

干国祥 痴且狂 2021-10-31
















































舒展其身心 强健其体魄

优雅其仪容 细腻其感官

丰富其感受 砥砺其思维

渊博其知识 尊重其异议

独立其精神 自由其思想

充沛其德性 文明其德行

维护其尊严 实现其自我




All-roundBeauty Curriculum

——An Overview of exploration of curriculum reform for five years at HantaiNew-Education Experimental Primary School


On April 8, 2015

Hello, world! I would hand over my lovelyboy to you as a mother this morning, and what kind of youth will you send backto me?” Maybe every mother when sending her children to school, would feellike Zhang Xiao-feng, a Taiwanese writer, and a mother.

The object Zhang Xiao-feng questioning is"the world”, and most mothers questioned the object only"schools."

The "lovely child" from mother’shand is the "starting point" of school curriculum; The “youth” graduatedfrom school we returned to the mother is the “finishing point” of school curriculum;From the beginning to the end, the road for a lovely child transformed intowhat kind of youth , is the curriculum.

However, what kind of starting point couldnot be chosen for a school, but what kind of endpoints (and temporary end),what kind of road, is could be and should be able to dream, to plan, to explore.

For Hantai New-Education ExperimentalPrimary School, located in rural of Inner Mongolia Erdos Plateau, what is ourstarting point?

This is Xiaoxing’s "home", thisis her "mother", this is her "grandma", this is her"father". It is 2010 when we first met. At that time, Xiaoxing was alreadya second grade student, but she could only count of one to five, many languagepronunciations were not exist for her ,far less making normal sounds of them. Thisis after nearly five years of education, she stood on the school stage as the hostfor the anniversary of school, at her grade 6, Term 1st.

Yes, if you don't understand most of ourstudents' living environment, you will not understand why we should implement All-roundBeauty Curriculum, and the value of it. The video display is the naturalenvironment of Hantai New-Education Primary School located and the familyenvironment of most of the students'.

This girl with smile once had a beginninglike thisShe got a zero both in Chinese and maths ingrade one at ex-school. And she was asked to go to the hospital for thementally retarded identified by ex-school for three times. Fortunately we meether at the autumn of 2010. She finally had a new starting point. At new school,she won two awards including Chinese Progress Award and Mathematics ProgressAward to encourage her in grade 2, term 1st .However, she often lyingon the table during classes. She would have stomach cramps when encountered anyproblems- sometimes, even our teachers had wonder whether she pretended to besick in escape from learning. But she was really painful, disease, fear as soonas she had to study - it is psychological reaction caused by physiologicalresponses. Her growth is not easy, and I really don't want to admit that in thewhole growth process, the greed, cowardly, lazy, numbness, made byher earlyenvironment, wrapped around her for a very long time.

We always like to say "lovelykid", but I reminded of our teachers early: "A poor person must have hatefulpoints." My God, how can I use this word to describe my students? But ifyou're not really living in the desolate land over many years, you can’t reallyunderstand human nature, and thus understand the meaning of "mercy". Beforewent to school, many children had been educated, written, infected and evenhurt by the "desolate land",cultural desert. Education must become akind of treatment at the same time, the curriculum, must also be food and drugs.

So after almost four years, like the latebloomers of the Hantai plateau, Xiaoxue finally come to her own bloomingseason. At the second semester of the fifth grade, Xiaoxue gained considerableprogress in all aspects. And to promote a fundamental change of life in timesis All-round Beauty Curriculum, a course system we have developed and explored decade-long.

The All-round Beauty Curriculum, not to letevery life in all aspects to grow on average, but to make every try and enjoythe fruits of all human spiritual life, to find and develop their life'sdeepest desire and maximum likelihood.

Making every try and enjoying the fruits ofall human spiritual life, is our present goal of living an all-round happyeducation life. Finding and developing their life's deepest desire andmaximum likelihood, is our ultimate aim of becoming a free self-actualizer.

Based on our understanding of life andeducation, education should be from the body, rather than from the mind.

We have established a three-levelobjectives for health curriculum: first, to ensure children's health, safetyand nutrition; secondly, let the kids stretch, robust and disciplined; finally,help the children showing etiquette, beauty and elegant in form. We havephysical education every day. Physical education classes are very specific.Each course has its own detailed curriculum goals and training process. Forexample, it is our skating three objectives:

Primary goals- can glide skating free ontraining ground; can up and down hills of little difficult; can do speedskating and decelerate or stop in progress; can skating around simpleobstacles;

Intermediate goals – can glide skating freeon a variety of different slope roads and different curvature roads; can avoidcompanions and not collide; can glide on road as walking;

Senior goals – can glide skating indifferent speeds between various obstacles; can complete task such asserving tea or sending things.

Different lives need to find different waysof bloom as the starting point of his (her) life full float in the sky. Neitherof us ever thought that this little girl once sick every day, was actually ableto take part in the primary school ping-pong Championships of area Dongsheng,Erdos,2014 ,and to win the championship. I think this title and her developmentin all aspects of the field of All-round Beauty Curriculum reinforce each other.

