to create a more just world.



莎拉·加芙隆 Sarah Gavron

United Kingdom │ 2015 │ 108 min. │ Feature Film

英国│ 2015 │ 108分钟│ 剧情片

English with Chinese subtitles

英语发音 中文字幕

Premiere in China


本片根据真实事件改编,勾勒出一个充满激情与悲恸的感人故事:为争取妇女投票权奉献一切的女性们,为实现理想,她们牺牲了工作、家庭、孩子,甚至是自己的生命。该片由英国电影学院奖得主莎拉·加芙隆导演,艾美奖得主艾比·摩根编剧,奥斯卡提名演员凯瑞·穆里根、 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特与三次获奥斯卡最佳女演员的梅丽尔·斯特里普领衔主演,共同演绎了英国20世纪初性别平等斗争史中荡气回肠的一页。片中故事讲述既是母亲又是工人的玛德·瓦茨,如何与来自社会各行各业、各阶层的女性一起,成为妇女参政运动活动家。

Inspired by true events, "Suffragette" movingly explores the passion and heartbreak of those who risked all they had for women's right to vote - their jobs, their homes, their children, and even their lives.  Academy Award nominees Carey Mulligan and Helena Bonham Carter, and three-time Academy Award wniner Meryl Streep, lead the cast of the powerful drama about the fight for equality in early-20th-century Britain.  The stirring story centers on Maud, a working wife and mother who becomes an activist for the Suffragette cause alongside women from all walks of life. "Suffragette" is directed by BAFTA Award winnder Sarah Gavron and written by Emmy Award winner Abi Morgan.


In the Footsteps of Marie Curie


Krzysztof Rogulski and Marie-Jeanne Lardic

France, Poland │ 2011 │ 80 min. │ Documentary

法国 波兰 │ 2011 │ 80分钟 │ 纪录片

Polish, English and French with Chinese and English subtitles

波兰语、英语、法语发音 中英文字幕


Directed by Krzysztof Rogulski and Marie-Jeanne Lardic, In the Footsteps of Marie Curie is an original documentary that reveals the story behind an extraordinary woman. Starting with a brief history of Poland, Curie’s birthplace, it recounts her childhood, adolescence, her relocation to France, her marriage and her death, all told in a riveting fashion. By blending historical footage, interviews with historians and scientists, and scenes with stage actors, the directors deliver a compelling and poignant tale of Marie Curie’s life, remarking her triumphs as the first female Doctor of Physics and the only woman to have won two Nobel Prizes.


Science and Gender – Woman Mathematician Fighter, Hsu Dao Ning


Wang Weitsy and Jing Ying-Jaw

Taiwan │ 2015 │ 73 min. │ Documentary

台湾 │ 2015 │ 73分钟 │ 纪录片

Chinese with English subtitles

汉语发音 英文字幕

Premiere in China



This is the story about Taiwan's pioneer woman mathematician, Hsu Dao-Ning. Being the first woman doctor of mathematics in Taiwan, she dedicated her life to mathematics education. Through her meticulous memory, self-statements, and interviews of her relatives and students, the film outlined her whole life and tried to exemplify how her unique femininity, intelligence, personality and ambition, were all devoted into the education of technology and personality in Taiwan.


Craft a Destiny

范立欣  Lixin Fan

China │ 2016 │ 90分钟 │ Documentary

中国 │ 2016 │ 90 min│ 纪录片

《缪斯之旅》讲述了五位女性艺术家的人生故事:朱哲琴、草间弥生、刘雯、凯伦·布里克森、宋怀桂。 这五位女性在不同的时代和文化环境下专注自己的领域,用她们的智慧与魅力启迪周围的世界;她们跨越了各种界限,用独特的世界观冲破传统的束缚;她们大胆地通过艺术选择表达,并让人们领略到世界的新面貌。她们在梦想的引领下进行了不同层面的人生旅程,铸就不一样的精彩人生。本片跨越肯尼亚、丹麦、日本、法国、美国等多国实地拍摄,采访了大量文化艺术界名人明星和专家,结合真实再现珍贵影像资料等表现手法,展现从上个世纪初到当今社会变迁与人物的命运。本集是日本艺术家草间弥生的故事。

男人卖片 女人卖胸

Men Show Movies & Women their Breasts

伊莎贝尔•舒柏 Isabell Cuba

Germany │ 2013 │ 81 min. │ Feature Film

德国 │2010 │ 81分钟 │ 剧情片

German with Chinese and English subtitles

德语发音 中英文字幕

Premiere in China



Isabell Šuba made it – or so she thinks! One of her short films is screening at the film festival in Cannes. But instead of a red carpet a cruel reality awaits her: not a single film from a female director is shown in the official competition. Even in Cannes, there is no exception to the rule: men show movies and women their breasts. 

