
15 districts of Shanghai released detailed list of "Three Areas"

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15 districts of Shanghai have released the detailed list of  "Three Areas", i.e., locked-down areas, controlled areas and precautionary areas.

Pudong district hasn't released the list yet.

You can find the links to the origianal annoucements released by district governments below, they are in Chinese, but you can find "Translate Full Text" function at the top of the screen.

Huangpu District 黄浦

The detailed list released by Huangpu Government

Jing'an District 静安

The detailed list released by Jing'an Government

Xuhui District 徐汇

The detailed list released by Xuhui Government

Changning District 长宁

The detailed list released by Changning Government

Minhang District 闵行

The detailed list released by Minhang Government

Putuo District 普陀

The detailed list released by Putuo Government

Jiading District 嘉定

The 1st batch: The detailed list released by Jiading Government

The 2nd batch: The detailed list released by Jiading Government

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Huongkou District 虹口

The detailed list released by Hongkou Government

Yangpu District 杨浦

The detailed list released by Yangpu Government

Jinshan District 金山

The detailed list released by Jinshan Government

Songjiang District 松江

The 1st batch: The detailed list released by Songjiang Government

The 2nd Batch: The detailed list released by Songjiang Government

Qingpu District 青浦

The 1st batch: The detailed list released by Qingpu Government

The 2nd batch: The detailed list released by Qingpu Government

Baoshan District 宝山

The detailed list released by Baoshan Government

Fengxian District 奉贤

The detailed list released by Fengxian Government

Chongming District 崇明

The detailed list released by Chongming Government

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