

2018-04-10 外交部 翻吧




Q: We know that leaders of some countriesand international organizations are now in China for visits and for the BoaoForum for Asia annual conference. During their meetings with Chinese leaders,they expressed their commitments to the free trade regime and liberalizationand facilitation of trade and investment. As everyone is following theescalating trade friction between China and the US, what messages have thesemeetings sent out to the outside?



A: It is true that the internationalcommunity is closely following the development of the trade issue between Chinaand the US. This is because this issue not only concerns China and the US, butalso bears on everyone in one way or another, and it concerns a matter ofprinciple which is about whether or not we will follow international rules,defend the multilateral regime, and promote the economic globalization.



What the US has said and done recently,especially its adoption of trade restrictive measures, amounted to aconfrontation of unilateralism against multilateralism, protectionism againstfree trade. Its measures target everyone and the interests of all, not justChina and China's interests.



These leaders of states and internationalorganizations made clear their positions and attitudes during meetings with theChinese side, which reflects the reality that in the international community,people with vision understand that it is international cooperation andmultilateral coordination, rather than unilateralism and protectionism, thatoffers a way out, and rules-based international order must be preserved. Thewrong move made by the US side has made the international community highlyconcerned and worried, just like an old Chinese saying goes "a just causegains wide support, and an unjust one enjoys none."



China stands ready to work with theinternational community to oppose trade protectionism, support liberalizationand facilitation of trade and investment, and safeguard the authority of themultilateral trading regime. We will work together to forge an open worldeconomy, build a more open, inclusive, balanced, and win-win economicglobalization that benefits all, and make greater contributions to humanprogress.



Q: The Ministry of Commerce said on Fridaythat negotiations with the US on trade issues could not happen under thecurrent conditions. Does this mean that China is currently unwilling to enterinto negotiations with the US?



A: My colleagues from the Ministry of Commercehas briefed you on relevant situation. Recently, the financial and economicofficials from the Chinese and US sides have not conducted any negotiation ontrade issues. Under the current circumstances, it is even more impossible forthe two sides to do so.



This trade conflict was initiated by the USalone and it is entirely the one to blame. The US is wielding the big stick oftrade sanctions while keeping saying they are willing to talk. I am not surewho the US is putting on such acts for?



Q: As reported by foreign media, somesenior officials in the US administration have been flip-flopping on the tradeissue with China. Some foreign media even say that they sent out mixedmessages. Do you believe that the US side has lost its cool already? How do youthink of the possibility of a trade war between China and the US?



A: The US side provoked the current tradefriction all by itself, and shall take full responsibility for it. What it didhas violated the international trade rules, assaulted the multilateral tradingregime, and betrayed its own promises. Its action is not in the interests ofChina, nor those of the US or the whole world.



The measures we have been obliged to takeso far as a way of defense are meant to counteract the US unilateral actions.They are defensive measures to protect our legitimate and lawful rights andinterests, and also responsible actions aimed at safeguarding the global tradesystem.



We have noticed that people of all walks oflife in the US have called for a check on the situation to avoid a dangerousdownward spiral and spare American families from any harms. In fact, the USequity and futures markets have already paid for the unwise and recklessbehavior by the US side.



The US side had better make a correctreading of the current situation and entertain no illusions. It needs to haltits steps down the erroneous path. We have already drawn up very detailedcountermeasures. If the US goes ahead and publishes the list for $ 100 billionproducts, we will fight back immediately without hesitation. We the Chinesepeople always mean what we say. No one shall underestimate our will anddetermination to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. We areconfident that we are going to have the last laugh.



Q: Taiwanese media reported that the USadministration has approved the marketing license that would allow Americanmanufacturers to sell technologies to Taiwan for the building of submarines.And a separate report said that the incoming US National Security Adviser JohnBolton might visit Taiwan in June. Does China have any comment on eitherreport? 



A: I will answer your two questionstogether. We have noted relevant reports. The one-China principle is thepolitical foundation of China-US ties. We firmly oppose the US side carryingout any official exchanges and arms-sales with Taiwan. This position remainsconsistent, clear and firm. We urge the US to strictly abide by the one-Chinaprinciple and the three China-US joint communiques, avoid having officialcontacts with Taiwan or trying to improve their relations in substantive ways,and stop military contacts and arms-sales with Taiwan so that China-USrelations and peace and stability across the Straits will not be severelydamaged.




Q: We noted that Austrian PresidentAlexander Van der Bellen has brought what the media called "Austria'slargest-ever state visit delegation" to China. Both the two sides speakhighly of this visit. Could you please talk about the outcomes and highlights ofthis visit?



