
Guide: Where for Quarantine After Intl Travelers Return to SH?

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

Guide: Where for Quarantine After Intl Travelers Return to SH?

With an increasing number of eased travel restrictions, now more and more international business people, students or family dependents are plannin their trip back to China.

However, quarantine is still a headache for many. How long is the quarantine? Where for quarantine? Is the cost on you? Let's take a look at the information we collected!

Your first stop is Shanghai

7-day centralized quarantine + 3-day home monitoring

On landing:

  • Fill out the China customs form (customs pocket declaration form). 

  • Show your HDC (health declaration code) and customs QR code.

  • Temperature checks.

  • Take PCR tests if required.

You will then go to wait for a shuttle bus to transfer you to your assigned hotel where you will wait for your test results.

*Notice: Getting through all the procedures in the airport might take hours, and it' very important to prepare all the documents in advance, keep the boarding passes and documents with you as you might need them in the upcoming days.

Quarantine in Shanghai

China in July slashed quarantine period for all overseas travellers. Now all inbound travelers to Shanghai need to undergo 7-day centralized quarantine and 3-day health monitoring at home.

For centralized quarantine, the expenses of food and accomodation are on you.

In most cases, you would be assigned to the districts where your home address is registered/or where you declared, and you could not choose the hotel. 

Generally, it is strictly one person (over 14 years old) per room. However, families are always in the same quarantine place, and if your children are under 14 years old, you could ask to let them stay in a room with you. 

After you check in, you can expect your test results from the airport to come out within 24 hours, if you are positive/you develop symptoms already, you will be directly transferred to a COVID-19 specialist hospital unit.

During the centralized quarantine period, if all your results come back negative, you could look forward to the 3-day home monitoring. However, if you test negative but passengers +/-3 rows of your seating location on the same flight test positive, you might be transferred as well. 

Now you've finished centralized quarantine period and get a release notice, how to obtain approval for home quarantine?

Make sure you have contacted your neighborhood committee in advance. Your residency need to meet a few requirements to qualify for home quarantine: Have individual entrance, individual toilet, AC unit, or other facilities if further requested. 

Though the policy said if you have no residency in Shanghai/your home does not qualify, you will have to continue the 3-day monitoring in designated hotel. In most cases, whether you can go home is usually decided by your neighorhood committee.  Hereby, we suggest you call and explain your situation to them.

Your first stop is Hong Kong

3-day centralized quarantine + 4-day health monitoring

People arriving in HKSAR from overseas will be required to undergo 3-day centralized quarantine and 4-day health monitoring

After spending 3 days at a quarantine hotel, you can go home or elsewhere, but still will undergo medical observation for 4 more days.

During the self-health monitoring period, you'll be assiged 'amber codes', which means you can use public transportation but you cannot go to certain public venues, including bars, gyms, restaurants and care homes. 

From Hong Kong to Shanghai

  • Preflight: 48-hour PCR test + 8-hour preflight rapid test in airport

  • After landing: 7-day centralized quarantine + 3-day health monitoring

HK is studying whether it can offer quarantine services to local travelers trying to enter mainland, according to a media report, a move that could expand visitor flow. 

Officials in Hong Kong are working to reopen the border with mainland, Chief Secretary Eric Chan said after a meeting with local lawmakers on last Wednesday. He was expected to discuss the proposal and other measures to ease border bottlenecks with the mainland at the gathering.

Source: 上海本地宝, South China Morning Post

Please note that quarantine policies may be adjusted often, for the latest rules, please check with local Epidemic Control and Prevention, or contact us and let us check for you!

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COVID-19 Update Aug. 22nd

1. Shanghai: 

+1 local case

+6 imported COVID-19 cases

2. Chinese mainland:

+360 local cases

+67 imported COVID-19 cases

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