

Isha 2023-05-03

The following article is from Isha瑜伽 Author Isha瑜伽


Questioner: Why is change in life so difficult? When I was younger I was excited by change, I would look forward to it and was happy when it happened. As I'm growing older, I try to avoid it as much as possible and not able to cope when it happens.


Sadhguru: It all depends who is initiating the change. (Laughter)


Questioner: Maybe. But is there something like an appropriate response to change?


Sadhguru: One reason why change is becoming difficult as you get older is you have found cocoons of comfort, there are many comfort zones you created, any disturbance of that, you’re disturbed, now. When you were young you were not looking for comfort, you were looking for life. Now, you’re not looking for life, you’re looking for comfort, safety. 


See when you were sixteen, eighteen, you had wild dreams as to what you want to do with your life. By the time you became twenty-five you cut down all the frills and thought, “This is all not practical, I am becoming practical now.” All that you… happened is you were becoming a coward, but you said, “I'm becoming practical,” and cut down many things and said, “If I get a job, if I earn my living, this, this, this is OK.” By the time you are thirty-five you're thinking, “If I don’t get into any trouble, that’s enough.” (Laughs) You're not looking forward to anything great happening – “If I don’t get into trouble, that’s enough.” But that’s when you start getting into trouble. (Laughs) So you're not looking at life with zest you're looking at life as safety. The more security oriented you are, the more disturbed you will be with every change that happens in your life. The essence of physical existence is change, isn’t it? Isn’t it so?

你看,当你16、18岁时,你对生命中想做的事有着不羁的梦想。当你25岁时,你砍掉所有的边饰并想:“这些全都不切实际,现在我要变得实际了。”你只是在变成一个胆小鬼而已,但你却说,“我在变得实际,” 砍掉很多东西并说,“如果我得到一份工作,如果我自食其力,这样,这样,这样就行了。”当你 35 岁时,你想:“如果我不惹上任何麻烦,那就够了。” 你不期盼任何伟大的事发生——“如果我不惹上麻烦,那就够了。” 但那正是你开始陷入麻烦之时。你不是带着热情看待生命,你把生命看作是安全保障。你越是一心想要安全,就越会被发生在你生命中的每一个变化所扰乱。物质存在的本质就是变化,不是吗?是不是这样?

Everything is changing, is there anything that’s not changing? Everything in the existence is changing, isn’t it? The physical existence is constantly changing. The very essence of physical reality is change. Nothing is constant. Even the so-called static states are dynamic in nature. Everything is changing. So if you resist change, you're resisting life. If you want an unchanging life, there's one beautiful place where nothing changes - that’s your grave. Either you must go to your grave or you must get enlightened if you don’t want change. Then somewhere inside everything is same. But otherwise as long as you're a part of the physical process of the existence- everything is change. There is nothing that is not change. See this moment you are inhaling, next moment you are exhaling – it’s change, isn’t it? If you don’t want change, you stop it. 

一切都在变化,有什么是不在变化的吗? 存在中的一切都在变化,不是吗?物质存在在不断变化着,物质现实的本质就是变化。没有什么是永恒不变的,即使是所谓的静态,本质上也是动态的。一切都在变化。因此,如果你抗拒变化,你就是在抗拒生命。如果你想要一个没有变化的生命,有一个美丽的地方,在那里一切都不会变化——那就是你的坟墓。要么你必须走进坟墓,要么你必须开悟,如果你不想要变化的话。那时,在里面的某处,一切都是一样的。否则的话,只要你还是存在的物质过程的一部分——一切都在变化。没有什么不在变化着。看,这一刻你在吸气,下一刻你在呼气——这就是变化,不是吗?如果你不想要变化,那就停止呼吸。

So when you resist change you must understand you’re resisting the very process of life, not just your life, you’re resisting the very fundamental process of life. Invariably, you will invite all kinds of suffering. If you’re living and you want to be dead, you will ask for trouble, isn’t it? You must be living, when you're living, you must live totally. If you want to die, you must do that efficiently, this is inefficient ways of killing yourself, really. Unhappiness and depression are inefficient ways of killing yourself, isn’t it so? At least be efficient. I can give you ten different ways to die, anyway Hussain Sagar is there. (Laugh) Is it… still water in it?

