
COVID-19-Infected People Can Be Considered Not Infectious If…

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

COVID-19-Infected People Can Be Considered Not Infectious If…

Li Dongzeng, the chief physician of the General Infection Department of Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said on December 16 that if one's antigen test results kept negative for three days, then this person could be considered as non-infectious.

About how to judge whether one has recovered after COVID-19 infection, Li Dong has given two criteria: 

  1. whether the symptoms have been alleviated;

  2. whether the test results have turned negative. 

If the temperature of the mild symptom patient keeps normal for more than three days and the respiratory symptoms are improved, it means that the patient has recovered;

For severely ill patients, a CT scan of the chest should be rechecked. 

About Secondary Infection within 3-6 Months

Li Dong also said that after people are infected Omircon, the antibody level will remain relatively high in a short period of time and has a certain protective effect. It is generally believed that people will not have secondary infection of the same virus within 3-6 months. However, if the virus mutates and the immune escape ability of the virus becomes stronger, the risk of secondary infection may become greater.

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily

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