
Tops in the province once again!|蝉联!全省优秀!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-03-28

Recent evaluation results from the Societal Construction Commission of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee saw Keqiao win yet another “excellent” evaluation for its advancements as a 2022 Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone - while simultaneously ranking first citywide in 2022’s “Supervision and Evaluation of High Quality Development and Construction of the Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone.” A clear affirmation of the district’s ceaseless devotion to narrowing the “three major gaps” in urban, rural, and regional incomes, comprehensively promoting the establishment and construction of a common prosperity demonstration pilot area, creating a landmark achievement in strengthening rural and village income and life, enriching the lives of its people, and increasing incomes in common prosperity for one and all.


Recent years have seen greater focus centered on the establishment of high-quality development and the construction of a demonstration pilot area for common prosperity, with Keqiao never stopping in its exploration, experimentation, formulation, and implementation of integrated reform and strengthening throughout village and rural life, enriching the lives of its residents through the “Star Village of Common Prosperity” theme, while vigorously promoting the success of pilot construction through the system of “one collective, one group,  one center, six special classes.” With the current establishment of the “Star Village of Common Prosperity” already included among key provincial pilot projects, all eight related villages under its umbrella have reached their initial goal - and been awarded with full marks. 



Common prosperity adheres to the precept of “baking one big cake” for all to enjoy - a feat that, much like its confectionary namesake, requires a strong foundation on which to stand tall. Keqiao has always put high-quality development first… last year alone adding 12 national and specialized “Little Giant” enterprises alongside 28,200 new market entities. Focusing on the “1+3” pillar industries on which the district and nation stand, while deepening the area’s pursuits in the “Return of Old Shaoxing,” 63 major investment projects were introduced throughout the year, to the tune of 96.7 billion yuan, while the gross regional product reached a towering 190.1 billion at an increase of 4.5%, with total volume remaining in the top ten province-wide yet again, ranking in the top regions in China in comprehensive strength and developmental foundation two years running.


At the same time, Keqiao has closely followed the “main theme,” anchoring common prosperity and Party building in expanding the middle class while raising those below, filing in the gaps in people’s livelihood, peace, and common good. Through the “three distributions,” future rural areas, active exploration and demonstration, and effectively enhancing common prosperity’s impetus itself, no shortage of landmark achievements have seen Keqiao win acclaim in the region and throughout the nation.


The proof is in the numbers. Last year alone, average operating income of collective economic organizations throughout 328 villages reached 3.56 million yuan, of which 214 villages reached an average operating income of 3.396 million yuan - an increase of 21.8% - while proportionately weaker villages reaching less than 1 million yuan, an issue in previous years, were now a relic relegated to the past. Per capita disposable income in rural areas increased by 7.4%, breaking the “50,000 yuan” threshold for the first time, surpassing Yuhang District to rank first province-wide, while the income ratio of urban-rural residents narrowed to 1.599. With 82.42 points on the Zhejiang City Charity Development Index, Keqiao ranks first in Zhejiang, while the establishment of the provincial Ping’an District achieved seventeen consecutive spots at the top, winning the first batch of provincial “Ping’an Golden Caldron” awards for continuously improving the quality of common prosperity district-wide.


This year will see Keqiao reach even greater heights in its pursuits, through further practical, realized achievements, an unending focus on being at the “front of the race,” and sparing no effort in building and promoting a myriad of stronger, improved, and more prominent top-rank indicators through any number of distinctive and iconic achievements, refining a wealth of “Keqiao-style” experiences in sight, tactile learning, and demonstration, and endless improvements in mechanisms for joint creation, construction, and mutually beneficial sharing and cooperation. Advanced models in common prosperity will continue to be created, built, and developed throughout the province, continuously creating the spark from which the fires of nationally recognized and leading demonstration zones rise - and light the way.



图片:徐晔 摄



