
Bug Fixed! How to Get Visa Services on "Sui Shen Ban"?

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

Bug Fixed! How to Get Visa Services on "Sui Shen Ban"?

According to the Shanghai Public Security Entry-exit Administration, all services have been resumed from June 1.

Before processing, please log on to "Yi Wang Tong Ban"(一网通办) or "Sui Shen Ban"(随申办) to complete the reservation process. After making the reservation, please go to the reception center at the appointed time with all relevant documents.

When entering the hall, please wear a mask for self-protection, show your green health code, travel code, and 72-hour negative PCR certificate (from the sampling time), and cooperate with on-site staff -- scan the venue code and measure body temperature.

However, many have complained that the process on "Sui Shen Ban" app does not have an English version, causing many inconveniences. Therefore, we make a guide here for you!

1. Extension, renewal & replacement of visas


Extention, renewal, and replacement of visa documents can ONLY be completed via Alipay "Sui Shen Ban" miniprogram.


Open the home page of Alipay, and search "Sui Shen Ban." 


Search "Entry-Exit" (出入境) services in "Sui Shen Ban"

Select the service "Extention, renewal, and replacement" under the tab "I am Foreigner" (我是外国人) as circled below.


Fill in all the information and submit

2.  How to make an appointment for a new visa?


Open the home page of "Sui Shen Ban" on App or Alipay, and search the keywords "Entry-exit" (出入境 Chu Ru Jing)

Note: Do not go through the process on Wechat Mini-program since foreigners' identities cannot be associated with the application on WeChat, and the link on the official account cannot be used by foreigners.


Select "Visa For Foreigners" and then select the types of visa services you need.


Sometimes, when you select the corresponding services, it is required to do validation.

Then, fill in all information like your legal name, sexuality, nationality, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, validity, ID types, visas, etc.

Additionally, you have to fill out the registration information; yet, it only requires you to fill in the reason for applyingeither by company invitation or individual invitation.

After all these steps, you can book the slot and reception center to complete the process!

If you are struggling with making the appointment for a new visa and going through all these processes, please contact AnyHelper team!

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If you have any questions about China visa applications (work visa, PU letter, company registration and more), please contact our visa consultant Anna (WeChat ID: AnyHelper_Anna).

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