

2017-05-04 hoptop就是徐洲更 生信媛

GATK的本职工作是Variant calling,但是就像我之前所说的,它作为基因组分析工具箱,还是有很多其他工具,今天学习的是诊断和质量控制工具的其中两个:CountReads,FastaStats。


功能: 计算参考基因组的基本统计值
分类: 诊断和质量控制工具
概要: 主要就是统计碱基总数,和常规的碱基数(ATCG)

输入: FASTA参考文件
输出: 结果要么输出到屏幕,要么是输出到(-o)到文件中。

java -jar ~/biosoft/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T FastaStats \    -R TAIR10.fa 输出: Total bases   119667750 Regular bases 119481543


功能: 计算reads数
分类: 诊断和质量控制工具
概要: 最好和--read-filter合用,这样可以了解下符合特定标准的reads数
输入: 一个或多个BAM文件
输出: 结果会输出到屏幕(标准输出)上,毕竟是用来确定阈值的,也不需要一定要输出到文件中


java -jar ~/biosoft/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CountReads\
   -R $work/database/TAIR10/TAIR10.fa\
    -I BC_bg_reads.sorted.bam 输出: CountReads - CountReads counted 55080781 reads in the traversal


Filter out reads with wonky CIGAR strings
Filter out reads whose mate maps to a different contig

Filter out duplicate reads
Filter out reads that fail the vendor quality check
Filter out reads with low mapping qualities for HaplotypeCaller
Only use reads from the specified library
Filter out malformed reads
Filter out reads with low mapping qualities
Filter out reads with no mapping quality information
Filter out reads with mapping quality zero
Filter out reads with bad pairing (and related) properties
Filter out reads that exceed a given insert size
Filter out reads without read group information
Filter out reads that do not have an original quality quality score (OQ) tag
Filter out read records that are secondary alignments
Filter out reads that are over-soft-clipped
Filter out reads produced by 454 technology
Filter out reads that were generated by a specific sequencing platform
Filter out reads with blacklisted platform unit tags
Filter out reads matching a read group tag value
Filter out reads based on length
Only use reads with this read name
Filter out reads based on strand orientation
Set the mapping quality of all reads to a given value
Set the mapping quality of reads with a given value to another given value
Revert the MQ of reads that were modified by IndelRealigner
Only use reads belonging to a specific sample
Only use reads from the specified read group
Filter out unmapped reads


 java -jar GenomeAnalysisTk.jar \         -T HaplotypeCaller \         -R reference.fasta \         -I input.bam \         -o output.vcf \         -rf MappingQuality \         -mmq 15


java -jar ~/biosoft/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T CountReads \
   -R $work/database/TAIR10/TAIR10.fa  -I BC_bg_reads.sorted.bam \    -rf MappingQuality -mmq 15 结果: 8190205 reads were filtered out during the traversal out of
   approximately 55080781 total reads (14.87%)




