
“Keqiao Blue” gets off to a stellar start!|“柯桥蓝”喜获“开门红”

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-03-28

The spring breeze sighs… and the blue sky replies. Recent data shows that as of February 20 of 2023, annual PM2.5 concentration in Keqiao decreased by 14.08 in comparison to the previous year, to an improvement of 25.6%, while positive AQI metrics increased by 15.3% compared to 2022 - an improvement of 19.4%. “Keqiao Blue” is off to a stellar start!


Battles are won in their beginnings… thus every connection in the pursuit of “Keqiao Blue” must be strengthened and maintained. “Any weak links in the chain must be discovered and remedied as early as possible… the earlier the better. Only in this way can such links become strengths, rather than weaknesses in the true realization of a ‘Keqiao Blue,’ remarked the relevant person in charge at Keqiao’s “Blue Sky Bureau.”


Dust and airborne sediment from construction sites have been ever-present issues and a “chronic disease” in need of healing on the district’s path to superior air quality. With the beginning of the year seeing the resumption of numerous construction projects, the “Blue Sky Bureau” and District Construction Bureau have had their work cut out for them, carrying out ceaseless joint special inspections on dust control, rigidly adhering to and implementing the “8 100%” rule. On one such recent inspection of two “core areas” at two state-controlled sites of the district government and Women’s Welfare Institute, the joint inspection team discovered issues ranging from mud on main roads, to incomplete bare soil coverage. In accordance with the Measures for the Supervision and Management of Construction Market Subjects and Personnel, Keqiao District, the first ticket of the year was issued, with both the construction unit and project manager penalized and only allowed to resume work after full and complete correction. Throughout their inspections, the team found 36 violations of varying severity throughout numerous construction sites, with 2 such cases’ seriousness warranting official filing and further investigation.


In addition to regular patrols and surprise joint inspections, the “Bureau” is continuously optimizing its assessment mechanism and controls, improving its analytic methods, further streamlining responsibilities, and stimulating and maintaining passion and motivation throughout its ranks - avoiding “lying flat” in every regard.

The “Bureau” and its connected initiatives and bodies will continue its tireless fight to “carry the flag across the finish line,” sparing no effort in overcoming the complex difficulties in keeping the skies above clean and blue. With a stellar start, exponentially increased efficacy, and skillfully advanced target tasks, one and all continue their pursuit of perfection and the realization of a stellar and stable first quarter in the quest for a “Keqiao Blue” for one and all.据悉,下一步,我区将继续以“扛旗争先”“全力攻坚”的精神,在首战“开门红”的基础上,进一步压实责任,扎实推进目标任务,力争“柯桥蓝”实现“首季稳”。


图片:赵炜 摄



