
NEW: Home Qua. for Some Infected, NO PCR/Code for Domestic Trip!

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

NEW: Home Quarantine for Some Infected, NO PCR/Code for Domestic Trip!

China eased a range of Covid restrictions Wednesday. The 10 new measures include accelerating vaccination among the elderly and stopping local officials from designating large areas such as entire housing compounds as high risk, leading to lockdown-like curbs. A green health code and PCR tests are no longer needed for domestic travel. Asymptomatic and mild cases will be able to isolate at home for 7 days, and close contacts for 5 days.

Here we selected some important points:

1. Asymptomatic and mild cases will be able to isolate at home

Asymptomatic and mild cases will be able to isolate at home, provided their residences meet certain conditions. People can still go to centralized quarantine facilities if they prefer. 

2. 7-day home quarantine for most infected people

During the home isolation for infected people, they will be lifted if the Ct value of nucleic acid test was ≥35 for two consecutive times on the 6th and 7th days of quarantine, or be transferred to the designated hospital for treatment if condition gets worse.

3. 5-day home quarantine for most close contacts

Close contacts can either isolate at home or at government facilities, and they can finish quarantine five days after a negative PCR test. 

The switch to home isolation was pioneered in Beijing after quarantine facilities ran out of space when infections surged. 

4. PCR tests and health codes no longer needed for domestic travel

Mass nucleic acid testing will not be carried out according to administrative regions. According to the needs of epidemic prevention, antigen detection can be carried out. Except for special places such as nursing homes, welfare homes, medical institutions, childcare institutions, and primary and secondary schools, no nucleic acid test negative certificates or health codes are required for entering. Nucleic acid test negative certificates and health codes will no longer be checked for cross-regional personnel, and landing tests (tests on arrival) will no longer be carried out.

5. Epidemic prevention and control for schools will be further optimized

Schools without outbreaks must carry out normal offline teaching activities, with in-campus supermarkets, canteens, stadiums, and libraries open as normal. Schools with epidemics must accurately delineate risk areas, and normal teaching and living order must still be guaranteed outside the risk areas.

6. It is strictly forbidden to block fire exits, unit doors, and community doors

The security guarantees related to the epidemic will be strengthened. It is strictly forbidden to block fire exits, unit doors, and community doors in various ways to ensure that the public's access to medical treatment, emergency escape, etc..

7. Bolster vaccination rates among the elderly 

Authorities pledged to bolster vaccination rates among the elderly. For those aged 80 or above, the rate for booster shots is less than 50% and about 60% for full doses, raising concern that fatalities could surge and healthcare services come under even greater pressure as the virus spreads with the loosening of curbs. 

8. Accurately divide high-risk areas, according to buildings, units, floors, and households

9. "Quick lockdown and quick lifting" in high-risk areas

High-risk areas with no new infections for 5 consecutive days must be lifted in time.

10. Ensure the basic needs for purchasing medicines

Pharmacies around the country must operate normally and must not close down at will. The online and offline purchase of over-the-counter drugs such as antipyretic, cough, antiviral, and cold treatment shall not be restricted.

11. Strengthen the investigation and classification management of the health status of key populations

12. Ensure the normal operation of society and basic medical services

Non-high-risk areas shall not restrict the flow of people, and shall not suspend work, production, or business. Medical personnel, public security, transportation and logistics, commercial supermarkets, supply guarantees, water, electricity, heating and other personnel who guarantee basic medical services and normal social operations are included in the "white list" management, and relevant personnel do a good job in personal protection, vaccination and health monitoring to ensure normal operation. Provide medical services, basic living supplies, water, electricity, heating, etc., try our best to maintain normal production and work order, solve urgent problems raised by the masses in a timely manner, and effectively meet the basic living needs of the masses during the epidemic situation.

Source: National Health Commission


COVID-19 Update Dec. 7th

1. Shanghai: 

+24 local cases

+9 imported COVID-19 cases

2. Chinese mainland:

+4351 local cases

+58 imported COVID-19 cases

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