
​收藏!SCI论文 Introduction常用句式总结(下)

ULTRAMAN2019 投必得学术 2022-05-07

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上一期,我们给大家介绍了SCI论文 Introduction部分的常用句式总结上半部分,前文复习请戳这里收藏!SCI论文Introduction常用句式总结(上)






4. 解决方法

One way to overcome these problems is to __
There are many alternative methods are available forsolving these problems. 有许多可供选择的方法来解决这些问题。
In order to rectify the problem of __为了纠正__的问题。
A solution to this problem is proposed in __解决这个问题的办法是__。
One approach to solve this problem involves the use of __解决这个问题的方法之一是使用__。
An alternative approach to the problem is __解决这个问题的另一种方法是__。
This can be applied to solve these problems.这个可以用来解决这些问题。
A number of works have shown that this problem can beovercome by using __大量研究表明,使用__可以克服这一问题。
A large number of alternative approaches have beendeveloped over the last few decades to__在过去的几十年里,人们开发了大量的替代方法来支持__。
To overcome this problem, in the next section wedemonstrate __为了克服这个问题,在下一节我们将演示__。
One way to overcome this problem is to __解决这个问题的一个办法是__。
To overcome this problem, some approaches have been made__为了克服这个问题,已经采取了一些措施__。
One way of recovering from this problem could be to __从这个问题中恢复的一个方法是__。
This has been proposed to surmount the problems caused by__这是为了克服由__引起的问题。
A different approach to the traditional problem is givenin __对于传统问题,__给出了一种不同的处理方法。
A whole range of different approaches to the problem areavailable.有许多不同的方法可以解决这个问题。
These techniques have potential to solve contemporaryproblems in __这些技术有潜力在__中解决当代问题。
We should tailor specific solutions to specific problems__我们应该针对具体问题__制定具体的解决方案。
The standard solution to the problem is based on __这个问题的标准解决办法是以__为基础的。
The solution proposed here addresses only the problem of__这里提出的解决办法只解决__的问题。
There are techniques that have been developed to solvethis problem __已经开发出一些技术来解决这个问题。
This problem is usually overcome by __这个问题通常用__来解决。
There exist many methods for dealing with this problem __有许多方法来处理这个问题__。
Broadly speaking, the problem can be addressed by __广义地说,这个问题可以用__来解决。
One of the simplest ways of tackling this problem is __解决这个问题最简单的方法之一是__。
This problem has been largely studied and many viablesolutions have been found.这个问题已经进行了大量的研究,并找到了许多可行的解决方案。
In general, this problem can be tackled in two differentways.一般来说,这个问题可以用两种不同的方法来解决。
Other approaches have been shown to cope with the problemmore efficiently.已经证明其他方法可以更有效地处理这个问题。
We will review the main approaches to solve this problem.我们将回顾解决这个问题的主要途径。
Recently, a more general solution has been proposed forthis problem.最近,针对这个问题提出了一个更普遍的解决方案。
Both these works provide a solution to the problem.这两项工作都为这个问题提供了解决方案。
Recent methods focus on overcoming the problems byproposing different schemes for __最近的方法侧重于通过提出不同的__方案来克服这些问题。
This strategy is not uncommon in this kind of problems.这种策略在这类问题中并不少见。
We can apply our algorithm to solve this difficultproblem.我们可以用我们的算法来解决这个难题。
We have developed this generic method to solve a varietyof problems.我们开发了这种通用方法来解决各种问题。
We will now demonstrate our method on some specificproblems.现在我们将在一些具体问题上演示我们的方法。
Here we solve several problems simultaneously.这里我们同时解决几个问题。
A possible solution to the problem at hand is __解决当前问题的一个可能的办法是__。
It is clear that the problem could be easily tackled by__很明显,这个问题很容易用__来解决。 

5. 研究动机

It is of interest to know whether __still holdtrue.知道__是否仍然正确是很重要的。
It would be of special interest to__它对__有特殊的意义。
We therefore analyzed __ and investigatedwhether __因此,我们分析了__并调查了是否__。
For this study, it was of interest toinvestigate __在这项研究中,对__进行调查是有意义的。
We investigated whether __ can be partlyexplained by __我们研究了是否能用__来部分解释__。
To examine the impact of __, we tested __为了检验__的影响,我们测试了__。
We have investigated the effect of __我们已经调查了__的影响。
We characterize different aspects of __我们描述了__的不同方面。
One way to investigate __ was to __调查__的一种方法是__。
A new approach is therefore needed for __因此,__需要一种新的方法。
To illuminate this uncharted area, weexamined __为了阐明这个未知的领域,我们考察了__。 

