

2017-12-06 编译/丁晨 翻吧

GOOD news about conservation is always welcome, and never more so than when it concerns that most charismatic of charismatic mega-fauna, the giant panda. On September 5th the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), an environmental group that links governments and NGOs, downgraded the international symbol of cuteness from “endangered” (meaning with a high risk of extinction in the wild) to “vulnerable” (ie, to becoming endangered). “Everyone should celebrate,” said Lo Sze Ping, the boss of WWF-China, a group whose logo is the cuddly-looking creature.

关于保护动物的好消息始终是受欢迎的,尤其是涉及到最有魅力的大型动物大熊猫的时候。9月5日,联系政府和非政府组织的环保组织国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)将国际上作为可爱的象征大熊猫这种从濒危等级(意味着在野外有灭绝的高风险)降级为易危等级(即将成为濒危)。世界自然基金会中国区(WWF-China)负责人罗思平(Lo Sze Ping)表示每个人都应该感到高兴。这个基金会的标志就是一只可爱的熊猫。

China has made huge efforts to promote panda-breeding over the past 30 years. But those efforts have nothing to do with the animal’s reclassification. They take place in captivity. The conservationists’ decision was based on the health of panda populations in the wild. The numbers there, according to government surveys, have increased from 1,114 in 1988 to 1,864 in the most recent panda census in 2013. This is five times as many as the number of captive pandas.


Their increase in the wild reflects improvements in the pandas’ habitat, the dense bamboo forests of China’s south-west (see map). After a period of chopping down everything in sight, the country now has 67 protected panda reserves, covering about half the animals’ range. Two-thirds of wild pandas live in them. The opportunity cost of such reservations is doubtless made lighter by the pandas’ earning power (foreign zoos pay $1m a year to rent a pair). But the government deserves credit for decades of conservation efforts.


The result is that China now has two panda populations, both increasing: the wild one, merely threatened, and the more frequently-photographed captive one. Though fewer in number, the captive pandas are much more fertile. The wild population rose by 268 between 2003 and 2013, or 17%. The captive population more than doubled from 164 to 375. Pandas have a reputation for being hopeless at reproduction (females come into heat only a couple of days a year). But the old difficulty of getting them to breed in captivity owed at least as much to human ignorance. As knowledge of panda biology and behaviour has soared, so has the birth rate.


Unfortunately, this is making no difference to the wild population. The point of the captive breeding programme is to repopulate the wild. Pandas born in captivity undergo a two-year training process from teachers dressed in urine-soaked panda costumes, who teach them how to gather food and to be wary of people. But after years of effort only five captive-born pandas have been released. Two of those died. Two more are due to be introduced into the wild this winter.


After all this, China’s government might have been expected to crow about the IUCN’s decision. It refrained. The State Forestry Administration (which supervises the pandas’ habitat) even came near to criticising it. The bureau pointed out that the wild panda population is fragmented into 33 subgroups, 18 of which have just ten or fewer animals, making them (the bureau says) “highly endangered”. Moreover, these groups are isolated from one another. This limits their gene pool and makes them disease-prone. Furthermore, the bureau said, quoting the IUCN’s research, climate change could destroy a third of panda habitat in the next 80 years.


Around the world a sad parade of animals is travelling towards extinction (sometimes because of demand for their body parts from users of traditional Chinese medicine). The IUCN recently put another iconic species, the eastern lowland gorilla, on its endangered list. So it is heart-warming to see the panda going in the other direction. But the international symbol of conservation needs to lumber much farther from the edge of annihilation.














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