
The only resident Cirque du Soleil show in Asia, cant miss it.

Cirque du Soleil I Love Shanghai 2021-07-17

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One more reason to fall in love

It is a resident show

in Hangzhou by Cirque du Soleil

and not just at 19:30,

they also perform at 15:30 at the weekends

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X The Land of Fantasy

It’s an epic and adventure,

and it leads the audience into an

immersive journey.

• Stories of reunion and separation happen from different angles of several stages

• Actual 3D flight system allows you to feel ascending and descending

• Artists from 11 countries show the highest-level performance skills

• Enjoy smooth sound quality and great sound effects from the well-known audio system

• 56 world-class projectors realize the smooth switch between virtuality and reality

In order to create a truly historical and cultural experience, theCirque du Soleil “X The Land of Fantasy" has invited aesthetic artexperts to confirm the cultural meaning of each color, logo, settingand costume

All-star artists from 11 countries, with experienced performance skills and high-level sport standards including physical fitness, stamina, agility, expression and concentration etc.,make an incredible show for audiences.

Special offer for July and August


1680yuan for 2VIP tickets

Original price is 1680*2 = 3360yuan

50% OFF | SAVE 1680yuan

2680yuan for 3VIP tickets

Original price is 1680*3 = 5040yuan

47% OFF | SAVE 2360yuan


1380yuan for 2 A tickets

Original price is 1280*2 = 2560yuan

46% OFF | SAVE 2460yuan+

1680yuan for 3 A tickets

Original price is 1280*3 = 3840yuan

56% OFF | SAVE 1180yuan

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Why Me ?

Don't need your passport number

E-tickets or physical tickets* delivered to your door (extra 12yuan)

Seats are together

100yuan for children below 1.2M, no own seat though.

* not all packages have the physical tickets delivery service.


1180yuan for 2 B tickets

Original price is 980*2 = 1960yuan

40% OFF | SAVE 780yuan

1380yuan for 3 B tickets

Original price is 980*3 = 2940yuan

53% OFF | SAVE 1560yuan


880yuan for 2 C tickets

Original price is 680*2 = 1360yuan

35% OFF | SAVE 480yuan

1280yuan for 3 C tickets

Original price is 680*3 = 2040yuan

37% OFF | SAVE 760yuan


640yuan for 2 E tickets

Original price is 380*2 = 760yuan

16% OFF | SAVE 120yuan

960yuan for 3 E tickets

Original price is 380*3 = 1140yuan

14% OFF | SAVE 180yuan


Venue: 杭州新天地太阳剧场 Suntiandy Theater

Address: 杭州市拱墅区东文街90号, 90 Dongwen Street, Gongshu District, Hangzhou

Taxi Guide: 


Please take me to Hangzhou Suntiandy Theater

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 ██ 15:00 & 19:30    ██ 19:30

ARIA Queen

The daughter of Phoenix, Goddess of Sky, and aloving and optimistic monarch.


The son of Dragon, God of Earth, and a fighting andrespectable leader.


The narrator and the God who can review cause andeffect.


Greedy councilor, or evil Shadow Warrior Leader?He covers the own identity and makes chaos in twocountries…


The Hero's naughty valet, what would happen whenshe meets funny Khino?


The Heroine's valet who makes everyone laugh a lot.


He has possessed the Dragon Seal and adoptedby Aria Queen. What would happen to him in theadventure?


She has possessed the Phoenix Seal and inheritedthe strength from Petra King. With trusts of thefoster father, she starts a magical journey…

The world was born out of a dragon named Naga and a phoenix named Burung. Everything was peaceful and harmonious, but Serpent Chaos intervened, separating the two ancestors and dividing the world into two continents. Two continents form two kingdoms. The two kingdoms fear each other and distrust each other. But legend also says that when Naga and Burung reunite, the serpent will be defeated and the world will return to peace.

White Watcher exerts magic, traces the story......

Legend has it that Naga (the Dragon) and Burung (the Phoenix) give birth to a new world. Everything should be alive, peaceful and harmonious. But the evil Serpent Chaos has caused the world to fall apart. Naga and Burung become men and create separate kingdoms on separate continents -- ARIA and PETRA

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The Magic Boxes appear at the door of the palace of the two countries.

Khino and Hou find the babies carrying the Dragon and Phoenix seals in the box respectively. Both Councillors want to get rid of the children from the enemy, the peaceful King and Queen insist on adopting them and letting the babies grow up happily.

The King of PETRA and the Queen of ARIA are delighted to find that their children have grown into useful men and have decided to pass their thrones to them. In the ceremony of succession, the shadow warriors from the dark attack the monarch, the Councillors of the two countries announce that two young people have killed the King and the Queen, the guard swarming, the young people have to set foot on the road to escape.

Young people meet each other for the first time, vaguely feel the wonderful fate, but they have no time to talk due to the attack from shadow warriors. Fortunately Khino and Hou catch up and save them.

The shadow warrior who have lost the hero,heroine and valets come back to report. On the Palace of ARIA and PETRA, the leader show his evil face.

He is determined to overthrow the kingdom and start a war!

The hero,heroine and valets arrive at the vast desert, but unfortunately encounter a sandstorm and lose their directions. A group of strange travelers pass by and rescue these four young men.

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As night falls, the Watcher suddenly appears, his robe become the night sky, and Naga and Burung appear, showing seals on their bodies, uncovering the mystery of the young men's birth of origin.

The stars are gathering in the sky, and Naga and Burung become one, surrounded by the stars. The two young men suddenly understand. They look at half of the seal in their hands,being lost in their thoughts.

Just as the young people put the seals together, the ground is shaking violently -- the angry shadow warrior leader appears! At the same time, huge cracks and rushing lava surround them. In the critical moment, Naga and Burung come down from the sky and rescue them, while Khino and Hou fall into the cracks...

Khino and Hou fall into the cave and are awakened by water drops. Unable to extricate themselves, they begin the game with water drops. Suddenly, they find that the water has merged into a waterfall, and over the curtain of water, the legend of Naga and Burung is being put on.

Young people who are separated fled alone. The girl meets a trainer and naughtyinvisible creatures, she uses the trainer's magic musical instruments to tame them.At the same time, the boy is reunited with caravan again, and gives a helping hand totheir difficulties, and thus getting the route to the holy mountain.

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The two young men reach the foot of the holy mountain, but the RopeBridge is destroyed by the shadow warriors. They fall into the trap, Houand Khino suddenly fall from the air, the hero, heroine and valets escapetogether again.

The top of the mountain is covered by ice. As they approach the site, the ice queen and her partner skate and dance on the ground, feeling holy and pure. But the silence is short, the sound of war comes from the holy mountain.

At the foot of the holy mountain, the armies of the two Kingdoms are at war, the flags are raised, the drums are beating, and the people of the two Kindoms are deceived to fight.

To stop the two armies from fighting, the young men show their seals -- a symbol of peace! The sinister shadow warriors, however, steal the seal while they are in the mood to stop the war. After a hard struggle, the evil forces are finally disintegrated.

They press the complete seal on the wall, rebuilt the temple, restore order, and the two countries are in harmony. The Watcher reappears, and the world falls apart and floats back into the box. 

The Watcher closes the box slowly and the story is over.

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“X”always represents the innovation, and be interpreted as human's discovery for the unknown. For Cirque du Soleil X The Land of Fantasy, “X” does not just represent the amazing stage or magical technology, it also enables the wider space for our art creation.

The perfect combination of technology and art, the full immersion of imagination and reality,all together make X The Land of Fantasy striking at every moment.


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