
What are the Main Symptoms after Getting Covid and What to do?

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

What are the Main Symptoms after Getting Covid and What to do?

Omicron BF.7 variant is the main strain in the current outbreak in Beijing. One of its major clinical features is continuity. At the beginning of the outbreak, patients may have symptoms such as dry throat, cough, and fever. The fever in youth after infection with Omicron BF.7 usually does not exceed 3 days. Dr. Li Dong, the chief physician of the Infection General Department of Beijing Youan Hospital and medical expert of Xiaotangshan Fangzhai Hospital, has summarized a "symptom analysis" of young and middle-aged patients infected with COVID-19 from day 1 to day 7.

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  • Day 1

    Symptoms are slight. Mild dryness and soreness of the throat and body fatigue may be felt.

  • Day 2

    Fever starts, with some young people having a high fever of about 39 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the discomfort in the throat increases.

  • Day 3

    The most severe day. High fever of 39 degrees Celsius or more, body aches and weakness, and increased sore throat.

  • Day 4

    Temperature starts to drop. Many people's temperature drops to normal on this day and they no longer have a fever. They still have a sore throat and itch. Some people start to runny and cough.

  • Day 5

    The body temperature basically drops to normal. However, nasal congestion, running nose, sore throat, cough, and weakness are still present.

  • Day 6

    No more fever. Symptoms such as cough and runny nose get worsen. Nucleic acid conversion may occur.

  • Day 7

    All symptoms begin to improve significantly. Nucleic acid is likely to turn negative.

Citizens are recommended to store some antipyretic or analgesic medicines which can relieve common cold symptoms, as well as Chinese patent medicines (Yinqiaosan, Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui, etc.). In case of fever and other symptoms, it's advised to take medications appropriately.

Don't panic if you or your family have a fever and other symptoms. "Stay at home, rest more, drink more water, and avoid going out for medical treatment to reduce the risk of infection." Families are encouraged to prepare antigen kits for self-testing.

Source: 北京新闻广播

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