
博士招生 | 都柏林城市大学招收语言学、文学和翻译学博士

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-03-17




科研助力 | 学术研究方法网课集锦


About the position

SALIS is a multilingual, multicultural research-focused school with specialisms in Modern Languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish); Applied Linguistics; Translation Studies; Literary Studies; Migration Studies; Sexuality Studies; and Cultural and Intercultural Studies. Our research frequently crosses disciplinary and linguistic boundaries and our scholarship is increasingly concerned with digital technologies; literacies; and practices in a variety of professional, academic and social contexts.

SALIS offers a multilingual and multicultural environment in which to pursue a PhD programme. We have a strong focus on a multidisciplinary approach to language and communication.

As part of our commitment to ensuring excellence in doctoral-level research, SALIS is pleased to offer a number of scholarships for full-time PhD students commencing 1st October, 2020. Successful candidates will receive a stipend of €16,000 per annum for up to four years; subject to satisfactory annual progression. Registration fees will also be paid.

Eligibility requirements


We are particularly interested in receiving research proposals in the following areas: Applied Linguistics; Cultural Studies; Intercultural and Migration Studies; Literary and Sexuality Studies; and Translation Studies. Please see Appendix 1 for a full list of topics and the SALIS researchers currently available to supervise.


Applicants must hold a relevant undergraduate degree at 2.1 or first-class honours level (or equivalent). Ideally they should also hold a relevant Master’s qualification. Candidates who are currently completing a Master’s qualification are welcome to apply. Please see the English language requirements for non-native speakers of English.

Candidates must also be capable of contributing to the delivery of modules in SALIS and/or activities in the LanguaCulture Space.

Application Procedure

Application Procedure

Interested candidates must first agree a research proposal with a member of academic staff in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies. Information on academic staff in SALIS, their research interests and their contact email addresses can also be found here (see also Appendix 2).

Before contacting a potential supervisor, you should ensure that your intended topic matches one or more of their interests. Please note that for your application to be considered, you should not contact more than one faculty member simultaneously. You should only apply for the scholarship if a faculty member from SALIS is supporting your application.

Candidates should email their applications in a single pdf file to the SALIS School Office ( salis.office@dcu.ie ) putting SALIS PhD scholarships 2020 in the subject line no later than Thursday 16th April 2020, 17:00 (Irish time).

Applications should include the following:

Application form available to download here ;

Copies of undergraduate and, where applicable, postgraduate transcripts added to the appendix;

Two letters of reference from a past lecturer or academic advisor/supervisor.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 4 weeks after the deadline and invited to an interview, which will take place in May 2020. Final decisions will be made towards the end of May / early June 2020.

Important Application Advice

Applications will be deemed ineligible and will not be considered for funding if:

an application does not have all the required participant forms including two referee forms and academic transcripts; completed in full and submitted via email to SALIS.OFFICE@DCU.IE before 5 pm on Thursday 16th April 2020 .

an application is incomplete or exceeds the word limits;

an application includes materials in a format other than those requested;

any section of an application has been plagiarised;

any information supplied in an application is false, misleading or unverifiable with appropriate documentation;

the research project as proposed in the application form has no relevance to research activities in SALIS;

applicants contact multiple faculty members simultaneously;

the application is not endorsed by a member of SALIS;

canvassing on behalf of applicants occurs.



本文编辑:上海理工大学 孙雨

本文审核:吉林大学  王峰

公众号外联:我们优先推广免费的学术会议、讲座、研修等项目。收费项目与商务合作需支持劳务费,请联系dianzishu@126.com 商谈。


语言学及应用语言学加群联系人:sflsy0803 孙老师

文学与翻译加群联系人:Nicole2397471433 李老师

 推 荐 阅 读 

学术会议 | “新媒体、自媒体时代的话语分析”学术研讨会 会议(2020年7月3-5日)

科研助力 | 学术研究方法网课集锦

科研助力 | Bloomsbury出版社语言学书籍征订(中国官方代理)

科研助力 | 长江学者关于国家社科基金申报的建议

科研助力 | 国家社科基金项目10讲:从选题到结项

科研助力 | 怎样提高国家社科基金项目申报的中标率?

期刊征订 | John Benjamins旗下语言学电子期刊征订(中国官方代理)

新著推荐 | 束定芳等:Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese

读书小札 |  迈克尔·图兰《短篇小说叙事进程:语料库文体学方法》

文学悦读| 从《百家讲坛》到《中国诗词大会》:再听中南大学杨雨教授谈论古诗词

文化解读 | 郑培凯教授:中国戏曲文化解读

科研助力| 如何理解政治?25部经典重识西方文明

文学悦读 | 诺奖作家写作时,我们也以某种方式参与其中?

文学研究 | 走近文学大师 :陈众议、陆建德等11位专攻学者权威解读

文学悦读 | 北大陈平原教授主讲《中国人的精神与命运》

文化解读 | 中国人缺乏哲学教育?那你可想错了

文化解读| 福柯、海德格尔、爱因斯坦,他们思考的话题,其实与你息息相关