All of these sports, we have emphasized thefun,mainlyin order to emphasize the body stretch and aspirations of experience,tournaments and ranking is not our purpose - although we sometimes have toattend some games.

Once in a time, a roller skating club of businessin our city after training for several years, succeeded in persuading thegovernment leaders, held the first children's skating competition. We do notknow the background, abruptly took part in the race. As a result, our studentscovered most of the first places for each group. Third grade got seven seats ofthe top eight in the low-grade group, including the championship. But that iscertainly not our purpose, we would avoid to participate in games like this aswell as we can. What we like is skating out of the campus, across the road, overthe hill by late afternoon. Feeling ourselves could be as free as the windis really wonderful!

All of our students like skating, like ping-pong,like football, like to dance, like guitar, for fun, for the magic seeds in lifeare awaked.

The purpose of physical curriculum is to stretchthe children's body and mind, to strengthen their physique and to polish theirdemeanor together with art curriculum. The purpose of art curriculum is to polishchildren's demeanor, to refine their senses, to enrich their perceptions.

From grade one to grade six, children inour school would learn six kinds of Musical Instruments, including two pipe pauand the guitar which should be able to mastery and enjoy for the rest of mylife.

Every week, the school will hold a bridge concert,all classrooms would offer one or two programs, every child had manyappearances performance experience.

Intellectual Curriculum is undoubtedly thehighlight in all schools, we have carried out major reforms in the Chineselanguage, mathematics, science and English. Each reforms cost many years, wecan’t go into detail here. Our intelligence course aims: to enrich theirperceptions, to sharpen their thinking , to widen their knowledge ,and torespect each other's objections in the process, to let everyone have a freethinking and independent spirit.

Every morning, every classroom is starting fromchanting poetry. All of poetries ,whether it is a low-grade nursery rhymes,or high-grade course such as Tagore course, Confucianism and Taoism course, arenot allowed by rote , but to feel and understand with life.

Reading is always the first to school. Thisis a record of a classroom in grade three showing how did the students climbthe ladder of the book. In the same classroom, the children find a differentdream of happiness and in different books in the ladder. After climbing theladder, the seniors will go into four dimensions reading of thinking, poetry,natural, social, and students are free to decide their own routes basing oninterest and experiment, but all children should have to explore in eachdimension. This is a mind map notes as a grade five children in reading the Bible according to Einstein.

[show the pictures of classes]

This is Science courses in progress...

This is aresearch study of Chinese curriculum. Frombegins of this term up to now, for two whole months, fifth-grade children immersedthemselves in Classical Chinese Recordsof Three Kingdoms, they would add punctuation (the classical Chinese bookhas no punctuation) as well as annotations (the classical Chinese is differentfrom modern Chinese), write biographies of characters.

Pantomime is comprehensive course in ourschool. Each semester we would read 3 to 5 classical works in every classroom,and one of them would be adapted to pantomime, according to situation of theclassroom. All the children should be involved in close reading and choosetheir own favorite character to run for, but the competition is fierce, theprotagonist is difficult to compete - but eventually all children have theopportunity to play.

Little Bird Classroom ,now grade 5th,has played pantomimes such as Egg Brother, The Ugly Duckling , People Crow , Germany, a Group of Mice Fairy , OneHundred Skirts , The Never Ending Story ,Pilgrimage to the West, including ShakespeareanTragedy of King Lear .

In our theater, senior students have playedShakespeare works as follows:

Macbeth,KingLear,The Tempest,Hamlet,The Merchand of Venice

And the sixth grade last semester had playedthe ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus the King and Antigone. In the summer of 2015, they willperform the Greek tragedies Agamemnon +Orestes.

In fact, all of the courses are latentcurriculums of moral and personality, for the children's healthy personalitywas not preaching, but winning dignity in one area and then in all fields, moralis forming in the progress. But we also have the manifest curriculum such as “Moraland Personality Development Atlas of Nanming Education” and “hierarchy of needsfigure” on wall. When we encounter the conflict either in story or in life, wewould discuss free and democratic without settled decision according to themaps.Theidea of equality is the cornerstone of Nanming Education. Based on this, weemphasize: all children need to motivate, lead, but only slow, weak and injuredchildren in need of special care. Democratic life is the basic framework of ourdaily education, for taking enforcement, externalization, preaching, and artificiallyoverstating as dangers. The "freedom" and"self-realization" are the highest ideas of the All-round BeautyCurriculum.

We do this, is to let everyone enjoy allgood things in life ;let everyone accept the knowledge, ability, quality ,required of the times; let everyone find their own love , values, meanings,select and create her or his own 'LIFE', and then to create their own society basedon such free lives in the future.

More than 2000 years ago, Zhuang-zhou wasdescribed the Confucian’s pursue like this: Sentences beauty of the world,analysis of the principle of everything.Today, we think this is also our pursuit. Wehope that each one of the teachers and the children can live an all-round happyeducation life at the present.We hope that each one of the teachers and the childrencan be a self-actualizer of freedom in the limited life.

We are fortunate to live in a time you can dreamexplore, even if we fail tomorrow, we will not regret for we've play games sincerely,like real singers, strolling minstrels, or expeditionary soldiers.

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