

Sadhguru Isha 2023-05-03

Can we take our destiny into our own hands? And how do we go about it? Let’s take a look.


Sadhguru: For every individual, whoever he is, his life is important. When his life is important, his wellbeing is also important. People invest a lot of time on their wellbeing. You may find someone has invested a good 25 years to become an engineer, to earn a living. He has invested half his life to build his family. But how much time has he invested for his inner wellbeing?


Today, everyone is busy managing and fixing the outside situation. But no matter how much you fix outside situations, you can never fix them one hundred percent. No one can. Affluent societies in the world are a living example of this. They fixed the outside sufficiently, but look at the people’s condition. For example in United States, the outside is sufficiently fixed but a significant percentage of the population is on anti-depressants. They have to take medication just to remain sane on a daily basis! That is not wellbeing.


As there is a science and technology to create external wellbeing, there is a whole science and technology – the yogic science to create inner wellbeing.


Those of you, who are successful enough – at least in your material life – understand that unless you do the right thing, it will not work. Or do you still believe you can do idiotic things and tell a prayer and everything will be okay? No. You know if you have to be successful in the outside world you have to do the right things. Otherwise it will not work. What makes you think it is not true with the internal?


Unless you do the right thing it will not work there also. As there is a science and technology to create external wellbeing, there is a whole science and technology – the yogic science – to create inner wellbeing through which you can become the master of your own destiny.


Nothing is predetermined


Nothing is predetermined, not even death. Everything has been created by you. The problem is you create most of it unconsciously, so you think it is being heaped upon you from somewhere else. If you can create something unconsciously, you can also create it consciously. That is the whole effort of all spiritual processes – to see that you create your life consciously instead of blundering through it by creating it unconsciously.


Once you make that effort, you will see more and more of your life becomes self-determined, not pre-determined. If you have mastery over your physical body, 15 to 20% of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your mind, 50 to 60% of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your very life energy, 100% of your life and destiny will be in your hands to such an extent that you can choose the moment of death, as to when and how you should die – and I am not referring to suicide. You can choose the womb in which you will be born, how you will be born – every moment of your life can become self-determined.






共同抗疫丨Chit Shakti健康冥想——成为自己健康的主宰者





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