
The “moneybags” of Keqiao rural residents overflow|“钱袋子”,这里全省最鼓

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-02-24

Good news!

According to recently-released statistics, per-capital disposable income of farmers district-wide rose 7.4% to 51,605 yuan - marking the first time the number has passed the 50,000 mark, and sending Keqiao the #1 spot province-wide for farmer income. So how, exactly, did the “moneybags” of rural residents in Keqiao become so full? Through  combination of hard work, district government’s continuous, decades-long efforts in rural revitalization, and the implementation of a series of innovative practices in common prosperity exemplified by the provincial pilot project of “villages joined in common prosperity” throughout Keqiao’s “San Nong”(agriculture, rural areas and rural people).


Checking over this exemplary “report card”, one can’t help but noticed that from 2006 to 2022, per-capita disposable annual income of rural residents district-wide has reached five “ten-thousand” marks along the way. In 2006, per-capita disposable income of rural residents was 10,438 - “10,000.” In 2012, it reached 21,813 - “20,000” - before reaching 31,490 in 2016, breaking the third barrier. By 2019 and 2022, “40,000” (40,655) and “50,000” (51,605) had been broken, respectively, with the true effects of common prosperity surging to the forefront like never before. Now, with farmers’ income officially at home in the “era of 5” - far higher than the 2022 provincial average of 37,565 yuan - sustained, high growth, along with the living standards that accompany it, have only risen to heights previously unknown.翻开这份高分“答卷”,记者注意到,自2006年到2022年,这16年间,我区农村居民人均可支配年收入连续迈上五个“万元台阶”。数据显示:2006年,我区农村居民人均可支配收入为10438元,首次迈上“万元台阶”;2012年,达到21813元,迈上第二个“万元台阶”;2016年,达到31490元,成功迈上第三个“万元台阶”;到了2019年和2022年,又分别以40655元和51605元连破“四万元”“五万元”大关,共同富裕成效日显。如今,农民收入正式迈入“5”时代,远高于2022年全省平均水平(37565元),实现了高基数上的持续高增长,老百姓的生活水平大幅提高。

Keqiao’s rural and farmer income growth rate has exceeded that of urban residents for 18 years running, with data from the Keqiao survey team of the National Bureau of Statistics showing the income ratio of urban and rural residents at 1.599 in 2022, 0.049 less than that of the previous year, and significantly lower than the provincial and municipal averages of 1.900 and 1.667, respectively. So what, exactly, does 1.599 mean? It shows, quote simply, that income of urban residents is 1.599 times that of their rural counterparts. The smaller the number, the smaller the disparity between rich and poor - a number that has continued to shrink, year after year, as people’s sense of personal gain, happiness, and satisfaction continue to soar.


There is, in addition, another phenomenon we cannot overlook: the fact that the collective income of villages district-wide has achieved “leapfrog-level” gains two years running. In 2022, the entire region focused rapt attention on the provincial pilot project of the “common prosperity star village”, with relatively underperforming villages with a collective operating income under 500,000 being the first to be eliminated from the running. Through the collective power and assistance of their stronger counterparts, selflessly “giving blood” to their relatively weaker siblings, 79 previously underperforming areas saw themselves lifted to new heights, as high-performance, high-income areas took the lead in building a “common prosperity matrix” of strong, well-performing village companies throughout district, town, and neighborhood levels province-wide, exploring the formation of 9 development models and establishing 46 companies to date, with full coverage of 16 different neighborhoods and areas. District Agricultural and Rural Bureau statistics showed that in 2022, relatively underperforming villages with a collective income of less than 1 million yuan had, in fact, been completely eliminated, instead seeing collective income rising exponentially throughout 214 administrative villages from 2.788 million yuan in 2021 to 3.3962 million yuan in 2022 - an awe-inspiring increase of 21.8%.


This year is surely one of continuous challenge and frequent struggle - challenge and struggle from which Keqiao will continue to move forward in unity, on the basis of pilot guidance and innovative implementation, writing yet another successful, storied chapter in the journal of a journey - the steady march on the road of common prosperity.