6. 研究目标

The aim is to develop more sophisticated methods for __
The aim of this work is to develop __这项工作的目的是开发__。
The aims in this chapter are twofold: First__, Second __本章的目的有两个:第一阶段__,第二阶段__。
For our first goal, we focus on two problems__对于我们的第一个目标,我们关注两个问题__。
The aim here is to investigate __这里的目的是调查__。
The overall goal of this work was to __这项工作的总目标是__。
This project aims to develop an overarchingframework to __该项目旨在为__开发一个总体框架。
The aim of the experiment is to compare __实验的目的是比较__。
The ultimate goal is to produce a __最终目标是产生__。
The overall goal of this thesis was to pursue__本文的总体目标是追求__。
After defining the problem we explain thegoals of the thesis.在定义了问题之后,我们解释了论文的目标。
With this aim in mind, in this paper wepresent a new method for __基于这一目的,我们在本文中提出了一种研究__的新方法。
Our research aims at finding a solution forthis challenging problem of__我们的研究旨在找到解决__挑战性问题的办法。
We examine some previous work and propose anew method for __我们研究了以前的一些工作,并提出了一种解决__的新方法。
There are too many simultaneous goals makingit difficult to __同时有太多的目标,很难达成__。
One of the major aims of this work was tocreate __这项工作的主要目的之一是建立__。
The main objective is to investigate methodsfor improving __主要目的是研究改进__的方法。
The objective is to devise and implement asystem for __目标是为__制定和实施一项制度。
The objectives were partially met bydeveloping a method to __通过开发一种方法来达到目标的一部分。
The objective is to demonstrate thefeasibility of __目的是论证__的可行性。
One of the objectives is to improve the __其中一个目标是改进__。 

7. 研究的意义和优势

This thesis documents several key contributions made tothe fields of __
This thesis has made a number of significantcontributions to the field of __这篇论文对__领域做出了许多重大贡献。
The contributions made here have wideapplicability.这里所作的贡献具有广泛的适用性。
The contributions made should be of wideinterest.所作的贡献应该引起广泛的兴趣。
The first main contribution proposed in thisfield is a __在这一领域提出的第一个主要贡献是__。
The contributions of this work are presentedas follows: __本工作的贡献如下__。
The main achievements, includingcontributions to the field can be summarized as follows: __主要成就包括对该领域的贡献可以总结如下:__
We summarize the main contributions of thisthesis.总结了本文的主要贡献。
The key contribution of this work is thesolution it provides __这项工作的关键贡献在于它提供了__的解决方案。
It has numerous advantages as explained here__正如这里所解释的,它有许多优点__。
It has significant benefits in terms of __它在__方面有显著的好处。
There is a clear advantage in following themethods of __采用__方式有明显的好处。
This has particular advantages over other __这比其他__有特殊的优点。
All of these advantages make it particularlyvaluable in __所有这些优势使得它在__特别有价值。
One of the primary benefits of this algorithmis __这个算法的主要优点之一是__。
This gives a significant advantage because __这带来了一个显著的优势,因为__。
These point out the advantages andpracticability of __指出了__的优点和实用性。
One of the key benefits of the algorithm is__该算法的主要优点之一是__。
The main advantage compared to previousmethod is __与以前的方法相比,主要优点是__。
This present some practical advantages.这提出了一些实际的优点。
The main advantage is the simplified pattern.其主要优点是简化了模式。
One practical advantage of the method is thatit can be used in __这种方法的一个实际优点是它可以用在__。
The advantage becomes all the moresignificant when __当__时,优势变得更加明显。
In comparison with other techniques, thismethod has the advantage of __与其它方法相比,该方法的优点是__。
The most important advantage of this methodis that it can perform very well in __这种方法最重要的优点是它能在__中很好地发挥作用。
It yielded significant speed advantages when__当__时,它产生了显著的速度优势。
The benefit of using the __ is expected to __使用__的好处预计为__。
The main advantage is that we are able to __主要的优点是我们能够__。
To give some idea of the benefits of thismethod __为了说明这种方法的好处__。
The additional advantage of using this methodis that it results in __使用这种方法的另一个好处是它能产生__。
This is an important advantage of thisalgorithm __这是该算法的一个重要优点__。
These are the main advantages of this method.这些是这种方法的主要优点。



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