
WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(2)

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09









Glenn Ianaro(格伦)便是一位纽约的音乐人。受“地球公场(WUE-WeUnitedEarth)”之约,他从二月底就开始记录“疫情下的纽约生活”。我们从他的纯个人视角的记录,可以了解一些纽约艺术工作者的真实处境。Glenn也是一位观念上的地球公民,他的日记会持续记录,我们也会分期向大家分享。





 Glenn Ianaro 在纽约和WUE一起发声




纽约,  Harriman Park (哈里曼州立公园)


哈里曼州立公园 徒步道

图源 steemit 官网

我们还是决定离开城市去徒步,开车去离纽约市以北30英里的哈里曼州立公园(Harriman Park)。那里有大约200英里的徒步路线,离西点军校很近。


图源 网络




摄影  Glenn Ianaro 


不过,公园的管理人员说,明天这里也要关闭了。因为这里还有一个马场,平常很多人会来骑马,疫情的影响,为了保护人和马匹的安全, 它们必须关闭。






摄影 Ohia




摄影  Glenn Ianaro 




这几天,朋友一直在陪着我,教我怎么做清洁,陪我采购,观察我的健康状态是否正常。我很感激 ,虽然偶尔也有些紧张。


2月3日,夜色下的纽约世贸中心和The oculus地铁枢纽站  

摄影 Ohia








朋友走后,我出去走了走,看到在食品店Trader Joes前排起了长队。嗯,要想在纽约保持社交距离几乎不可能。


摄影  Glenn Ianaro 




我也有了新的工作项目。我花了一整天,来为一个广告编辑声音,处理混音。为了后面这段时期经常要在线上工作,我还在MWTM(mix with the masters)上看了一些有关网络会议的技能。


摄影  Glenn Ianaro 

我开始惦念身边的朋友们。我为一个朋友买了一些Wim Hof的视频( Wim Hof 是荷兰一位获吉尼斯世界纪录的极限运动员,以抵御严寒闻名,也被称作“冰人”),可以跟着这位“冰人”学呼吸和冥想;我也给我的一位老室友打了电话,最近天气很好,他经常出门。




2月12日晚 纽约57街地铁站,那一刻恰好车站空荡荡,就像这两周“社交距离”法令下的纽约 

摄影 Ohia












摄影 Ohia










摄影 Ohia








视频来源 Twitter @Garvey_Rich



视频来源 Twitter @Rachel



以下为Glen Ianaro 的“纽约疫情记录”的英文原文

March 22

New York,  Harriman Park

My friend came to New York from Philadelphia to see me. Philadelphia is now much safer than New York, and I appreciate her so much.

We decided to leave the city for some hiking, and we drove to Harriman State Park where there is a 200-mile hiking route, very close to United States Military Academy West Point. Prepared a great lunch of Fried Rice and a bunch of snacks to take with us as we don’t want to risk going to any restaurants, even if they might be open in this area. 

It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to get the destination. The mountains are beautiful and small signs of life are starting to show through with the green moss.  Here, all is ok with the world, no emergency, no virus, no fear. Just rocks, trees, a stream, some birds.

Hiking is a very isolated activity. We encountered a few others on the trail during our 4 hour hike, far less than even walking 1 block in NYC right now, even if the government try to encourages Stay Home, Social Distancing.  Sadly this location will be closed from tomorrow as parking managed by an equestrian center that must close to the public.

March 23

New York

Its a rainy day. 

I was officially booked for some work today but it has been canceled.   Mission kitchen reorganization is about to begin. Basic food and protective equipment are necessary. We go out for groceries and supplies buying large amounts of food, such as milk, bread, canned food, coffee, etc. as well as cleaning supplies. 

Finally, we get some facemasks and a thermometer. In a Chinese pharmacy at the Bowery, a bottle of Isopropyl 70% alcohol  cost $ 1.79 which is reasonable amid the pandemic.

The grocery store is very small and residents nearby are storing food here. It quite crowded and feels a bit unsanitary. On returning home, we do a thorough disinfection of ourselves, our clothes and packages. We also made small bottles of alcohol spray bottles. Then we begin to remove things from the kitchen shelves, place them in another room, and then sterilize. It's going to be a lot of work.

March 24

New York

In the past few days, my friends have been with me, teaching me how to do cleaning, purchasing with me, and observing my health condition. I’m so grateful I have someone to guide me through it, but I’m still having a bit of anxiety over this process…

More cleaning, still taking things out of cabinets and cleaning everything as thoroughly as possible. We take a short break to go outside for a walk, and its actually quite crowded and busy and people are not wearing masks, so we go back.

After several days of hearing news how the President and doctors are disagreeing and the mess of a stimulus package, we decide to watch a White House address in its entirety. Surprisingly, what was said and what happened in the address was not what the media portrayed at all. It seems a lot of measures are taking place and moving forward. Maybe the government is trying its best.

After we watched NY State Governor Cuomo’s address. Again, it wasn’t what the media portrayed. He seems genuinely concerned for the people here and is clear about what the state needs moving forward.

March 25

New York

Again I was booked for work today that has been cancelled. I must however have 2 online meetings regarding post-production procedures of the company. 

