
Shanghai reports one new local transmission case

ZHOU WENTING I Love Shanghai 2021-01-26

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Shanghai reported one new local locally transmitted COVID-19 case on Sunday, bringing the total number of new cases to 13, the municipal government said on Monday morning.

The latest case is a family member of another case reported on Thursday, when the first of three cases in this new wave of infection in the city was reported after nearly two months of no local transmissions.

The latest case, who lives in downtown Huangpu district, has been placed under hotel quarantine.

Of the 13 cases, 11 are from Huangpu district while two are from northern Shanghai's Baoshan district, according to their place of residence or work in the city.

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission said that the Zhaotong Road residential neighborhood, which was categorized as a medium-risk area on Thursday, was the only public venue that the new case had been to over the past 14 days, and individuals who have been in contact with the case have also been placed under hotel quarantine.

Zhang Wenhong, leader of the Shanghai team of experts in the clinical treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia cases, wrote on his personal Weibo blog on Sunday that Shanghai's COVID-19 pandemic control efforts have always been like "catching mice in a porcelain shop".

"The epidemic prevention and control workers are doing their best to catch the 'mice' while leaving the porcelain products intact. They want to cause the least disruption to the daily lives of residents," he wrote.

Zhang, who is also the director of the department of infectious diseases at Huashan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University, reminded the public that the emergence of COVID-19 cases from time to time will become a normal as China has remained open to the world.

The number of new local infection cases in China since winter began has totaled more than 1,000.

Source: China Daily


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