A: Both China and Austria attach greatimportance to this state visit paid by Austrian President Alexander Van derBellen as well as his attendance at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference2018. He is joined by a high-level delegation including Chancellor SebastianKurz and a number of cabinet ministers.



Yesterday, President Xi Jinping hosted a grandwelcoming ceremony for and held a talk with President Alexander Van der Bellen,and Premier Li Keqiang also met with him. This afternoon, Chairman of the NationalPeople's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee Li Zhanshu held a meeting with him,too.



After the meetings, the two heads of statewitnessed the signing of intergovernmental cooperation agreements covering suchkey areas as judiciary, economy and trade, innovation, culture, intellectualproperty rights, transportation and sports. The two sides also published ajoint statement on establishing a friendly strategic partnership. As to thetalk between President Xi Jinping and President Alexander Van der Bellen, youmay have read a detailed readout issued by the Chinese side, so I'm not goingto repeat that.



I would like to stress that the leaders ofthe two sides agreed that the establishment of the China-Austria friendlystrategic partnership has specified the nature of our bilateral relations andpointed out the direction and goal for our cooperation going forward. Inaddition, the two sides agreed to continue with joint research on giant pandas.The Austrian side expressed its will to actively engage in the Belt and RoadInitiative and support China in hosting a successful 2022 Winter Olympic Games. All this mutually beneficial cooperation will inject strong new impetus intothe bilateral relations.



Q: At the weekend, Japan activated what itcalled "Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade". Japanese Vice DefenseMinister Yamamoto said that it shows Japan's firm will to hold fast to itsislands. He talked about the increasingly difficult security situationsurrounding the country and called the defense of its islands a criticalmandate. What is China's comment?



A: Due to historical reasons, Japan's movein the field of military security has been widely followed by its Asianneighbors. We hope that Japan will faithfully respect its neighbors' securityinterests and concerns and act in a way that is more conducive to regionalpeace and security rather than the opposite.



China's position on the Diaoyu Dao issuehas been consistent and clear-cut.



问:第一,孔铉佑副外长几天前对印度进行了访问,与印度外秘顾凯杰进行了会谈。据报道,一些印度部长级高官可能将于本月访华,你能否透露更多细节?第二,据印媒报道,中方在相关边界人员会议上对印度军队“越界”巡逻“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”提出严正抗议。你能否介绍有关详细情况?中方抗议的具体内容是什么?第三,据报道,印方近日请求香港特区政府方面拘捕并移交涉嫌在印诈骗银行20亿美元的通缉犯莫迪(Nirav Modi)。我知道中方近年来开展境外追逃追赃工作,尤其是针对那些涉嫌银行诈骗的嫌犯。中方将如何回应印方的请求?

Q: First, Vice Foreign Minister KongXuanyou has visited India just a few days ago and held wide-ranging talks withhis counterpart, the Foreign Secretary Mr. Gokhale there. This is amid reportsthat a number of Indian ministerial officials are expected to visit Chinaperhaps this month. Would you provide more details regarding that? Second,reports from India say that China has lodged a strong protest over the"transgressions" by the Indian army in the "ArunachalPradesh". Could you share some details on that and what exactly thecomplaint is about? Third, according to reports, India has asked the governmentof the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to arrest and hand over anIndian fugitive called Nirav Modi, who is accused of cheating banks in India forabout two billion dollars. I understand that China has been conducting thecampaign to get back the fugitives from abroad, especially who cheated thebanks. How will China respond to this particular request from India?



A: Let me go to your last question first.In accordance to the "one country, two systems" principle and theBasic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People'sRepublic of China, with the assistance or authorization of the Central People'sGovernment, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region maymake appropriate arrangements with foreign states for reciprocal juridicalassistance. If India puts forward such request to the Hong Kong SAR, I believethe latter will handle it in accordance with the Basic Law, other relevant lawsof the SAR and the judicial assistance treaties it signed with India.



Regarding your second question, I'm notaware of the details of what happened along the China-India border recently asyou mentioned. China's position on the China-India boundary issue remainsconsistent and clear-cut. The Chinese government has never recognized theso-called "Arunachal Pradesh". China and India are now in negotiationand consultation for proper settlement of the boundary issue, seeking a fairand reasonable solution acceptable to both sides. Before that is achieved, wehope India will conform to the treaties and agreements reached between the twosides, respect and abide by the Line of Actual Control, stop meaninglessplaying up and work with China to uphold peace and stability in the borderareas.



As to your first question, on April 6, ViceForeign Minister Kong Xuanyou held consultations with Indian Foreign SecretaryVijay Gokhale in New Delhi. We have released information on that. You mentionedthat there may be more interactions between China and India recently. I shallsay China-India relations have maintained the momentum for development recentlywith close exchanges at various levels, so it's not surprising if that happens,and China will issue relevant information in due course.



