
Q&A on Antigen Test & Self-Protection under Open-up Policies

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

Q&A on Antigen Test & Self-Protection under Open-up Policies

Q: Can taking garlic or ginger, or gargling salt water help prevent COVID-19?

No. There is no evidence that these measures protect people from COVID-19. However, garlic and ginger may have some antibacterial properties. Saline gargling is good for cleaning the mouth and throat and is helpful for laryngitis. But the part that coronavirus invaded is in the respiratory tract, and gargling has no way to clean the respiratory tract. And there are no studies that show that salt water has a killing effect on the new coronavirus.

Q: With the change in the epidemic situation, various suggestions and guidance began to appear on social media. In the midst of all the comments, one voice was particularly loud: "It is suggested that canned yellow peaches be included in medical insurance." Can canned yellow peaches be effective in relieving symptoms of the disease?  

No. Canned yellow peaches have no actual medicinal effect, just a "comfort food", that is, a food that provides emotional value to people. Although nutritious, it does not relieve the symptoms of the disease. Especially if you cough, do not consume it, it may also aggravate the symptoms.

Q: When do I need an antigen test? What are the test results used for?    

Antigen test is generally used during the acute infection phase, that is, within 7 days of theonset of symptoms in a suspected person. 

When flu symptoms such as fever, dry cough, muscle aches, etc. are found, self-testing and screening can be performed. 

Positive antigen results can be used for early triage and rapid management of suspected populations, but cannot be used as a basis for confirming the diagnosis of coronavirus infection.

Q: How do I buy antigen test kits? What should I pay attention to when purchasing?   

Antigen test kits are now available in retail pharmacies or online. Check the following information:

  • Check the production date and expiration date. 

  • Check whether there is a medical device registration certificate number approved by the State Food and Drug Administration and a complete UDI code (unique identification of medical devices). 

  • Check whether the product composition is complete. 

Q: How long do antigen test kits take to detect after infection? 

Antigen tests can only detect the infection when the virus has replicated at a higher level and the infected person has shed a higher amount of poison. 

Based on the incubation period estimate of Omicron, it is generally detectable 2 to 3 days after infection

Some infected people, especially asymptomatic infections, may not be detected until 5 days or more.

Q: If the antigen test result is negative, does it mean that not being infected?

Some people have been infected and even have some mild symptoms while the antigen test result is still negative. But the virus has not replicated and excreted in large quantities in the body, so the sensitivity of antigen detection cannot be achieved.

Antigen detection does not need to be tested more than once a day, if necessary, it can be tested once a day.

Q: Why is the antigen test positive, but the nucleic acid report shows negative?   

In general, nucleic acid detection is more accurate

If the symptoms of home treatment persons are significantly improved or there are no obvious symptoms, the self-test antigen is negative and two consecutive nucleic acid tests are negative (Ct value > 35, and the interval between the two tests is greater than 24 hours), home treatment can be ended, and normal life and going out can be resumed.

Q: What should I do if I have a positive antigen test result?   

If there are no symptoms or mild symptoms, isolate and rest at home. If symptoms get worsen, go to the fever clinic (consultation room) of a medical and health institution in time. In addition, if the antigen test is positive, the results should be reported to the primary health care facility as required.

Q: What medicines can be used after infection? 

In addition to the drugs having been known by many people, which are mainly concentrated on limited varieties such as "Lianhua Qingwen (search 连花清瘟)" and "ibuprofen (search 布洛芬)", many over-the-counter (OTC) drugs among the 108 traditional medicine products were introduced at a press conference on December 12. 

Patients can also obtain them from hospitals, retail pharmacies, e-commerce platforms, and other channels according to their own symptom needs.

Q: How do I know information about specific fever clinics or OTC drugs?

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Source: 人民日报, 新闻坊, ChinaDaily

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