
COVID-19 Itinerary Card to be Abolished from Tomorrow

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

COVID-19 Itinerary Card to be Abolished from Tomorrow

China's itinerary card, used for tracing the travel history of people in the country, will be retired from Tuesday to further ease the COVID-19 controls, an official statement said on Monday.

The "Communications Itinerary Card", which tracks whether someone has been to a high-risk area based on their phone signal, will go offline at 12am Tuesday, according to an official WeChat post, after more than two years in operation.

"All channels to get the itinerary card such as text messages, web pages, WeChat mini app, Alipay mini app and app will go offline at the same time," the statement said.

First rolled out in 2020 with a system that marks users' predicted level of COVID exposure, the Itinerary Card was tweaked multiple times before a final change this year shortened the tracking period from 14 to seven days.

Source: Shine

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