The cleaning is coming to an end, and it is time to start putting things back and reorganizing. I am feeling really touched that I have someone who cares enough to come here, to the epicenter of the virus in the US, just to help me prepare myself for the isolation.

 I know I will have a much easier time after this is all done. I am used to isolation, regularly going days without seeing people because of my work, and I am not worried about handling it or not. I must say though it is very wonderful to have someone around to share these uncertain times with.

My friend leaves and afterwards I take a walk and see the long lines at Trader Joes. “Social Distancing” in NYC is nearly impossible.

March 27

New York

Today, the stimulus package is finally passed(the Congress approved a $ 2 trillion economic stimulus plan, the largest in the US history). This will be a great relief for many businesses and individuals who will be struggling.

Also I finally have a project to work on, It takes a full day to finish the sound editing and mix for a series of promos, the post production process moves slowly with everyone getting familiar with working remotely. I found time to watch an Alan Meyerson webinar for MWTM.

I started to miss my friend a little bit, so I purchased the Wim Hof videos for my friend to learn breathing and meditation (Wim Hof, also called "Iceman", is a Dutch extreme athlete  with Guinness World Record who is known to withstand the severe cold). 

I also spoke with my old roommate. He has been going outside a lot to enjoy the weather. I also emailed a producer friend who is struggling with the isolation. He lives with a roommate and feels very trapped in a small apartment.

March 28

New York

New York now has 52,318 positive cases of COVID-19 today.

On the weekend I’m just taking it easy, going through my list of projects I made to do while isolating at home. I do some maintenance on equipment I had been putting off for a long while, and now it is working like new. These things take a lot of time, but now I have nothing but time. 

I also spend a lot of time talking with my family and friends. Seems each person can easily be an hour phone call these days which seems exactly impossible before. We discuss the news, if we know anyone sick , how we are passing the time,  and what we are cooking for meals. We cook at home now.

People are sometimes interested in the little projects I’m working on as they know I am always doing something a little unusual, not just sitting and watching TV. Each day one of my good friends and I check in with each other in the morning and the evening about what we plan to do that day, and what we actually accomplished. We both want to be productive during this time, and so far we are each getting our own projects accomplished.

A friend of mine had to take their dog to the vet this weekend for an emergency. It is quite a difficult process now as nobody can go into the offices with their pet, and of course many pets panic when being handed off to strangers. Their dog’s diagnosis of an eye problem is inconclusive, but after the visit, their dogs behavior is quite different. No energy, not the same personality. We hope it was just a stressful situation and not that the dog became sick in another way.

March 29

New York

Today, I don’t feel 100% well again. I have a headache and sore throat and my body aches. Just a little, but It of course strikes concern. I’m not sure if it is the virus or not. Some people tell me I should get tested, but I know it's not of use right now. I should just continue to stay home and not be around others and see how my condition develops. 

This evening I spent time talking with my friend also about our emergency plans. Things like what to do if we get sick, who to contact, where to go, how to get food delivered etc… 

Tomorrow I will go over this process with my family as well so they can be more prepared if the situation worsens in their city. The pandemic has taught us to make some emergency plans.

March 30

New York

I feels much better today after a long sleep. I hope it’s just because nervous.

I continue with my repair projects, cleaning the electronics in my mixing board and some other audio equipment. I’ve been consistent with also doing exercise each day which has me feeling better than usual. I’ve also been consistent with listening to the briefings from the state and federal government each day to keep informed. It takes a long time to listen, but I find listening to the entire information is much better than relying on the news which is often incomplete.

This evening I heard from friends in California and in Philadelphia about some challenging situations around them. Friends of theirs have other medical problems and are not able to find treatment. It is becoming a serious situation here as hospitals in major regions are focusing on treating the virus almost exclusively.  It makes me really anxious. Hope that the pandemic will not cause more disasters.

Also some people have been going to help friends who are feeling ill, not considering the consequences they may have from their actions, possibly passing infection themselves to their friends and loved ones. Due to the discomfort symptoms I experienced myself, I got used to seeing the medical assistance plan reported by the state government. We must all remember the best advice now is if not well, to seek professional medical advice. It is readily available online and on the phone through 311.

April 1-4

New York

The friend I mentioned earlier who was feeling trapped in NYC has escaped to a more comfortable environment. There is a risk of course by travelling right now, but it may have been worth it for his sanity. God bless.

From the end of March, New Yorkers spontaneously started a #7pmThankYou event. Every night at 7 o'clock, the citizens cheered the medical staff by clapping, shouting, and knocking.

(Updated to April 4,

To be continued)


Glenn Ianaro is a New York City based recording and mix engineer. He has also worked closely with several artsist in China and on several Chinese films as mix engineer. He has watched the global pendemic unfold first through the eyes of his friends in China and now in front of him in American epicenter of New York.

Glenn Ianaro是纽约的录音和混音工程师。他曾经与中国的几位艺术家在华语电影里有过密切合作。在疫情之初,他借由中国朋友的视角目睹了这场“大流行病”的爆发;而现在,这场流行病蔓延到了纽约,出现在他面前。

撰稿/地球公民 Glenn Ianaro

翻译/地球公民 Melanie

编辑/地球公民 Cici

主编/ 地球公民 Ohia















