
Welcome to Keqiao, one and all!|“洋地瓜”们, 柯桥欢迎您!

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-06-24

How to apply for an invitation letter for foreigners to come to China? What are the conditions for foreign children to enroll in Chinese schools? What about a foreigner’s work permit? On the afternoon of May 30th, these and all other related questions were answered at the the Keqiao Ancient Town Protection and Preservation Center, as the District Bureau of Commerce hosted 100 foreign businesspeople descending upon Keqiao Ancient Town in preparation for a host of initiatives jointly welcoming the Asian Games, while concurrently promoting services for foreign businesspeople, further optimizing regional Sino-foreign business environments and relations while serving businesspeople and enterprises from around the world with sound and attractive conveniences and opportunities to “enter, stay, and grow.”


This year, the District Bureau of Commerce led its implementation of its local economy and development initiatives, further optimizing and improving the business environment based on directions and goals in further opening-up, while combining the two concepts of “what foreign investors hope for, and what the government can provide.” Further exploring modes of attracting, expanding, transferring, and raising foreign investment, while promoting the circulation and expansion of good while amiably resolving commercial disputes with the help of local merchants, the further growth and development of Keqiao’s “sweet potatoes” - local enterprise and commerce” have expanded their vines to welcome those from all four corners of the world… basking in sunlight, rain, and nutrients anew, as the district’s darling sweet potatoes grow to heights never seen before - a phenomenon only just begun through May 30’s collective event, before focused, individualized services assist one and all in growing amongst Keqiao’s ever-expanding, verdant garden.


Opening itself to the world is a distinct characteristic of the Keqiao economy, and one of the building blocks that has bolstered its meteoric rise - a feature in which foreign investment plays an integral role. As a key gathering area for foreign businesses and talent throughout Zhejiang, Keqiao has attracted more than 5,000 purchasers from around the world to set up fixed or permanent locations, with over 1,600 permanent representative offices of foreign (regional) enterprises, and nearly 1,200 foreign-invested commercial enterprises established region-wide. May’s event alone, attracting 100 foreign businesspeople from 20 countries, further highlighted all Keqiao has to offer, and the increasing fervor for those around the world to join its ranks. “It’s so convenient here,” exclaimed Jin Jilong, from South Korea. “Keqiao welcomes foreigners so openly, for trade, investment, and life. And the government’s services are so complete.”


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照片:黄观军 摄



