
招募 | 来 One More Cake 圣诞市集,陪凡几过五周岁生日

M.Z & T.H 凡几CommonRare 2023-01-26

当空气被浇上一层枫糖浆香气,又到了凡几拆双份礼物的圣诞时间。翻开不完全统计的备忘录,我们在五年里合作了800家品牌,品类超过20种,不愿复制地更换了16个场地,即使甜蜜负担与突发炮弹应接不暇,也与你无期碰面。而这一次,One More Cake  “在一块”圣诞市集想邀你一起,发酵冬日里的妙想奇思,寻着创意气味乖巧摆盘,烘烤出圣诞风味的蓬松五周年蛋糕。没有繁琐复杂的庆祝流程,只是还想One More Cake的小贪心,快快点上蜡烛五支,在 12/17-12/19排排坐好“在一块”猎奇灵感,许愿松软。

The fifth anniversary of Common Rare is coming soon! We are celebrating our birthday and Christmas altogether. Recalling the past five years, we have worked with 800 brands, including more than 20 categories. We have also held events at 16 diffferent venues and met so many of you in person! Therefore, during the most wonderful time of the year, we will be hosting our ‘One More Cake’ Christmas market from 12/17-12/19. This is going to be our last full-scale market of the year! So come celebrate our five-year-old birthday this December!

- 凡几往届活动回顾 RECAP - 

生活的自由公式只想加不想减,如果你积木般的好主意堆叠到了年底,不安分的创意温度足够沸腾冬日气息,欢迎在这个圣诞前夕来到One More Cake圣诞市集,以最热忱与饱满的心诠释无拘无束的生活美学,让创造力向外自在倾斜。

If you are a person who is always seeking for excitement and can get inspired from the small things in life. Join our One More Cake Christmas Market right before Christmas Eve so our party goers can get their last minute presents. 


What’s "THE" color that represents Christmas? This year, our indie print vendors will surprise you with their creative artworks and designs. They will use all sorts of colors and lines to spark your imagination. Apply now to celebrate our birthday and an early holiday together! 


Nothing is more captivating (and distracting) than the smell of food. There will be various food and drinks at our market, from pizza, taco, crepes, desserts and more...do not miss out on this one guys! 

以特定的温度严谨冲泡,以不同浓度萃取出深浅烘焙的咖啡味斟酌思量,One More Cake圣诞市集也想收下你的这份执着与认真,为圣诞寒风加入焦糖香气与细密奶泡,展开咖啡因的圣诞故事,特调出充裕心灵的清醒热饮。

Calling all coffee shops and cafes! The cafes at One More Cake Christmas Market will be presented in a whole new way. Plus, every cup of coffee is tastefully made so how can you say no to a hot cup of joe during winter?

我们总在最现代的时刻回望80/90年代的缓慢与梦幻,或许你的收藏夹里装满了圣诞节的过去模样,别担心陈旧与落灰,请一并带来与我们庆生分享,为苦恼于挑选礼物的朋友们带来灵感解药。让音乐没有保质期的黑胶,回到小时候的中古物件… 在One More Cake为Vintage旧物寻找新主人,让有用之物的价值再次流动生辉。

Looking back at the dreamy 80’s and 90’s era, we think this is the best time to show off your favorite vintage collection. Don’t worry. We don’t mind whether they are old or not, as long as they are one of your favorites. So, why not help them find a new owner at One More Cake and let them be reused again?

我们邀请了平面设计师/DJ Inoken,设计工作室一千遍,生活方式插画品牌moonyfarm为你带来设计/插画展览,将摊位尺寸放大成展间,在收获One More Cake的同时,请你做客饱览设计师们的圣诞mood boards。

We specially invite our friends Inoken, x1000, and moonyfarm to hold their own design/illustration exhibitions. At One More Cake, you can most definitely enjoy a wide range of Christmas themed moodboards!


- 右滑查看更多

BADMARKET、TYAKASHA 、THE MELTING POT等多个品牌将陆续上演圣诞戏法,沿着驯鹿脚印填补兴奋缺口,趣味与未知暗号通通提前备好,在特别合作的舞台上提交足够亮眼的怪奇配方。

Want to check out something special right before Christmas? Well, we are bringing Badmarket, TYAKASHA, and The Melting Pot back to help make our 5-year anniversary extra fun and exhilarating.

亲手制作的心意作品在“交换礼物”环节才是最抢手赢家,如果拥有手作技能的你愿意做到workshop桌前,带初次尝试的小白们收获入门乐趣,欢迎在下方扫码报名。编织品、丝网版印刷…短暂的1h时间也能传递一份“重金打造”的灵光;而双节狂喜的热闹怎会少了演出的助阵,One More Cake的舞台将为你重置清场,不需要假扮圣诞老人,让更多人直击你的熠熠时刻。

If you are interested in workshops, our Christmas market has to be your go-to spot. In addition, we will also have a full list of performances through out the entire 3 days. So, we warmly welcome you to come join the show or host your own workshop here!

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撰 写  W R I T T E N  B Y  / M O M O  Z. & T I N A  H. 

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美学 | 假如宝丽来相纸的生产开始进入倒计时…

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