Q: As we understand, Pakistani PrimeMinister visited Afghanistan on April 6, and the two sides reached manyconsensuses in political, economic and security fields. What's your comment?



A: Pakistani Prime Minister Abbasi's visitto Afghanistan constitutes an important step forward by the two countriestowards the improvement of their relations, showcasing their sincere will forand firm confidence in dialogue and cooperation.



We noted that the two countries reachedmany consensuses, including on the Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Plan for Peaceand Solidarity (APAPPS), advancing the Afghan reconciliation process andenhancing regional connectivity, etc. China highly commends and firmly supportsthis and believes it will be conducive to creating enabling environment forearly realization of peace in Afghanistan and upholding peace and stability ofthe two countries and this region.



As a neighbour and friend to both Pakistanand Afghanistan, China stands ready to continue to play a constructive role inimproving their relations and promoting tripartite cooperation among the threecountries.




Q: Recently the Philippines handed over tothe Chinese mainland 78 telecom fraud suspects from Taiwan arrested in its lawenforcement operations. What is China's comment?



China and the Philippines have all alongmaintained close communication and cooperation in fighting against telecom andInternet fraud. China applauds and appreciates the Philippines' support andcooperation in this respect.



In regard to the specifics of the case, Iwould like to refer you to the competent authorities. I shall point out thatthe victims of the criminal acts committed by these lawbreakers abroad are allChinese citizens from the mainland. As such, the mainland surely has judicialjurisdiction over that. We highly commend the Philippine government's adherenceto the one-China principle in handling this issue.




Q: The UN Security Council said that it hadan emergency meeting on alleged chemical attacks in Syria. What is China'sposition on the attacks?



A: China's position on the issue ofchemical weapons is consistent and clear. We oppose the use of chemical weaponsunder whatever circumstances and for whatever purposes by any country,organization or individual. China maintains that a comprehensive, objective andimpartial investigation shall be carried out to reach a fact-based conclusionthat can stand the test of time, and perpetrators must be brought to justice.



The issue of chemical weapons in Syria andthe political settlement of the Syrian issue are closely linked. China supportsthe UN Security Council and the Organization for the Prohibition of ChemicalWeapons (OPCW) in continuing to act as the main channels for addressing the useof chemical weapons in Syria. We hope that all relevant parties could reach aproper settlement to the issue with a constructive attitude and throughconsultations, safeguard the solidarity of the Security Council, andcollaborate with the relevant parties to move forward the process of thepolitical settlement of the Syrian issue.



Q: According to Syrian government media, anunnamed force has launched an air attack on a military base of Syriangovernment forces in the province of Homs. Do you have any comment on this?



A: We keep stressing that the internationalcommunity shall work together to peacefully resolve the Syrian conflict throughpolitical and diplomatic means. We hope that on the basis of ceasefire andcessation of violence, all relevant parties in Syria could endeavor to properlyresolve the Syrian issue along the track of political settlement.



Q: After alleged chemical attacks in Syria,US President Donald Trump said that President Putin and Iran are responsiblefor backing Assad. Does China have any comments to his words?



A: Like what I said before, China opposesthe use of chemical weapons under whatever circumstances and for whateverpurposes by any country, organization or individual. With regard to whathappened in Syria, China maintains that a comprehensive, objective andimpartial investigation shall be carried out to reach a fact-based conclusionthat can stand the test of time.




Q: On April 4 local time, the NationalElectoral Commission of Sierra Leone declared Julius Maada Bio as the nation'snew president according to the final results of the presidential run-offelection, and Mr. Bio was sworn in the same day. What's your comment on this?



A: The Chinese side congratulates Mr.Julius Maada Bio on his election as Sierra Leonean president. China and SierraLeone enjoy profound friendship and fruitful outcomes of cooperation in variousfields, and we are good old friends who stick by each other through weal andwoe. China stands ready to work with Sierra Leone to move forward thecomprehensive strategic partnership and bring more benefits to the two peoples.




Q: The US Department of the Treasury'sOffice of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has imposed sanctions on 24 Russianindividuals and 14 entities, citing the Kremlin's malign actions to undermineWestern democracy. Russian Foreign Ministry said it would act in firm responseto the US sanctions. What's your comment?



A: China always opposes the wonton use orthreat of use of sanctions in international relations.



Both Russia and the US are globallyinfluential major countries and permanent members of the United NationsSecurity Council, who shoulder important responsibility for global peace andstability. We hope relevant parties will properly resolve disputes throughfriendly negotiation on the basis of equality and mutual respect in accordancewith international law and the norms governing state-to-state relations.











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