
How to Quarantine at Home?

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

How to Quarantine at Home?

With the release of gradually optimized COVID-19 prevention and control measures, Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council also issued a guideline on home quarantine and medical observation. The following are some highlights:

Who need to quarantine at home?

  • Close contacts with special needs, such as those with serious underlying diseases.

  • Close contacts and inbound travelers who have completed centralized quarantine.

  • People from high-risk areas.

What kind of a room is required?

Designate a well-ventilated room in a house for isolation. If possible, isolate yourself in a house alone.

Necessary items In the room

  • Personal protective equipment (thermometer masks, disposable gloves).

  • Disinfectant.

  • Trash bin with lid.

Outside the room

Table or chair to deliver items without contact.


Use a separate bathroom from other people in the household if possible.


The room should be well-ventilated. Split air conditioners are recommended if there is a need to use an air conditioning system for ventilation.

How to self-quarantine?

Health monitoring

  • Check temperature twice a day.

  • Report to the community if you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and fatigue.

Leaving the house

  • Going out or receiving guests is prohibited.

  • In case of going out for medical treatment, a special car can be arranged and closed-loop management is required.

Personal protection

  • People under quarantine should not leave their rooms.

  • Minimize contact with family members, and when contact is necessary, maintain a distance of at least 1 meter.

  • Mothers under quarantine can still breastfeed their babies.


Take the tests and report the results to the community timely.

How to maintain hygiene?


  • Open the windows daily to ensure the room is well-ventilated.

  • Mechanical ventilators such as exhaust fans can be used if natural ventilation is not possible.


  • Disinfect objects and surfaces that have been used or touched by people under quarantine.

  • If the bathroom is shared by the family, it should be disinfected after being used by people under quarantine.

Garbage disposal

  • Disinfect the garbage before putting it into a plastic bag.

  • Tie up the bag and discard it in a designated place.

Requirements for people living in the same house or caregivers

  • Caregivers should wear surgical masks, protective clothing, disposable hats, and gloves when having contact with people under quarantine or cleaning and disinfecting contaminated objects or surfaces.

  • Clean and disinfect hands after having direct contact with the person and leaving the quarantine room.

  • People living in the same house as those under quarantine and caregivers should observe the same medical observation requirements as those under home quarantine.

Source: ChinaDaily

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