
西媒急需普法 | 孙杨案36问-号外

马服子 赵括辨法 2021-12-19




本人亦是新闻科班出身,对不明示消息源而以“相关人士”蒙混者非常敏感;一查之下,果然又是Craig Lord。帮大家回忆一下,当初规定国际泳联(FINA)关于孙杨案的裁定书应予保密,便是此君无视禁令,将“相关人士”透露的裁定书全文刊出于《泰晤士报》。[然而,福兮祸兮,随着裁定书一起流落世间的还有本案的卷宗资料,里面有不少大家喜闻乐见的内容,后续将娓娓道来]




首先,孙杨的禁赛是由国际泳联(FINA)执行的,加之所谓违规训练发生在今年,因此管辖规则是2021年版的《国际泳联反兴奋剂条例》(FINA DC)。其中规定:



比如,WADA Code第10.14.2条允许运动员在禁赛期的最后两个月参加此前被禁止的集体训练;该法条的评注解释道:




WADA Code里有这么一条规定:



  • 首先,受这个规定制约的是资助和福利的发放机构;就算要挨罚,也罚不到运动员头上。

  • 其次,运动员享受政府的福利,指的是特供的运动福利,而不是阳光普照的全民福利。因此,除非安吉少体校的游泳场馆是对外封闭且仅供国家队、地方队或泳协运动员训练使用的,否则不能视为运动员专享的政府运动福利。

  • 最后,孙杨禁赛的具体适用规则是FINA DC,而不是WADA Code。FINA DC第10.14.4条的规定,明确地排除了“政府”,只是要求“国际泳联和各国泳协应在禁赛期内停止向禁赛人员发放运动相关的资助和福利”。[6]

换言之,FINA DC压根不在意孙杨是否在国家出资的场馆训练。

啥,FINA DC不得和WADA Code冲突?哪里来的冲突——现行的FINA DC是根据WADA颁布的《国际体育组织反兴奋剂条例模板》制定的,第10.14.4条基本照抄了模板条文,而模板原文仅列出了“国际体育组织”及“国家体育协会”,而根本没有提到“政府”。[7]

[1] C. Lord, “Sun Yang: WADA launch investigation after pictures emerge of Chinese swimmer training despite ban”, The Times, 18 December 2021.

[2] Id., para. 1, “Doping authorities have begun a new investigation into the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang over claims uncovered by The Times that he has been training in government-funded facilities despite being banned from the sport for four years.”
[3] FINA Doping Control Rules (2021), DC 10.14.1, Prohibition against Participation during Ineligibility or Provisional Suspension, para. 1, “No Athlete or other Person who has been declared Ineligibleor is subject to a Provisional Suspension may, during the period of Ineligibility or Provisional Suspension, participate in any capacity in a Competition or activity (other than authorized anti-doping Education or rehabilitation programs) authorized or organized by FINA, any FINA Member Federation, or a club or other member organisation of a FINA Member Federation, or any Signatory, Signatory's member organization, or a club or other memberorganization of a Signatory’s member organization or in Competitions authorizedor organized by any professional league or any international or national-level Competition organisation or any eliteor national-level sporting activity funded by a governmental agency.”
[4] WADA Anti-Doping Code (2021), art. 10.14.2, Return to Training, “As an exception to Article10.14.1, an Athlete may returnto train with a team or to use the facilities of a club or other memberorganization of a Signatory’s member organization during theshorter of: (1) the last two months of the Athlete’s period of Ineligibility, or (2) the last one-quarter of the period of Ineligibility imposed.” See also, Id., fn. 78, “Comment to Article 10.14.2: In many Team Sports and some individual sports (e.g., ski jumping and gymnastics), Athletes cannot effectively train on their own so as to be ready to compete at the endof the Athlete’s period of Ineligibility.”
[5] Id., art. 10.14.4, Withholding of Financial Support during Ineligibility, “…some or all sport-related financial support or other sport-related benefits received by such Person will be withheld by Signatories, Signatories’ member organizations and governments.”
[6] FINA Doping Control Rules (2021), DC 10.14.4, Withholding of Financial Support during Ineligibility, “…FINA and its Member Federations shall withhold all sport-related financial support or othersport-related benefits received by such Person during Ineligibility.“”

[7] 2021 WADA IF Model Rules, art. 10.14.4. https://www.wada-ama.org/en/resources/world-anti-doping-program/2021-model-rules-for-international-federations, retrieved as of 19 December 2021.

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