

M.Z 凡几CommonRare 2023-01-26

踏在新旧交替的音阶上才发现,凡几在 2021 寄存了一整年的充实思绪。即使有打乱节奏的疫情,不友好的坏天气,或是突发的意外状况,凡几人依然让不平凡的稀少如约而至:在晴朗天气里的一起凡几,在隔壁展间洗刷夏天的蓝,在地下市的冒险游戏里望不到边界……当堆叠的记忆点们把人推到了告别的转弯处,新一年的凡几生活也即将开启,更多不一样的活动即将与你按时相见。这里还为你准备了独家福利,不要忽略快乐与好运,记得下滑至文末免费参与。

Wrapping up 2021 with a look back at some of our highlighted events. Despite the obvious pandemic related challenges, horrible weather and random unexpected situations, we still managed to push through and expanded our Common Rare team! Not only that, we also met a lot of you guys and had a blast together. Today, we decided to share all of these special moments with you all again so let's take a stroll down memory lane...Also, don’t miss the chance to win a free gift at the end of the article!

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撰 写  W R I T T E N  B Y  /  M O M O  Z.

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招聘|成为凡几 Neighbor's Neighbors 


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