所以,当你抗拒变化时,你必须明白你是在抗拒生命的过程,不只是你的生命,你在抗拒生命最根本的过程。不可避免地,你会招致各种各样的痛苦。如果你活着却想死,你会自找麻烦,不是吗?你必须是活着的,当你活着时,你必须完全地活。如果你想死,你必须死得有效率,这是没效率的自杀方式,真的。忧愁和抑郁是没效率的自杀方式,是不是这样?至少要有效率。我可以给你 10 种不同的死法,反正Hussain Sagar湖就在那。它......里面还有水吗?

Audience: Yes.


Sadhguru: Okay. (Laughs) So you need to understand this, once you resist change you're resisting the whole process of life and you will create unnecessary suffering. So once you resist change, depression is a natural process. Frustration… When change happens frustration, depression... Frustration and depression are…

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):好。所以你需要明白这个,一旦你抗拒变化,你就是在抗拒整个生命过程,你会创造不必要的痛苦。因此,一旦你抗拒变化,抑郁就会是一个自然而然的过程。沮丧...... 当变化发生时,沮丧、抑郁...... 沮丧和抑郁是......

On a certain day the devil decided to retire, because he's retiring he decided to put all the tools of his trade for a garage sale. So he opened up discount sale - all the devil’s tools - there was a huge rush. There are all kinds of things - anger, hatred, jealousy, this one, that one, everything on the table. All of you, people went and bought it up in no time. Everything was sold out in the first hour, all his tools. The whole humanity has bought it, isn’t it? But he had still one more bag and… 


What's your name? (Reply: Lina) Lina went and asked the devil, “What's in that bag? Isn’t that for sale?” He said, “No, no, these are the prize tools. Just as souvenirs I want to keep them because they have worked best to do my job.” Lina said, “No, I want it please, won't you sell that?” Devil said, “No, no, no, these two tools that I have in this bag they have worked so wonderfully well in my whole career, that I would like to keep them as my souvenirs.” Once Lina said, many other people joined behind her and, “Please, put it on sale, put it on sale, put it on sale.” Then the devil pulled out and said, “Okay, if you give me a good price let me put it on sale.” Then he pulled out frustration and depression and put it on table. These two are the best of the devil’s tools. If you want to destroy your life frustration…you start with frustration, develop into depression, you're dead. There’s nothing worse than that, you'll work against yourself. And the moment you resist change, frustration is natural. Once frustration comes it will naturally evolve into depression. So you put it on sale.

你叫什么名字?(回答:Lina)Lina 去问魔鬼:“那个袋子里是什么?那不是要卖的么?” 他说:“不,不,这些是极好的工具,就像纪念品一样,我想留下它们,因为它们把我的工作完成得最好。” Lina 说:“别啊,我想要,求求你了,你难道不卖吗?” 魔鬼说:“不不不,这个袋子里的这两件工具,在我的整个职业生涯中工作得如此出色,我想把它们留作纪念。” Lina 这么一说,其他很多人也加入到她身后说:“求求你了,拿出来卖吧,拿出来卖吧,拿出来卖吧。” 然后魔鬼让步了,他说:“好吧,如果你们能出一个好价钱,我就拿出来卖。” 然后他拿出沮丧和抑郁,摆到了桌上。这是魔鬼最好的两件工具。如果你想毁了你的生命,沮丧,你从沮丧开始,发展成抑郁,你就完了。没有比那更糟的,你会跟自己作对。当你抗拒变化时沮丧自然会来,一旦沮丧来了,它会自然而然发展成抑郁。你把它拿出来卖吧。








