

2017-10-03 翻吧 翻吧




New Normal (of economic development)


New normal of economic development means that first the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth. Second, the economic structure is being constantly improved and upgraded. Third, the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment.



supply-side structural reform

供应侧改革体现了我国政府在宏观经济政策上的新思路,也为宏观经济政策指明了方向。在我国处于新常态时期,“供给侧改革”是涵盖包括工业、宏观调控、资本和财税制度等各个方面的一项全方位战略部署。我国应推动吸收过剩产能、优化重组产业结构。企业应当通过降低成本保持竞争力。地产行业应减少库存来推动可持续发展。此外,应注意防范和减少金融风险,加快提高市场占有率。Supply-side structural reform indicates the new thinking of China's government on macroeconomic policy, and also points out the direction for its macroeconomic policy in the future. China's supply-side structural reform during the new normal is a comprehensive strategic deployment that involves various aspects including industries, macro control, capital and the fiscal and taxation systems. Absorption of excessive production capacity and industrial optimization and reorganization should be promoted. Enterprises should keep their competitive edge by reducing costs. The real estate industry should promote sustainable development through reducing stock. Besides, attention should be paid to prevent and relieve financial risks and accelerate construction of a sound share market.



the innovation-driven development strategy

面对全球新一轮科技革命与产业变革的重大机遇和挑战,面对经济发展新常态下的趋势变化和特点,面对实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史任务和要求,必须深化体制机制改革,加快实施创新驱动发展战略。It has to implement innovation-driven development strategy through strengthening institutional reforms in confronting both opportunities and challenges presented by the new round of global technological and industrial revolution, the trend changes and features under new normal of economic growth as well as the historic tasks and requirements of two centenary goals. 



five priority tasks

去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板。cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness.



Made in China 2025 plan


Made in China 2025 plan proposed the first ten-year plan of a “three stages” strategy which is designed to transform China into a leading manufacturing power by the year 2049, which marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It mainly focuses on the upgrading of the manufacturing sector to improve innovation ability, integrates informatization and industrialization and focuses on the development of fully-automated "smart" factories.


Nine tasks have been identified as priorities: improving manufacturing innovation, integrating information technology and industry, strengthening the industrial base, fostering Chinese brands, enforcing green manufacturing, promoting breakthroughs in 10 key sectors, advancing restructuring of the manufacturing sector, promoting service-oriented manufacturing and manufacturing-related service industries, and internationalizing manufacturing.


The 10 key sectors are new information technology, numerical control tools and robotics, aerospace equipment, ocean engineering equipment and high-tech ships, railway equipment, energy saving and new energy vehicles, power equipment, new materials, biological medicine and medical devices, and agricultural machinery.


To fulfill the tasks, "Made in China 2025" will focus on five major projects, including intelligent manufacturing, construction of national manufacturing innovation centers, consolidation of industrial foundation, green manufacturing and high-end equipment innovation.



the national big data strategy

大数据,是以容量大、类型多、存取速度快、应用价值高为主要特征的数据集合。我国将建设全国一体化的国家大数据中心,推进公共数据开放和基础数据资源跨部门、跨区域共享,提高数据应用效率和使用价值,同时,加强安全监管,严厉打击非法泄露和出卖个人数据行为,维护网络数据安全。政府将优先推动信用、交通、医疗、卫生、就业等领域的数据向社会开放,同时,研究制定工业大数据发展路线图,推动大数据和制造业融合发展。此外,还将在数据收集、存储、应用和分享时的保护,推动起草电信和互联网数据管理监管规则。Big data features huge capacity, diverse variables, speedy storage and retrieval, and high values in application. China will establish a national big data center to promote the trans-departmental, trans-regional sharing of basic data, in order to improve the practical value of data and its efficient use. Meanwhile, the government will enhance their supervision and surveillance of data, and strictly crack down on illegal practices such as data leaks and the selling of personal information. The government will first promote the openness and sharing of data in sectors such as credit, transportation, health and employment. Meanwhile, it will develop a roadmap for industrial big data, and promote the integration of big data with the manufacturing industry. In addition, the government will also enhance the protection of data during its collection, storage, application and sharing and accelerate the drawing up of regulations for telecommunications and internet data management.



the national cyber development strategy


China encourages the development of e-commerce, promotes integration of the digital and real economies and works to optimize the allocation of resources and boost total factor productivity, which will drive innovation, transform growth model and adjust economic structure.



Internet thinking


Internet thinking is a way of rethinking the objects with regard of the development of (mobile) Internet Plus, big data and cloud computing. 



coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region/Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration


As a part of China’s development strategy, the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region aims at integrating transportation network, markets, regulations, public service and industries, and taking shape of the coordinate development between these regions. 

10雄安新区Xiongan New Area雄安新区规划范围涉及河北省雄县、容城、安新3县及周边部分区域,地处北京、天津、保定腹地。设立雄安新区,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央作出的一项重大的历史性战略选择,是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区,是千年大计、国家大事。The area spans three counties of Xiong County, Rongcheng County and Anxin County that sit at the center of the triangular area formed by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei's provincial capital Shijiazhuang. The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a major historic and strategic choice made by the Communist Party of China Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. Apart from Shenzhen special economic zone and Pudong new area, it is a national-level new area with national significant and a strategy crucial for a millennium to come.Sense of gain is that all the reforms are in accordance with the requirements of the development of the Party and the nation, and they meet people's demands and expectations and the public should have greater awareness of the fruits of reform.





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