
Tips to Stay Safe and Sound after Being Infected

Click to Follow AnyShanghai 2023-04-26

Tips to Stay Safe and Sound after Being Infected

The Shanghai Center for Health Promotion has suggested some recovery tips for COVID patients.

1. Do I still need to take personal protection after negative antigen and PCR tests?

Winter is a season with high rates of respiratory infections, and a negative test result does not rule out future infections or respiratory illness.

Therefore, you should strive to limit your travels to crowded areas and not lower the preventative and control standards. You should continue to wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, maintain social distance, open windows more frequently, and monitor your coughing and sneezing. COVID patients who have not yet received the vaccinations are encouraged to get them six months after recovery.

2. Is it necessary to take dietary nutritional supplement after recovery?

During the infection, you may have a loss of appetite, diarrhea, bloating, and a decreased ability to taste and smell. However, this shouldn't require you to take a lot of supplements while you're getting better.

The splenic organ and stomach are relatively weak; therefore, heavy supplementation is not only detrimental to the body's recovery but also adds to its burden.

It is recommended to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on a regular basis, to maintain a light diet and balanced nutrition during the recovery period, and to include cereals, high-quality protein foods, and fruits and vegetables every day to help the body recover.

During the recovery period, some elderly people who do not have a good appetite can eat more easily digestible food.

3. Is it recommended to eat food with strong flavors after recovery?

Some people may have a temporary loss of taste and smell after a viral infection; nonetheless, it is not advised that they consume foods with strong flavours, such as oily, spicy, or pickled foods.

Small servings of pickled vegetables, fermented tofu, and natural flavours like onion, ginger, garlic, and star anise can be added to staple foods to stimulate the tastebuds.

4. How does one deal with appetite loss in the early stages of recovery?

It is advised to eat small, frequent meals. To help ensure adequate physical and nutritional intake, have a small portion of nuts, milk, yoghurt, and fruits at 9am or 10am or 2pm or 3pm.

It is also important to remember not to overeat once your appetite has been restored, and to consume a moderate amount of drinks and snacks.

5. What should I do if my cough persists during the recovery period?

To help relieve the cough, it is advised to drink more water, rest more, avoid straining, drink honey water or soup made with loquat paste or pears, and humidify the environment.

If you want to cough but don't have any water nearby, try swallowing repeatedly. Also, avoid smoking and stay away from pollution and odorous environments.

6. Can I smoke and drink after recovery?

For patients who have the habit of smoking and drinking, it is better to quit smoking and try not to drink after recovery; it is also advocated to drink tea instead of alcohol.

In particular, patients with underlying diseases should be reminded that smoking and drinking will aggravate those diseases.

7. Can I resume exercising after recovery?

Many people take a week or two after recovery to return to their previous physical condition, so it is not recommended to engage in strenuous physical activity in the early stages of recovery.

We recommend moderate to mild exercise, and we must gradually return to our previous activity and workload, resting whenever we become tired.

8. Is it okay to stay up late to binge-watch TV series after recovery?

Staying up late can reduce sleep quality and impair the immune system, whereas adequate sleep, regular work, and rest can help you recover faster.

After recovering, one should avoid staying up late at night and maintain a moderate and balanced work and life pace.

Source: SHINE

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